chubbies cheesed at cheeky ch-comment

1  2020-02-16 by 600_lbs_of_sin


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Since when is a picture of food "cute"

this don't even look good lmao I get that it's the service industry but that's that shit you eat at the end of your 8 hour shift cause it's all the kitchen dudes will make you

I knew a line cook at a restaurant who just ate hot pockets and fast food instead of cooking because he couldnt be assed to. I understand it but I just think its funny.

same as how every mechanic drives a shitbox 90s Honda with every light on the dash lit up

I mean TBF if you're a mechanic you know fairly well whether or not your car is likely to break down while driving it. And if it's not likely to and you can steer, stop, and not spin out by hitting a small puddle, then who gives a shit about anything else?

that's exactly how the mechanics all justify their cars lmao

"like yeah the clutch is going but i think it has 10k left and when it goes it won't take long for me to pull one from the junkyard and swap em"

You learn to hate whatever you make at your job.

Nobody made that pizza in a kitchen, that pizza came out of the freezer.

I dunno, I could see a picture of a tiny cupcake with a bowtie or something being somewhat "cute".

The hog's trough not so much.

And a salad would be personal attack

"you're ok now but just don't get any bigger" she said.

I used to have so much anger at her for saying that to me (and a million similar things)...but now I have more compassion for her because I know she thought she was protecting me from weight stigma. She didn't (and still doesn't) have the knowledge and tools that I have to know that the way to stay safe against weight stigma is to reject the stigma, not to stigmatize my own body and reject myself.

yes of course, being obese isnt the problem, its the "weight stigma" that's to blame.

Lmao if you're obese you're supposed to reject your body. If not your body will reject you.

And America is 1/3rd obese or something.

The best part of living in Ca is minimal fat people. Between the tweakers and the rich they're hard to come by

Everyone should take the Meth Pill

Desoxyn (Methamphetamine HCl)

And America is 1/3rd obese or something.

Along with New Zealand, Turkey, Australia, Mexico, with 1 in 4 being obese in UK, Chile, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, Greece, Ireland and a bunch of Eastern Europe.

The reddit rhetoric that obesity is some uniquely American thing while eurotrash are all in shape and healthy is peak cope.

Ya but you guys take it to the extreme, like Americans always do

Your country’s pride is being overly apologetic and defines itself by constant comparisons to the US.

Cope more’s entertaining.

Typical American, offended at everything

defines itself by constant comparisons to the US

Calm down, go eat a cheeseburger

i like your shtick eh

We're projected to be 50% obese by the end of the century.

We need a president that isn't afraid to call out fatties for their moral failures and proudly encourages them to do some pushups.

Based Bloomberg will ban soda nationally

This Manlet is really gonna become our guy huh?

Is he (((our guy))) ??

I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


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Wtf are self compassion exercises

It's when you dip Digiorno slices into sour cream and then get indignant because you never considered that someone might point out how gross that is.

yeah, fatty cope aside, what the fuck am I looking at? who the fuck dips pizza into sour cream or mayonnaise or whatever the fuck that is? I've known lardbarges who would think that's disgusting

looks like blue cheese + buffalo sauce combo and uhhhhh me😳

When I became a fat ass for a few months, one of my staples was pizza with ranch. It's fucking awesome, but definitely not worth being a giant sack of shit.


melanin deprived individuals.

Pizza with ranch is pretty good.

chipotle ranch especially 👌

Ranch with a shake of chipotle Tabasco and someChili Willy is fuck-me-up delicious. Especially if you get the quality refrigerated type of ranch.

who the fuck dips pizza into sour cream or mayonnaise


Mayo is good dip for anything

It looks like bleu cheese dressing and I'm not sure if that's better or worse than sour cream


It’s just a fancy term for coping


It's inspiring to see you approach this issue and these traumas through a lens of compassion. I've found self compassion exercises to be an invaluable tool - they've been instrumental to my (attempts at) recovery.

apparently an invaluable tool for their "(attempts at) recovery" aka failure

Holy shit this entire sub is worth the weight of its users in gold.

weight stigma lmao

America is 1/3rd obese ffs

heart disease is caused by fatphobia

10 sets of 30 pizza curls

Oh you mean pizza tuesdaysbat planet fitness.

There’s a normal version of that, like eating ice cream out of the tub after a messy breakup, but these fo*ds do it everyday

Midnight heart attack

Relatable. I'm sorry that happened to you. Mine would buy clothes (read: tents) that were several sizes too big because I'd, quote, get fat anyway - she made it sound as though that were the worst thing that could ever happen to a person.

based parenting lmao, imagine being this resentful after so many years that your parents tried to discipline you and teach you to make healthy choices and not become obese

I fucking wish my parents did shit like that. Instead they just fed me whatever the hell I wanted and now my eating habits are fucked for life.

it's never too late brother 💪

I'm in great shape now, but my inner fat ass has never left. I just want to eat everything on the planet.


I think some people just like to eat. I had a fairly normal relationship with food as a child but I still like to eat.

I've found the key to not being a fatass while still satisfying my apatite is to just cook some really heavy shit and don't buy snacks most of the time. I could eat an entire bag of chips in a day and still be hungry, and that's like 4,000 calories. Or I could just spend 10 minutes frying up 3 pounds of turkey with black beans mixed in, throw some sauce and seasoning in it, throw some cheese and spinach on top of that or whatever other vegetables I have around, and throw it in some sort of bread. Voila, delicious, relatively healthy (especially high protein), heavy food cooked for the entire week, cheap, with barely any effort to prepare each time you want some.

Since I started doing this I've had an extremely easy time just eating 2-3 sandwiches and sometimes a bowl of cereal every day. I'm gaining muscle quickly and losing what little fat I've got.

I'm lucky I fucking love brussel sprouts, broccoli, asparagus etc and that I spent my early adult life as a fine dining chef. It's easy to eat healthy and avoid carbs when you can cook the shit out of some leafy greens and a tri tip.

unironically impressive

That’s called being a man

she made it sound as though that were the worst thing that could ever happen to a person.

It's pretty far up there, considering how fatties are less liked and die of heart failure and diabeetus

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Being Fat Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Plate Like Nigga Put Down The Fork Haha

This will never get old Mark my words

Eating like that is what caused me to briefly be a fat ass. It’s not loving yourself to eat like that without a care just because it feels good. Denial is a hell of a drug

looks like blue cheese dressing, the squeeze bottle stuff

So mostly mayo lol

idk whats in the stuff the whole pic is tragic no matter what. a glass of a metamucil looks more appetizing

Especially when you realize that’s the second round of dressing

i mean i used to eat like that on the reg when i worked manual labor--it was the calories you needed. then i learned to code, got desk jobs, continued to eat like that, and uhhhhh thirty pounds later i decided that maybe salad is better than having to keep buying bigger clothes.

now im back down to a low twenties bmi with a fair bit of muscle mass and yo i feel like five years younger it's incredible

For real. I also ate like that for a little while. It tastes good but damn does it make you feel like shit after a couple of days. Weight gain and depression come with that easily. Now that I'm fixing it, I feel a lot better physically and mentally. These dumb fucks are gonna kill themselves with their bullshit

“My body knows what it needs better than you.”

Mom is so caring. Telling her subconsciously/subtlety that being fat is the biggest flaw a woman could have, & she just gets mad 🤦‍♂️ dumb tubby 😑

I've worked in the s*rvice industry it doesn't stop pizza dipped in mayonnaise from making you a gluttonous butter golem.

comments like that need to fuck right off. i'm 13 weeks pregnant with twins and a friend of mine, who is also a coworker (we wound up really close) keeps telling me i need to "chill out on all that pregnancy food" or else i'm gonna regret it when i can't lose the weight after the babies (yes, twins) are born. for one, mind ya business. two, i'm supposed to be hungry and feeding myself. and three, i really, truly mean it when i say I DON'T GIVE A FUCK.

You clearly give a fuck since you're literally on a subreddit dedicated to this shit and you're commenting bitching about it. Have the least bit of self-awareness.

Have the least bit of self-awareness

They literally don't

The eating for two (or three) thing is a myth. You don't even need to eat more at all in your first or 2nd trimester, and only 200-300 extra calories in your 3rd. Even with twins that's like 400 cal max in the last trimester. I guarantee you she's more than doubling that if people are making comments about it.

Yeah fetuses aren't exactly the same thing as a full size fatass let alone two full size fatasses

Intuitive Eating (Anti-Diets) eating philosophy is based around the idea that your body knows what it needs. What the chubbies fail to realize is that we aren't pre-historic cavemen who have to battle for every carb we can get and that dipping digiorno into sour cream is nasty and unhealthy.

“Sorry folks”

they banned me rip

That’s too bad. Didn’t know there was an anti diet sub tbh.

don't worry i don't need no help to stuff my face with mozz sticks all day

They banned me for this

Nobody is arguing they have no nutrition, it's just that these foods are best eaten in limited quantities. If chips and cookies make up a significant part of my diet I'm clearly doing something wrong

Shut up and eat your cookies and mayo pizza you bigoted twink

Talk about easily triggered, like that's not even judgemental or dickishly worded. It's just true.

They hated him because he told them the truth.

Impressive how one mom accidentally dabbed on more than one fatty, like dominos

And that mom doesn't even know.

Imagine the dabbing she'd do if she actually saw that thread.


not being fat is now an eating disorder, good job america !!

'posted a cute photo of her midnight snack'

How is that wad of mayo cute LOL


I recently saw someone bragging about how 'healthy' they were getting because they were "fasting 20-22 hours a day."

Yeah, honey, that's not health.

Holy shit, they really believe if they don’t eat ever hour they’ll die. Misinfo like this is a bigger threat to mankind than the farthest right wing ‘ganda I see around here.



A massive portion of sour cream for dipping use with pizza. Yeah, that's completely normal and not fucking disgusting at all