This is how crazy women spend their valentines day

1  2020-02-15 by TeeEssDoubleU


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Why do men stay with these women

Because of the implication.

That they'll Johnny Depp him for attempting to leave?

Simp syndrome

lowest pegs of physical for guys and mental for the chicks

I guess they have little to no hope left in their life and figure divorce will just make things worse.


The power of gussy.

Actually believe it or not looking back this sub seems normal to women. My 5th gf was always so scared of being cheated on she checked my skype messages and shit. Women genuinely think men are just puss hungry monsters with no standards. I blame the media and movies with the bad guys always being rapists and murderers.


Low self-esteem, fear of uprooting the life they know and, last but not least, usually a history of abuse.

Gatekeeping hardons sounds like hard work. 24/7 checking for an erection you don’t want to play with.

Imagine if you were dating some crazy bitch that locked up the toilet paper and made it so only she was allowed to wipe your ass. /r/loveafterporn is no better.

Unless these cum police are DTF 100% of the time, idk why they think they have jurisdiction over their partner's biological functions.

Doesnt matter if they are DTF or not. Its a bunch of land whales who will beat the shit out of their soyboi boyfriends if they find them looking at a normal woman. Im positive that 99% of that sub are delusional after being almost beat to death by the ugly stick.

There was one who posted her pic and she wasn't particulary bad looking.

I think most of them are just incredibly insecure rather than ugly.

Not insecure, they have the Cluster Bees


Sounds like an idea for the next Fitbit product - a wearable cock ring tracker.

Some madlads already made

What HEALTHY reason could be possibly have to lock you out of seeing his apps??

Yeah dude just be honest with your girl. You don’t have to lock the phone app. If you really needed the police, she’d make a call for you. It’s actually disgusting to think you wouldn’t trust her about this 😔😔

-400 trust points

Someone link this sub to AHS for taking money away from sex workers and watch them eat each other please

They're TERFs so AHS hate them already.


They are? Based

Are they? Allah save us.

these are the foids that murder their "hubbies" in their sleep because they looked at the female news anchor on tv

Pretty sure that sub's filled with future murder / suicide victims.

On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


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What HEALTHY reason could be possibly have to lock you out of seeing his apps??

Healthy to them or healthy to a normal person?