I found the perfect card for you guys. Happy Valentines!

1  2020-02-14 by Tasty--Poi


The other day some coworker was telling me how she couldn't cope with her father's death. It took everything I had to not smirk.

Every day I cry at some point because I just miss him so much. He gave me everything and was such a wonderful man. The passing of a parent is inevitable and he went peacefully after a life well lived, but I just can't believe he is gone. I keep thinking he is gonna call me to tell me about his day or complain about the neighbors dog again. I still can't cope with his death.


"I saw a word I am totally not a self obsessed 17 year old girl with attention desires so I didn't take a picture of it and uploaded it so I could get attention!!!!!"


There is drama and there is attention seeking. This is attention seeking and you just proved to us that you are mentally 17 or below and you were probably just a coin flip away from being a moderator on SRDine.

Explain how this is any different from teenagers that is looking up the word sex in a dictionary and laughing with their friends? There isn't now go out and vape and think about how pathetic you are.



Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.

Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.


  1. I found the perfect card for you gu... - archive.org, archive.today

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Snappy no! Vaccines are completely safe. I mean look at me. I was vaccinated and I am not aut-...

