Cartoons are always for fortunate looking in appearance than their subjects in real life.

1  2020-02-14 by AnnArchist


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Imagine being inspired by a disabled child lmao

I would say that's lower on the list than being triggered by a disabled child

Are people triggered by her or triggered by retards being inspired by a privileged mayo aspie foid and saying we should be too

They are triggered by her, because they are even more retarded

If that's what helps you cope, I guess.

literally nobody is triggered by her lmao

Either you are lying or you are more retarded than she is

the idea anyone should listen to a child is comical and so people just talk shit about her for looking retarded or whatever

nobodys like "fuck i hate that kid its all her fault", everyone understands its just a dumb kid

what people actually get angry at is the dishonesty of the people behind her

You sound pretty triggered, retard.

Personally, I would have advised your mom to abort.

You ok retard?

thats not a very good response

Yeah I know, I'll do better next time

Greta is autistic too.💜

Most of us dislike person-first language when referring to ASD. It's not like a thing I carry around, it's not something I developed later in life. My entire neurology, life perception, experience and identity is shaped by being autistic, and that's okay.

Person-first language was developed mainly by caregivers of autistic people that want neurotypical people to see their kids as people, not any less for being autistic. The reality is if someone needs to be reminded to treat people like people, the order of words likely isn't going to make any difference


Theres that word again 🤮🤮🤮

Between mental illness, genetic diseases, injury related disabilities, neurodegenerative illnesses, learning disabilities, and run of the mill morons, fucking nobody is neurotypical

Is everyone "a little bit autistic"? Dumb fucking argument you have right there.

Autism is a myth dreamt up by the liberal media to make society tolerate people who naruto run in public.

Hey neat, i remember that one! Shame that neither it nor the original were able to portray blondie's adams (Eves?) apple correctly 😞😞

The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. Cartoons are always for fortunate l... -,

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I'm not sure what exactly this means

she looks like a character from Sweden in an american horror low budget film

Why is she dressed like Georgie from IT lmao


Imagine being inspired by a bunch of literally whos