Mini K/Mike cancelled for the fifth time this month, this time for discussing boomercide with a Jewish cabal

1  2020-02-16 by fujiste


holy fuck that's based

fuck the poors and elderly


the reason Sanders lost

End of life care is unbelievably expensive and it gives them like 6 months more of a shitty life. Once again being a bloombro is the only rational option if you want health care.

I would need to look up the exact numbers (why do that when I could toss out wrong ones though?) but something like 70% of a person's total lifetime healthcare expenses are incurred in the final 3 weeks of their life.

Props to big pharma though, they have society asking itself if it needs to abandon morality and kill its family members rather than asking "hey... why is this shit so expensive in the first place?"

It's true.

There's a graph for Canadian healthcare expenses that shows, per capita, expense for those over 70 years old is 10 times expense of everyone else including infants.

Hard to say what to do with that information.


Throw 'em off a cliff.

The stats I can find only shows 9-15% for the last months of life, and even then it's more due to the fact that people spending a lot on curing serious diseases tend to be dying of serious diseases.

people spending a lot on curing serious diseases tend to be dying of serious diseases

Plus, all the people who spend $500,000 on experimental chemo and then recover don't end up in that statistic.

You don't know it's going to be the last 6 months of your life until the treatment fails, so it's kind of hard to plan ahead and say "naw, save those Medicare dollars for the next guy, doc."

Stop injecting research into this discussion.

The more he gets canceled, the more I end up liking him. He's not wrong about most of this stuff and should just embrace it.

Yeah, like, why the fuck do the Dems think that Donald fucking Trump got elected? Part of the reason is because he doesn't back down just because what he's doing is controversial, hurts someone's feelings, or is outright retarded. Americans respect the stones it takes to do that. Bernie has some black foid storm the stage and he yields the mic like a cuck. That's not what Joe Six-Pack wants representing the country to the world. Bloomberg at least seems like he could conceivably bully around some smaller countries.

he yields the mic like a cuck

"Can be physically overpowered by a vegan" is not a good look for a candidate for a job that's all about projecting strength.

A vegan foid at that 🤭

Yeah, like, why the fuck do the Dems think that Donald fucking Trump got elected?

on one hand i'd point out that trump didn't basically threaten to kill the single biggest voting bloc (boomers)

on the other, none of this shit matters to 99.99% of people anyway who seem to kinda just vote for the person they think they are most similar to based on a few speeches on TV

You're not a real American unless you vote for who you think is most retarded.

We should bomb Greenland for real. Like who even cares about it.

Oh please just give me a crumb of that extra lifespan, just a crumb m'lady!

Why would you want to live as a crusty old shit who practically dissolves in the wind unless you're one of those pussies who's scared of death? Fuck that, when I start getting old I'm gonna go skydiving and drop myself onto a busy highway or something.

Is this 4chan's new candidate?

This is Islams biggest candidate.

These gaffes are the greatest way to get his message out tbh.

Holy shit how can one man be this based

100% I vote for bloomberg now. This is the man we need to do battle with the Trumpian right.

This is the first proshill comment I read without immediately realizing it was him

But, pizza, will he continue his war on foids if elected?

One can hope.

This kind of makes sense but I find it extremely unethical and it's even worse when it comes from this guy. This old cunt will be able to afford treatment when he's 95, I don't see why he feels like he can deny it to others.

Clearly you’re not understanding. Based mini mike doesn’t have TIME for the ethics, and if he has to euthanize a bunch of boomers, so be it.

Lmao who cares about ethics?


What’s the one problem that we’re not gonna have in 2070? ...

Current-day troids surviving into old age?

When a society decides that a life isn’t worthy no matter what the age we need to fight back. We have let abortion become everyday and common, now they have decided the elderly aren’t worth life, who next? The obese? The anorexic? The lame? The blind? The deaf?

yes to all that

Unironically the only people against eugenics are the people who'd be targeted by it lol.

I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


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Wait till you are a 95yo virgin, snappy!

Nobody ever considers changing the law. Make being old illegal and people will stop being old, make cancer illegal and people will stop cancering.

Vote for soggy biscuit and I promise we'll punish these criminals



At this point, what can he do to make leftoids hate him more than orange daddy? I honestly want him to win to see how far people will go to defend the literal avatar of everything they say they hate because he chose to throw a D next to his name.