New Yorkers debate the Race Question. Why did 3 14 year old groids stab an 18 year old foid to death? Was it the jews?

1  2020-02-16 by anoughnymoughs


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Dude nigger lmao

I cannot believe it took this long for someone to make this comment. ArrrDrama has fallen on tough times, it seems.

Dude, yikes, oof sweetie

Wasn't she buying weed off of the hoodrats? Kinda funny ngl.

I belly laughed really hard to this.

Congratulations! I do not often downvote. You have earned mine.


  1. New Yorkers debate the Race Questio... -,

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How fucking dare you Snappy. I thought you were my friend

This sub should require proof of NYC residency

We're just undocumented immigrants. Don't be a bigot.


I love how fucking smug they are. "Of course it's a good thing we have gangs of zoomer niggers running around stabbing people!"

"its not a stabbing, we're just being culturally enriched"

the memes write themselves


Imagine having black friends and having to spend the rest if your life pretending everything is fine?

Imagine having friends.... 😢

Without a doubt this sub is just being brigaded to help justify Trump sending troops into US cities

Yep the three letter agencies are astroturfing a community of extremely online NYC shut-ins in order to generate a justification for illegally sending in the military to oppress NYC. This is even more retarded than all the Texans that thought Obama was about to put them in FEMA death camps because of some military exercises.

Jade Helm Current year+6