Post about wealth inequality in worldnews brings out all the commies larpers

1  2020-02-15 by amanrobbedofhisdrama


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Bernie Sanders is going to do something about this. <3

Lol (-32 votes)

What's wrong with you? This is likely America's and democracy's last hope.

"if bernie doesnt win this fair democratic election then democracy is dead" holy shit imagine being insane enough to think like this

It's not a thought, it's a threat

Watch out for those flying milkshakes.


Makes sense. Democracy means everyone votes like me.

Kill the poor and the rich

Middle class gang rise up.

Kill the poor and it won’t take that much effort to make everyone rich

We need to bring back debtors prisons.

you mean australia? 😎

>Even the poorest among us are richer then any other point in history.

What on earth makes you say that?

Because they have ready access to potable water? That's nothing new.

People have televisions in their homes? The price of electronics is incredibly low and has been for some time. While a technological marvel, it doesn't feed a person, or strip away the anxieties of being poor.


I just hate this trope. What is it that we're lauding here? The poor today have it better than ever is a hell of a claim to make. Strip away polyester fibers and cheap microwaves, and we're looking at the same thing we always have... People working incredibly long hours for barely subsistence wages, food insecurity and all the other ills associated with being in poverty.

The fact is a family of four huddled around in a small, cold apartment that has fiberglass insulation is still a family of four huddled around in a small, cold apartment.

this retard thinks quality of life today isnt any better than previous generations that grew up in Hooverville slums working 18hr shifts in the coal mines at the age of 12 just to die by age 30 from black lung or tuberculosis??? Just because theres still wealth inequality doesnt mean poor people arent way better off than previous generations jfc

This take is just so fucking dumb. You can argue "well things could/should be better" sure. Arguing that the poor today don't have it better than virtually anyone from like even 100 years ago, is just retarded.

The poor have it way better than even 10 years ago. You don't need to go back 100 years. So many homeless people have fucking iPhones.

For all of the faults of capitalism, it will make damn sure to bring up the standard of living for all, even the bottom tier of society.

Edit: Thanks for the awards but I'd rather you do something more productive like donate to Bernie Sander's campaign instead!

Lol, donating to Bernie is just lighting your money on fire.

I honestly can’t wrap my head around how anyone could honestly support him. He’s a wet mouthed 82 year old with the campaign platform that sounds like something I’d come up with after freshman economics.

Economics is the liberal arts of mathematics. It’s a bullshit ‘science’

He's running on a platform perfectly crafted for Redditors. Free college, higher min wage, free government job (a lot of them seem to think that the government is an amazing boss to work for), rent control, and free healthcare.

Couple that with being a self described Socialist and it's no wonder why everyone rides his dick

The only employer in the country who will still allow you to work 40 hours a week is the government or government contractors. In the beltway is maybe the only place in the country where you can meet people who are not just being ground into dust. However the beltway also pretty much emits pure evil out of the ground that sucks away your soul, you either turn into an automaton career beaurocrat or start eating babies with Hillary if you start there too long.,

Imagine being this poor.

Working for the government is a sweet gig if you're lazy or stupid, it's incredibly hard to get fired and the pay/benefits are high relative to the skills required. Working for the government sucks if you're not a lazy fuck, because it's really hard for them to fire all of your lazy fuck co-workers that make your job hell.

t. have worked for both public and private sector. Would take a lot for me to go back to public sector.

Sanders is a liberal and won't solve anything, what I'm going for is that when he doesn't solve anything people finally realize the only alternative is the total abolition of capitalism and the formation of a dictatorship of the proletariat.

these comments are all so detached from reality that these niggas HAVE to be children

Imagine being at detached from reality that you think things can continue on as they are

Imagining how these people would react if someone actually went forward and actually took away the wealth of the rich and gave it to the poor has made me genuinely wish for a communist revolution within my lifetime.

Like, seriously, just imagine them going:

"We did it, we took from the rich and gave to the poor!"

"...wait, what do you mean the company can't pay our salary anymore? I mean, this whole thing is owned by a billionaire, how can they have not have the money to pay us? I mean, it's not like someone just... took the money away and... gave it to kids in Africa..."


Easily worth getting Gulag'd down the road.

more fatties screeching about muh medical debt


The UN basically thinks that if it’s not a globalist (Obama, Angela Merkel, ect.) being elected, that democracy is being undermined.

It’s amusing how when people’s vision of the world doesn’t match how it’s playing out they think it’s doomsday when it’s literally not.

It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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Kill the rich





Kill the poor