I need help tearing my ACL

1  2020-02-16 by HRCsFavoriteSlave

What's the easiest and quickest way to go about this?


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. I need help tearing my ACL - archive.org, archive.today

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Plant your leg firmly on the ground, stand on that one leg like a flamingo then rotate your body as hard as you can.

Thank you, I will let you know how it turns out.

don't do that

Wait would that actually work

That seems too easy

If you give it enough force yeah. That’s how you tear an ACL. When the leg is twisted.

I had an odd knee injury where the mri showed that practically all ligaments except for my acl had grade 1-2 sprains, mcl pcl patellar tendon, dislocated patella etc. Fuckin knees how do they work

Jam one leg in a rock crevice. Rotate. Quickly.

You transcended sex, eh? If she climbed on top of you naked, looked at you with deep loving eyes, I highly doubt you would deny her. Your loneliness has made you delusional, "in shuriken range." That's cringy mate. Sex isn't something you get in return, it is something you both give and share in, and when she needs to a shoulder to cry on, it isn't the pizza guy who she will run to. It will be the guy she built an intimate connection with. That's the guy she will cry to. She will cry, and let her feelings out, and then share in another night of love making. The things you say make it obvious that you have probably never experienced a deep and loving relationship, but only project what it would be like. Maybe that's why you're so hostile. It seems the best you can get is the position of "food guy" or just be an emotional tampon for her while she complains about her boyfriend but for some reason she can't leave him and she definitely doesn't seem interested in doing you sexual favors.

I'm not trying to make fun of you because I was similar to you back in 6th grade. That's why I took the time to type all of that. This ain't it man, this just ain't it. Ninjutsu and shuriken training won't get you a girl. While cool, your life will be a lot more rich if you focus on building intimate and spiritual relationships that transcend material objects. You need to transcend material items if anything, not sex.

Make sure you're not on camera when you do this.

I'm curious to know why.

Trans acceptance

Go adopt a pibbles.

Easiest way involves wearing something like football boots or strap your foot to the ground, then get someone to tackle you in a way that spins your upper body a bit. But you are here so you have no friends so strap your foot to the ground and then try spinning as hard as you can.

It's probably better to tear your MCL, easier mechanism of injury and if it's minor, you don't fuck anything else up, if its major you fuck your knee in other ways as well so you can adjust this advice to your needs. Just strap your foot down again, flex and externally rotate your chosen leg and then hit it from the lateral aspect either with a bat, a kick or a full tackle

in my experience the best way is to have a breakaway in a big rivalry basketball game and go for a cool 360 layup and then fuck up the landing

Have someone drop a toilet on your knee

From experience I suggest 1 200lb Coleman ice chest right to the kneecap

You trying to malinger your way out of a deployment? Just wrap your hand in a towel and smash it with a hammer. Far less complicated tbh

Fuck thank you

In terms of speed and efficiency a quick inside heel hook tutorial on YouTube (preferably Danaher, Gordan Ryan, Ryan Hall or Lachlan Giles) would do it Get a friend to apply one and have him crank it. Shouldn't take more than five minutes and will definitely tear the shit outta that ligament.