Get in here bloombros Chad Bloomberg dunking on creepy joe

1  2020-02-16 by boyoyoyoyong


Bloomberg is bringing that raw I can afford to have you kidnapped and enslaved several thousand times over energy to this nomination we always needed.

Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. Get in here bloombros Chad Bloomber... -,

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Every whining lib in that thread will be kissing the ring in a few months.

"Beto, whatever his name is, he's apologized for being born."


Too bad Bloomberg contradicted everything he said in this video since he jumped in the race. Everything he said about why he wasn't gonna run still rings true. I can't see his path. Especially with all these clips coming out.

Biden's falling apart, Sanders is a fragile jewish socialist, Warren is somehow the most unlikeable person on the stge and Bussyjudge being some kind of gay glow in the dark israeli robot won't fly with African-Americans. Bloomberg's only real opposition is that Klobachar woman and he's got another 60 billion dollars to deal with her.

Holy shit Bloomberg is a god damn giga chad at this point.

I'm actually a bloomer now. Fucking chadberg.