Denver Mayor vetoes Pit Bull repeal. Pibblelovers MAD!!!

1  2020-02-15 by TrappyIsBae


So you're saying the manlet will be missed by pibbles?

Unimpressive tbh

post more poop pics



It looks like whatever tapeworm you had literally bathed itself in your shit before you passed it


You need more fiber.

YES SIR SERGEANT! sucks your cock passionately

Le totally epic and random XD

Lol get your phimosis fixed and maybe I’ll suck yours too

Kinda looks like a dick. Your toilet also has a strange shape.

at least its not a german poop shelf

You jack off to this shit?


Your silence speaks more than words could ever say.

Lol take that yties!! 😂🖕🖕

I wonder if he just decided to veto it because he saw a meme comparing blacks and pit bulls

The dude is black though, which honestly makes it 100x more baste.

I know he’s black

I’m saying I wonder if he saw a meme saying “of course the black mayor lets the dangerous 13/50 breed become legal...”

Just shitposting though

I saw a movie about this ban with Bryce Dallas Howard playing the dog lmao

I saw a movie about this ban with Bryce Dallas Howard playing the dog lmao

lol what?

Bad movie and her voice is so weird in this role

But I’m a sucker for animal movies

One of the end climax scenes is a whole group of veterans standing up to the evil animal control and saying how they won’t let him take the dog away lol

Ooooh I forgot that entire shitty 'animal talking like a human' movie genre and I swear to god I thought you were telling me that Bryce Dallas Howard wore fake dog ears and a nose like it was an Instagram app filter and pretended to be a dog.

Bryce Howard dressing up as a slutty dog or a whole movie would be excellent



dam, u think she shits from that ass

Nah I bet she's rich enough to afford a spare

She's got a shit surrogate

Terrible photoshop job lmao the plants behind her look like they have scoliosis

That kind of film only worked once.

just shitposting though

You regularly post on this sub, that really goes without saying.

Don't forget, you're here forever.

I love it when black people do things I agree with.


Stuff like this is why I've always voted against you. You really are one of Denver's shittiest mayors, and that's quite the legacy to go up against.

Says the degenerate with their fetishstic cartoon dog avatar. Checks out.

Also lol at that person threatening the mayor with shit talking him on their podcast. Of all the ineffectual threats you could make, I think that's near the top.

Great point u-upcomingDaddy, that person is such a 🤡. We should be listening to people who actively post to r/gaymemes

Does your pibble fuck you in the ass or is it the other way around?

You’re pretty obsessed with dogs and ass-fucking. I bet mom would be proud.

You’re the one triggered by a Reddit post about the breed of peace and somehow I am the one who’s obsessed. K lol

Why are you such a faggot? It's not even entertaining

the pitfag seethe in that twitter thread is intense

Here's my favorite one

According to the Denver City and County Animal Protection there has been 1 fatality-1- since 2010, due to a dog bite, FROM A GERMAN SHEPHERD. This has nothing to do with your conscience! Clearly it has to do with money! 1/2

Lmfao this goofy bitch looked up sources and all she did is prove that this 30 year ordinance to ban pibbles is extremely effective

Who the fuck would spend their money on something like that anyway.

Yeah bitch because there were no pit bulls around giving heckin smooches to toddlers lmao

Follow the money

Its not the breed, its shitty owners!

Meanwhile, a typical pibble owner:

I really wanna get some stats on pitbull owners by race to fire back as a response, along with an accusation of racism.

I cant tell if that is a man or woman

um excuse me sweaty, why does it matter in 2020???!?! zir can be whatever xir wants to be

jesus christ, check your privilege you shitlord

it's huge in all the mainstream subs on reddit reporting on it too

it's so easy to spin these dogfuckers into the ceiling over this

I thought Denver was forward thinking and cared about facts and science not fear based propaganda. As a citizen of Denver, I’m very disappointed in your decision mayor.


I refuse to let this happen, pitbulls are amazing creatures. Literally the most sweetest and lovable pet ever just because of an accident and the fear of people think they’re “ferocious” is unbelievable. Unveto this now!!!!!

Redditors going full boomer over pibbles makes for such a great show

Little lovable pibble just somehow accidentally escaped, ate through a fence, munched on some cats, tried to bite a horse, permanently ended an epileptic woman's seizures with its teeth, chomped up a chihuahua, and kissed that 3 years old to death. But he had never done anything like that before 🐾

"Rescuing" a pitbull should automatically remove you from the eligible voter rolls

“Pitbull” is literally just a name applied to a wide range of breeds and mixes that have certain physical features. They’re just dogs. Some dogs suck. People are fucking retarded, as you so perfectly illustrate.

Some dogs sucks.

Pibbles dont suck, they chew.

Pitbulls are a group of 4 very closely related dogs all decended from the bull and terrier mix that was popular in the 19th century.

I wouldn't call them a "a wide range of breeds" but more like inbred, extremely closely related subtypes of the bull and terrier, developed for dog fighting in the 20th century.

Imagine taking a political stance over a random breed of dog.

KeEp OuR sTrEeTs SaFe PlEaSe

this man hates toddlers

unveto this

Lmao pibble owners have low IQ

Shit dogs for shit people. Of course they're outraged. glad to see one of our users in the thread

He could've at least put on a clean shirt and picked up all the dirty clothes hanging on the back of the couch but then again this is your average pibble nutjob

Hygiene is ableist.

That dog wants to take a bite lmao he looks ready to jump the dude

Bites: 0

Honestly I’d be surprised if he noticed getting bitten

Even pits have standards.

Friendly reminder that when people say it's not the breed it's the owner, this is what a typical pibble owner looks like.

Damn that's a fent filled tweet.

My money is on booze or some kind of stimulant. Opioids make you sleepy, dumb, and useless. Opioid addicts just nod off and if they're lucky wake up later, not write crazed diatribes about the blessed pupperinos.

My money is on it just being Denver. Everyone I've ever met from there are violently insane and retarded

Oxygen deprivation is a hell of a drug.

Good point. I just thought it sounded aggressively white trash m


Oh good point

Dogs exist, therefore

This is an absolutely shameful decision. Judging a dog by their breed is no different than judging a person by their skin color.


And that's a good thing.

Every single time



I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. Denver Mayor vetoes Pit Bull repeal... -,

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Hancock 2020

The way people implode over the pibble question is wonderful

Mayor writes a well-argued, respectful statement

Twitter pibble moms SEETHE SEETHE SEETHE

would it be politically incorrect if we gassed not only all the pitbulls but all human pitbull sympathisers?

This is an absolutely shameful decision. Judging a dog by their breed is no different than judging a person by their skin color.

The absolute nerve to tell a Black man that racism is the same as a dog ban

Dog nutters are a different breed.

This is an absolutely shameful decision. Judging a dog by their breed is no different than judging a person by their skin color.

This is so good I can’t tell if they are a troll or not, but I’m using this in the future.

wish they'd ban them in the springs too, my apartment complex full of lazy gross people in walmart cookie monster pajama pants allows pit bulls (one of the few i guess). they all let their dogs run up to me and jump on me and slobber on my work clothes despite me saying "hey can you not i'm going to work" and they smell like shit always