It's gotta be way more than 109 subreddits at this point right?

1  2020-02-14 by Woolgun


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I'm not a homosexual because I have straight sex with a man and I like men. But I'm straight because I prefer women's dicks and love having sex with them. I'm a homophobe because I can't have it.


  1. It's gotta be way more than 109 sub... -,*

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Two dramatards laying low quality bait posts within minutes of subreddit being linked


I found this yesteday but sadly didn't post it and AHS is already on the case.

This is much worse and way less creative than Minecraft or air conditioners. Do better, MDEgenerates 🙄

/r/epicairconditioners was one of the most autistic subs I've ever seen, it burned too bright and was taken from us.

Uh oh, looks like we need a 👃✅

Goys mad

Anyway, you should post foreskin so we can see who's the real jew here 😏

The Christian/ evangelical view of Israel is inherently antisemitic. Its "support" is conditional and disingenuous. It's based on Jewish people falling on their knees and admitting the Christian's were right. The klan considers themselves to be Christian. To that point I think it's a feasible leap for trump supporting neonazis and klansmen to believe Trump is playing Israel for the evangelicals, which he is. They're anti Palestinians, and so is he. Israel is engaged in some of the worst human rights abuses in the world in the Gaza strip and west bank, and not to mention they just annexed the Golan Heights. Trump supports this, which these guys do too. It makes sense that they have shared interests that supercede even the most extreme and vile aspects of their belief system.


People who waste all their time thinking about Jews are the most subhuman group in existence

What is with deuxcels acting like srd and ahslite sucking admin dick here

>making fun of dumb, super dedicated alt-rightoids who make sub n.5468612 to jewpost only to get banned a few weeks later is totally the same as being a pearl clutching AHS fag

Your mom really shouldn't have been putting you head in a microwave to dry your hair, I'm seeing some permanent damages

making fun of dumb, super dedicated alt-rightoids who make sub n.5468612 to jewpost only to get banned a few weeks later is totally the same as being a pearl clutching AHS fag

unironically yes

Get better bits or gtfo

I always wondered what people who work at Arby’s do when theyre not working at Arby’s


Blatant dox

I wonder why they get cucked and chucked from over 109 subreddits🤔 must be the jews, can't be that they can't bee hive.

Jews control my keystrokes!!!

Tho tbf that's a brand new account and I've seen that collage before so it could be a glow in the dark. Or it could just be one of the rightoids zoomers, they are super fucking retarded and they know their sub is done anyway.