Teufelshunde šŸ‘¹šŸ¾

1  2020-02-15 by Armadildo_


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Nigga that looks like a fucking Warcraft orc

He is a heckin sweet pupper šŸ˜ and is definitely not a velvet hippo. Did you know pibbles actually aren't a breed?

I was thinking of another Warcraft race.


Thrallā€™s son been working out.

German makes everything spoopier

On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about ā€œbloodā€ but about being available with unconditional love and support


  1. Teufelshunde šŸ‘¹šŸ¾ - archive.org, archive.today

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Tbh I donā€™t know if pibbles are actually violent and Iā€™ve never seen any relevant statistics and Iā€™ve never seen one in person, but I fucking hate them for being so fucking violent and literally eating babies

They are responsible for like 99% of fatal dog attacks, there is really no need for a counter jerk

I believe you, retard. 100% unironically. I still havenā€™t seen any reliable statistics from a good source (not you). This sub is overflowing with goobers spreading misinformation for fun, because it IS fun. Everything I know about pibbles I learned in this sub. I donā€™t know if the things Iā€™ve learned are true, but I do know that I hate those dogs so goddamn much for their crimes.

so instead of just googling it like a normal person you want someone to write you a fucking essay proving it or what?

its not my job to educate you but unironically


Like many people here, I donā€™t give a shit about pit bulls or the actual facts. Iā€™m not even remotely curious. I just like the drama of stirring up pit bull lovers. That was the whole joke.

Why are you taking this so seriously? Get a hobby dude

That's only because they're the negroid breed of choice. Be happy the hood rats haven't found out about the Presa Canario or the Cuban bloodhound. You'd have to be packing heat just to get a gallon of milk.

teufel hunden

True, it is only one dog. I should have used the singular.

Nah youre fine, it works as a generalization


If you don't think Ally McBeal was the greatest show ever put on television, you're a fucking moron and your opinion is invalid.

So is that her mom's boyfriend or what

You ever just have a pet orc

Yes, aksthully.

my friend had this pit and me and him was high as fuck off some fire ass carts

this nigga is like she donā€™t bite but the dog is having a fucking seizure or some shit freaking out and looking like she was about to bite

itā€™s weird cus i met the dog b4 and itā€™s never acted like this

turns out the dog doesnā€™t like hoodies and i had mine on, i took it off and it stopped having a fucking panic attack

I thought we banned all teenaged posters

Maybe you should stop trying to fuck the dog while high with your hoodie on.

Legitimately terrified. Where is ##pitbulldropoff that shit needs to be resurrected

Very true. I do my part.

How is that even wtf? The camera reflects the dogs eyes weird and its sitting in a strange position. That's not wtf; that's a shitty camera.

Im pretty torn, the dog is an actual fucking demon. But he is so sweet tho šŸ˜