r/itsafetish mods deny suicide statistics of transpeople and give women commenting privileges while men get banned.

1  2020-02-16 by lyamc


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Most of the people who joke about the transgender suicide rate don’t seem to do so out of a concern for their wellbeing.

Gotta scare em straight

They just don’t want to be banned...in minecraft

mods deny suicide statistics of transpeople

Because other than being a based tranny trigger it’s an (unfortunately) skewed stat.

while men get banned

Im going out on a limb here and say the mod is referring to the men who wear dresses get banned lmao

Based TERF move tbh. Doing this allows the sub to be looked at as an more legitimate, and the tranners can’t point their fingers and clutch their pearls about “TRANSPHOBIA!!1!” since their members can’t spam the stat and will now have to take on the troon menace with FACTS and LOGIC.

Quit using autism as an insult!

Ok now they’re just being unfun.

Quit using autism as an insult!

Ok now they’re just being unfun.

Make subreddits fun again!

while men get banned

Nah, men like me got banned months months back when a bunch of batshitters from GC brigaded the sub and started concern trolling and turning itsafetish to basically GC 2.0

I got banned because I made fun of a foid for being 30 something and having a sailor moon avatar and calling herself a princess.

30 something and having a sailor moon avatar and calling herself a princess.

This is who calls women “pickmes”

Nah, men like me got banned months months

Good terfs are better at destroying trannies.

They usually destroy themselves in the process.

You can always make few steps back and use dementia and cretenism instead. The resentment coming from the modern mental handicaps is merely an association. Reach to points where the connection went derelict.


Who knew a sub hating minorities could eat their own so much

It's probably a good thing that retarded gender-confused coomers are a minority.

I'm for equality, we can make fun of retarded straight white men, and retarded trans black women who refer to their penis as girl clits

why radfems won't let me love them, I want some femcel action 😩😭

Have you considered becoming a male feminist?

Love from male feminists isn’t quite “allowed” but more “relinquished under duress”

41% of O.6% of 13% of 50%


This is 3 months old and nothing on that sub changed lol

This is 3 months old

and yet some of us decided to comment there.

That's cause when things are removed you can't see them

Men are not allowed to lecture women about acceptable forms of expression to give their outrage at the misogyny we confront here. Comments complaining about misandry will be removed...

...Women can say what they want, and men can shut up or leave if they don’t like it.

definitely not hypocritical at all

Stop using autism as an insult ... Calling someone autistic as a term of disparagement is not acceptable.

ok thats just too far

Women can say what they want, and men can shut up or leave if they don’t like it.

I just titty-slapped the join button.

Girls: "No boys allowed in our club!"


These people are adults.

To be fair I think I might be autistic

You're on arr drama, it's almost guaranteed.


I keep seeing comments that bring up the “40%” or “41%” statistic, referring to the percent of trans-identified people supposedly destined to attempt suicide at some point in their lifetime. This figure is a myth. Stop repeating it.

The figure comes from a 2014 study that pulls its data from the 2008 National Transgender Discrimination Survey, which is rife with methodological flaws. Here are some of them:

•The survey asked only a single yes-or-no question about suicidal behavior, “have you ever attempted suicide?”

wow yeah i can see how unreliable that data on suicide attempt rate must be if they just asked a group of trans people a simple straightforward yes-or-no question "have you attempted suicide". incredibly flawed methodology

Clearly a myth, lolol. He literally linked the study saying that with nothing refuting it. Incredible levels of retardation.

There's multiple studies that end up around 40% though so basically they're dismissing everything because of one study out of many

When they bleet about sources these aren't the ones they are talking about

Then it's not a "40% myth" 😎

Source? Source?


I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. r/itsafetish mods deny suicide stat... - archive.org, archive.today

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I only found out about this since I was banned for this comment

Congrats! You now have the suicide rate of approx 40% (depending on age) which is totally normal!

The ban message said "do not promote the 40% myth here" and get learnt.

So I said:

Get double learnt

I understand the percentage is based on suicide attempts. If it was actual suicides then the numbers from that study I linked would be impossible. The successful suicide rate is known to be stupidly high, but the reason for having almost no solid numbers on it is because you have to know that the people are transgender before they die.


In that sticky you say that we don't know of people had mental health issues I related to it, and I say we do.

Take a look at the percentage of people who report to have depression, anxiety, etc, then look at the percentage of people who are transgender who have depression, anxiety, etc. Link

And in the study I had linked previously in the last reply,, whether you like the numbers you not, you can establish a clear trend: people who do not "come out" as transgender and just try to live their lives have the one of the lowest suicide rates. It also includes mental health (look for MH)

It also turns out that the more the transperson perceives discrimination, the more they attempt suicide.

For some trans people, discrimination is not having a bathroom that is specifically gender-neutral. For some trans people, it's not being correctly referred by their preferred pronoun. For others it is targeted harassment based on being "transgender".

I have this friend who had anxiety problems. Turns out the anxiety was built on these imaginary scenarios that she thought was going to play out. She once freaked out because a car was driving slowly down a road with a speed limit of 20km/h because she thought she was going to be kidnapped.

For transpeople, you can multiply those scenarios by 100x. When every social encounter is strange and awkward, every social encounter brings anxiety.

This is why anything but complete acceptance of trans people is seen as being transphobic.


TLDR: trans people have

+significantly higher suicide attempts rates

+significantly higher depression rates

+significantly higher anxiety rates

+significantly higher HIV/AID rates

+significantly higher homelessness/job unemployment rates

than LGB or heterosexuals

And if you look at the successful suicide attempts for teens in general, and the depression and suicidal thoughts rates then compare it to transgenders, you'll see the study that you don't like actually supports that.

It only makes sense that increased stress and anxiety causes less sleep and more depression which leads to more risky behaviours which leads to increased suicide rates and HIV.

It's seriously not that hard to look at the data and conduct a meta analysis to confirm the validity of the data from the studies.

Where's longpostbot when you need him


Words words words

noooo you can’t use words nooooooo


I'm sorry sweaty do trannies trigger you because they can rival your obvious autism?

The real drama is in the comments <3

Stop using autism as an insult. We remind you that ableist slurs are not tolerated here. Calling someone autistic as a term of disparagement is not acceptable. Discussion about autism as it relates to transgenderism and AGP is allowed, but calling people “autistic fucks” (for example) is not.

I asked by wife if I'm autistic and she said I'm probably on the autistic spectrum so he's not wrong

She just called you a tard


This suddenly seems boring.

That's what you get for reading

Nobody read that bruh

If you're in REgina we should hang out, I live nearby

No thx 😶

You can skate right?