the Harriet Tubman debit card was some bullshit im getting my King Card

1  2020-02-15 by hyledog



Here are the other 7 designs. I really like the one of Harriet Tubman doing the Wakanda X with her arms.

Oh fucking kill me, at least I can use blacks as currency again

I can’t even come up with something funny to say...

They really put Tubman doing a marvel pose on a CREDIT CARD

just think about that.

Just take it in.

This is late stage late stage.

My kid (who this card would be marketed to) thought it was fucking hysterical. He would get one just for the joke. But, if you read the reviews of the actual bank, the bank sucks.

You got a black kid nigga.

Doing his part to create a future king

n' sheit

Well, technically half black, but I'm a wop, so some would consider him full black.


>he doesn't know his outdated ethnic slurs


Just 3/4 actually.

Would make an actual good post on latestagecapitalism

Wtf. Oh what the fuck is that.

Black people need another Malcolm X or something. That is just disrespectful. It’s too much. Alt right trolls doing it is one thing, this is something else.

George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, on the Nation of Islam and its founders:

He referred to Elijah Muhammad as "The Black People's Hitler" and donated $20 to the Nation of Islam at their "Freedom Rally" event on 25 June 1961 at Uline Arena in Washington where he and 10-20 of his "stormtroopers" attended a speech by Malcolm X.

Isn't Tubman that white lady who's just pretending to be black, or is that someone else?

What happened to Harriet's mouth in that picture? I assume they are basing it off of this picture, but they done goofed!

I went to the malls and I balled too hard

‘Oh my god, is that a Black Card?'

I turned around and replied, why yes but I prefer the term

African American Express




Based and nose pilled

Talk about playing the race card 😒

Where’s snappy

I went and got an archive myself but theres no replies to the tweet

edit: snappy appeared the moment I made this comment couldnt stand getting cucked by me I guess

I went ahead and applied for it. Can't wait to use it at Popeyes.

2% cash back on purchases at Foot Locker

5% on any purchase within the city limits of Baltimore. Especially on cash advances at the casino (44% interest rate applies).

Based dildo

I love that the standout feature it's advertising is a built in 2-day advance loan.

Clearly a feature for people with "wealth".

Every single thing about this is fucking incredible

Bruh I need my $500 paycheck 2 days in advance so I can go get the new $400 Jordans the day they drop!

Reminder that even the ADL amdits they wasn't kangs:

the phrase is a racist shorthand reference to discredited but popular Afrocentric theories that claimed sub-Saharan Africans were descended from ancient Egyptians

I dream for the day when Nazis and Black kings/queens join arms against (((them)))

It's actually pretty cool because the entire field is a major mess. Basically that idea (hamitic people) got discredited after ww2 with people reeing that the whiter africans are tots not born from mixing with whites. And that anyway hamitics people didn't invent shit reeeeeeeee.

Except that more recent studies did prove that 1) hamitic people had major civs when the rest of africa had nothing and 2) those hamitics people genetically come from admixing with middle eastern farmers, who are the origin of whiteness. Thoses farmers are also the origin of egyptians.

"hey guys entrust your money to black people"

i wonder why theyre not more prevalent

When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. the Harriet Tubman debit card was s... -,*

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Not calling it KANG and KWEEN cards


Anyway, where is the r/stupidpol post about this?


funny meme kys

nice death threat, friendo.

it means keep yourself safe

nice death threat, friendo

Genuinely thought that was 2Chainz on the card at first.

There’s a Nazi “intersex” tranny hating person in that thread.