This is the sort of person bringing us 'The Revolution.' Marxism fails because its adherents are fugly.

1  2020-02-15 by jubbergun


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This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. This is the sort of person bringing... -,*

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Man looks like he lives in a bean shack

Massachusetts is not sending it’s most attractive commies to NH to swing votes

Boston is the California of New England

Only thanks to Californians and other transplants that need to gtfo!!!

He sort of looks like if Jerry Garcia and Sam Hyde adopted a kid with Aspergers

Syndrome of a Down


All wingcucks are failures who are incapable of accepting personal responsibility.

this is so obviously some trump supporter on trump supporter violence to make the left look bad

seen it a thousand times, probably funded by Putin himself

I can't believe you guys are buying this, he's obviously a libtard dressed as a trumptard dressed as a libtard, it's obvious when you can look through a lense without political bias

That’s actually Medvedev in a mask.

You know how I know this is a real leftist? Instead of punching the kid like a Trump supporter would have he limp wristedly slapped him instead.

He's definitely a Gamergoober

in current year + 6 what else could he be?

It's actually insane the cultural shift from 2015 to now

I honestly kinda am exited to see how retarded America becomes before it's all over

Its actually Andy Kaufman coming back from the dead to do a new bit.

I thought Adam Schiff was the Andy Kaufman character?

The only marxism this guy is spreading is Groucho Marxism


He's got that Karl Marx NEET look down to a T, at least. A right proper Comrade!

An ideology that’s all about empowering mediocre people and disadvantaging the successful attracts ugly people? What a surprise!

That is Thoros of Myr

Praxis af

Jesus christ, fox cannot keep their page from redirecting to boomer YOU WON scam pages.

That's a feature, not a bug

Damn Ari Schaffir is really falling apart

You would think he must have been the most pathetic loser involved in this situation but...

When we got there, we saw Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle, and my son was over the moon

No one recorded the fight? I’m furious.

How is his hair even like that?

It's this new thing called "unwashed."


Has anyone let r/ahs know they are missing one of their jannies?