First brexit victim: Saying trans women are not women legal in the UK

1  2020-02-14 by szopin


We have never lived in an Orwellian society.

good bong cope on show

We have never lived in an Orwellian society.

They said, completely unironically while being recorded on 60 different CCTV cameras

Getting raped by state like that is sadly totally legal, even if you get a boner from the thought

We need to invade Bongland

My bong is ready

dude bong lmao


In an Orwellian society all of those cameras are functional and watched. In reality there's one guy called Dave who 'watches' the 7 (out of 200 or so) operational screens while playing angry birds on his phone.

It's more a social trick into making people behave if they think there's cameras present, it doesn't make the methed out thickos change their mind but it does make easily manipulated criminals second guess and not do it.

EDIT: that was too serious. post bussy.

Proof that bongs are literal children

You have to get the people used to the cameras before AI gets good enough to track everyone's every move.

Except they are being stored to permanent digital storage, and when something goes down, they are sent off to china to be reviewed by angry incels. That's seriously what happens.

Permanent storage is expensive. I checked. Fucking NAS drives have cost twice what they should for like a decade now. Are the bongistani people really important enough to justify spending serious $$$?

Actually, that might just explain why those drives are so goddamn expensive in the first place.

Have you ever heard of magnetic tape storage? Its so cheap and stores so much data. Look into the price of amazon glacier storage.

I probably should look into that. Filling a raid 6 server with enough drives to be worthwhile is an eye-watering expense.

Yes, that's the point, and its perfect for daily surveillance footage, which only rarely needs to be pulled out after its been data mined and used to train facial recognition software / advertising software.

If something crazy happens, its usually in the last day of footage, which can be kept in faster storage until it is transferred to tape.

Im pretty sure glacier uses cheap lowspeed hard drives.

The only source I could find on that is a 2012 interview with a former employee. The truth is no one knows for sure. I'm seeing guesses that include Blu Ray, tape, and low speed drives.

It's more a social trick into making people behave if they think there's cameras present

That is Orwellian

Is this real?


also these

stereotypes are hilariously real sometimes

hotlinking to 4chan, what a retard

google images shouldnt suggest a picture if it doesnt want me to use it

Top threats to world peace and international stability:

  1. United States
  2. Israel
  3. India
  4. Saudi Arabia
  5. European Union

Note: I didn't mention the UK because it's not an independent power, at best its in a custody dispute right now between the American and European empires.

that's pretty anti-Semitic not putting Israel first

Where are the chinks?

Is india on there because rape was made their national sport?

India and Pakistan will start a nuclear war at some point I'm pretty sure. Though I'd put a lot more blame on the Pakis for that one.

This is wrong. #1 should be (((the jews)))

its implied

thats the reason america is so high up

Bro what's the point of triple parenthesis if you're going to say jews anyway?

USA #1 as always 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

Yeah pretty sure their most hilarious online naughty posting laws are their own creation, not that of the Eurocels.

Don't worry, the Supreme Court will fix it I'm sure

truly a credit to your place of education

I have been educated by reddit, it served the role of father figure for me, thank you for accepting me and my father like that, it means a ton of upvotes I hope

I feel unclean

Upvoted, clean your room

room cleaning gets you addicted to benzos

Oh... I guess that explains the room cleaning fetish


The fact this seems to be a very surprising decision tells you everything you need to know about bongland

Yeah, I'm thinking bongs are back

God will sink it into the sea.

Sinking is gonna take too long. I say instead we annex Bongland and THEN sink it. I don't know how we'd sink it, but we'll figure that out later.

Make Doggerland Dry Again

The anglo menace deserves nothing less

Honestly shocked a spark of humanism is still in their system.

The absolute hypocrisy of Graham Linehan standing behind a "We <3 free speech" banner when he was one of the most outspoken agitators in the nazi pug case, going so far as to try and get the guy's legal funding e-begging page removed and talking about "Hate Speech".

The man is nothing more than a washed-up manchild with no real principles.

He recently apologized to the guy.

But the reality is Glinner is a slimy fag with no friends left because even though he was always a slimy fag, everyone was cool with him until they found one issue (troids) they disgreed on.

So now Glinner takes what he can get, even dudes he called nazis just a few months ago are good enough when you're all out of allies.

I refuse to Google Arthur Mattews in case he turns out to be a fucking idiot as well.

a judge convicted her of causing anxiety

What the fuck am I reading?

Damn, you know what?

You caught me. You flat-out caught me. It's time to come clean.

Let me tell you a little bit about how I go through my day, which is also how literally every other moderator goes through theirs.

I wake up in my dingy, unwashed bed (which is covered with suspicious stains), then immediately scream for my mother to come downstairs and tell me that I’m a special boy. Once I feel sufficiently better than everyone else, I log in to Reddit, where I go through all of the top-secret communiques that I receive from whichever political party you personally dislike. Having accepted my marching orders, I motivate myself by going to town on my own backside with an anime-style figurine; a doll which looks vaguely like the world leader you most abhor. Then it’s time to get to work.

Pushing a narrative which irritates you – yes, specifically you – is obviously my first priority… but if a totalitarian regime which controls another country, religious group, or corporation has sent me enough money, I take whatever steps I can to promote or censor anything that’s even tangentially related to what they’ve highlighted for me. If the entity in question also happens to have a very small minority stake in Reddit (or if one of the site’s executives has rumored ties to their organization), then I make sure to publicly fellate them whilst simultaneously denying their influence. The more sucking that I do, the more cash I receive!

Mind you, I don’t actually spend any of that loot, because moving out of my parents’ basement would mean that I wouldn’t get that crack-of-noon ego-stroking anymore. No, rather than using those ill-gotten gains to improve my lot in life, I sculpt them into life-size (and anatomically correct) sculptures – using copious amounts of my own neck-sweat as glue – of the various public figures whose actions or perspectives anger you.

Anyway, once I’ve made certain that my corrupt overlords are pleased, I start looking for ways that I can ruin individual users’ days. Randomly removing posts (and then pretending that they were in violation of some invisible rules) is the only way that I can become aroused, after all, and I need to stand at my full, massive two inches if I’m going to be able to reach myself past all of my stomach fat. Having come to attention, I put on my self-pleasure hat – which is a trilby, of course – and start banning people who disagree with my opinions.

Those opinions having been carefully structured to go against yours, of course.

It’s time for a break by that point, so I spend an hour or three lecturing my waifu body-pillow about a given social trend that makes people (again, specifically you) upset. She’ll usually offer some kind of counterargument, which means that I need to throw an impotent tantrum. Whenever that happens, my only solace comes by way of somehow abusing my awesome Internet powers, typically while gorging myself on junk food, soda, and heaping handfuls of straight-up lard. Don’t ask me how that abuse actually manifests, though, because I’ll silence all of the remarkably insightful questions that you send my way. The thing is, I’ve never heard any of them before... and since my hidden masters haven’t told me how to respond, my only option is to screech at my computer monitor as I wildly flail around.

Those eight seconds of exertion tend to bring me pretty close to unconsciousness, so I have to completely ignore the communities that I govern for a while, thereby allowing a multitude of posts and comments to go through unchecked. Fortunately, they’re only ever submissions which you (once more, specifically you) find distasteful, so it still counts as a victory. At the same time, though, if you try to submit anything – especially if it’s entirely adherent to those invisible rules that I mentioned earlier – I’ll wheeze my way back into a semi-upright position for just long enough to mete out another completely unwarranted ban.

Finally, once all of that is done, I kill myself, frequently by dying in a fire. Getting the suggestion to do so dozens (or even hundreds) of times a day just proves to be too much for my utterly unfathomable intellect to handle, so I eventually succumb to the sweet embrace of death.

Besides, it’s the only way that I can get to sleep at night.

TL;DR: You don’t need to read this, because you’ve already decided that you know it all.


  1. First brexit victim: Saying trans w... -,*

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Bongs truly are the cancer of the earth

Lmao butthurt limeys downvoting you for telling the truth.

Being butthurt is the only thing bongs don't need a license to do, so naturally they partake in that activity very often

Being butthurt is the only thing bongs don't need a license to do,

For now.

But then they would have to ask permission to participate in their second favorite activity: having sex with children

"your vagina goes nowhere"

Is hate speech in 2020 bongistan.

any tranny cope?

Implying they aren't coping all the time.

Oi im gonna have to lock u up for that hate crime m8

More like dilations.

Look in 'other discussions', there will be plenty

It’s over for mobilecels

Any links?

Imagine if we could funnel tranny cope into renewable energy. We could power NYC for a year every time a tranny thinks.

Joke's on you, I don't think!

people have been calling ugly women men in disguise and other mean spirited shit since time immemorial.

Don't know why troons think they get a pass since they are easily the ugliest group of people claiming to be women.

Harry Miller, 54, said the police's actions had a 'substantial chilling effect' on him

Bong is a complete fucking pussy, nobody is shocked.

If this gets appealed and overturned burgers have a duty to invade and liberate bongistan

The burgers should unironically annex them anyways. Canada, Australia, Greenland, and New Zealand too for good measure

burgers have a duty to invade and liberate bongistan

That'd be a pretty fun weekend trip tbh, I'm down

Exactly, if we spend 700484884 trillion gajllion on our millitary we should at least make use of it

Tbh you can probably hand out flyers everywhere in the US that's not a big city and offer them a round trip flight and they'll bring more than enough of their own shit

Good point

Turn Bongland into Boogland

The concept of America creating a ragtag militia of rednecks and going to invade an ally is honestly hilarious. Imagine all the Cletuses stepping off the plane into posh-ass Burgerstan and just beating the shit out of everybody until the Bongs are forced to surrender and Britan becomes Cletusstan.

give all homeless people hipoints with plenty ammo and air drop them into iran, one of the two problems will solve itself

Bloomberg 2020

It would honestly be better off. They could continue to have sex with kids as normal and everything, but they wouldn't go to jail for saying troid on the internet anymore. Pretty much perfect for a bong

Plus we would finally give them fluoride. They need that shit so badly

Literally basically the justification for any US war ever, someone's career at the pentagon was suffering due to the shortage of war medals.

You say that like killing commies for shiny medals is a bad thing

And by commie I mean anyone outside the states

I was always told our wars were completely pointless, I guess you learn something everyday. Thanks waterhead!

I can't wait for you to spend two decades bleeding money and lives fighting the British trannie taliban insurgency. The HD trannie terrorist videos where they capture journalists and chop off their dick.

blocks your path

What would you do?

Suck the dick tbh

“Mom says it’s my turn on the Xbox”

Domestic law, had nothing to do with the EU. I'm honestly not sure if anything from Brexit has been implemented yet, basically the agreement was that they give up their seats in the EU Parliament to give Boris a fake political victory and then continue kicking everything else down the road, probably they will still be ironing or the details decades from now.

dude bongoloids lmao

On what planet should it be ILLEGAL to SAY WITH WORDS that a trans woman isn't a woman?

lmao i love how graham linehan is all up in this free speech stuff now even though he was one of the immense faggots that got in real early on the sjw shit and helped start the censorship trend

oh no now it slightly affects me so its bad! reap what you sow

Haha take that burgers we don’t need a loicence for that one