Foid looks through bfs phone and finds no porn. loveafterporn tells her she's "NTA"

1  2020-02-16 by TrappyIsBae


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Don’t feel like a jerk. You had all the reasons to check, trust issues don’t just go away. How do you check incognito history?

Wait a second...

Incognito history

This is the caliber of person we are dealing with, not even accounting for the fact that they're not taking responsibility for their issues.

>I went to his incognito internet search history and I didn't find nothing.

Imagine being this retarded

My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Foid looks through bfs phone and fi... -,

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What’s funny is that sub is full of women who have trust issues, but fully endorse actions and ideas that 100% of the time would create a trust issue in a normal relationship. It’s also hilarious how they think porn is the problem and that their unmedicated and unchecked mental illnesses are just “quirks” and makes them “special”. Bitch you aren’t special because you go into a suicidal rage every time you find out your boyfriends wanked his dick to some vanilla tier porn. Now reread that last sentence... the most normal thing about it was vanilla tier porn lmao gussy not even once

They unironically need r/LoveAfter_rLoveAfterPorn.

How do you survive being this insecure

The existence of that sub makes me clinical, I swear to god.

Why don’t these foids date the fine men of r/coomer.

Even foids have standards.

Low standards are still standards I guess 🤷🏾‍♀️

Imagine your life hitting rock bottom like that. May Allah have mercy on them all.

You don't get humor

humor hoomor


Imagine not putting porn everywhere and sharing it with my bros for a laugh

Check the top post of all time

I wish i had friends like this

Just WTFd irl

Where do you guys find this shit?

That top post had some guy jacking off surrounded by a million screens. Is that just a meme or is he seriously improving his enjoyment that way?

Is this why the retards in the anti-coomer subs are so puritanical? Kinda like how alcoholics can't just have one beer so they have to go teetotal, is this what they were all like before?

Is this why the retards in the anti-coomer subs are so puritanical? Kinda like how alcoholics can't just have one beer so they have to go teetotal, is this what they were all like before?

That's exactly it. Imagine slapping the weasel so much that you attribute every thing wrong in your life to it

This is what hell looks like.

I was expecting basement gyms

Cause they're all in their 30s.

Coomer bois are zoomers


Because even they won't put up these BPD psychos

My guess would be an accountability app that records all search history including incognito. I have "Famisafe" on my phone and it requires a password to get in only my girlfriend knows (I can't uninstall or fuck with anything basically).

How good is that pussy ? Imagine being a grown man and basically having parental control on your phone lmao

If her pussy was that good, he wouldn't be jerking off to porn. Or, if it was that good, she needs to do her duty and drain his balls.

Either way, he's retarded. Sounds like a desperate simp.

All I would search is recipes that never get made for her.

How is that sub allowed if the shoe was on the other foot they'd be screaming about a sub discussing how to abuse your foid

It's a marketing sub for "CSAT" counselors

They pay reddit ad bucks

Spoiler: He keeps his porn on his work laptop

If he is an addict in true recovery, he will understand that he has no right to privacy with regards to his addiction.

I don't think that's how privacy works, sweaty...

All my addicts give up all passwords and access to their electronics the second they enter therapy. Their SOs have the right to check their electronics whenever they choose.

Lmao the founding mod is a therapist? That explains a lot though...

Yeah, it's a terrible racket. That loon constantly riles up their paranoia, and then redirects them to her CSAT friends' therapies and coomer 12-step programs.

"CSAT is the only way."

"Your need to find a CSAT therapist. A regular therapist won't do the trick they are unqualified."

"find a CSAT, not a regular therapist. It must be a specialist. Appts 1x a week for the first year. less after that, but therapy will most likely go on for a lifetime."

If this shit is typical, these sex addiction therapists are probably due some kind of exposé.

They even state they just want their feelings validated. One woman I was with was anti porn, however she made money on the side by doing private cam shows where she would watch dudes jerk off and get paid for it.


OP posted this 1 month ago. Jesus Christ, her poor husband.

he deserves it for not leaving

Wow that comment section is rich.

But now for the real issue here, I don't think it's you at all and you're not overreacting or exaggerating. Your husband is highly highly addicted to porn in a level I honestly never seen before. Unless he sees that as a real problem and seek help nothing will change.

If I ever had a wife tell me I need to seek help for a porn addiction I would immediatly leave her. Prenupts are requirements nowdays to save your wallet from psycho foids like these basket cases.

If you get to the point of marrying a borderline you deserve what you get.

Night before last I decided to confide in my husband about my insecurities and the way I was feeling. His response was to masturbate to a video him and I took together while he was in the bed next to me because "he thought it would help". It did not help. He did not comfort me, reassure me, or try to validate my feelings. He jacked off and tried to go to bed.

Absolute king. lmao

I'm so glad my girlfriend and me don't have this problem. My phone is completely porn free. And hers is just full of cute golden retriever pics from her work down at the animal shelter.

White women dogs lmao. God, you incels are disgusting. Of course women prefer dogs over you. Your "friends" prefer dogs over you. Your parents prefer the dog over you. That's how unlikable you are. They're not having sex with them either. Just because you fucked Toby doesn't mean everybody else is into bestiality. Honestly, you should just satisfy your lust for canine flesh and go down to the animal shelter. Try to rape that pitbull. He deserves a treat, and you deserve to have your sin sausage bitten off for sticking it in the mouth of every creature with an x-chromosome with or without their consent. You're still an incel even if you are a serial rapst.

Nobody asked.

This reads like some celibacy femdom porn, but meta. In scared they are serious

Huh, apparently I'm banned from that sub.

Really caking it on there.

Ma potato face looking foid