Crazy bitch gets pissed off at her now ex boyfriend, everyone but one but one person says this guy dodged a bullet. Here is that one person.

1  2020-02-17 by MG87


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womp womp


  1. Crazy bitch gets pissed off at her ... -,

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eh makes sense tbh. if it is a one time thing, its okay imo. if it is some regular shit then its divorce

Well, you can't steal half of nothing 🤷🏻‍♀️

Wdym it's okay? If someone thinks smashing people's properties is an appropriate response to being ignored she belongs to a mental hospital. Maybe you belong in one too you cuckorooo.

If someone thinks this is exactly how it went and OP was just an innocent person who ain't trying to get sympathy online like a loser, they deserve in a mental hospital. Get your feelings outa here

you belong in a mental hospittle for being so gullible

Let me think of a good comeback, I'll be here in 30.

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I thought and:

1) Shut up 2) Yo' mama 3) Fucktard

Pick one

ill go with number 2, cus that tv show was legit

He only hit me once guys I'll just let it slide. If it becomes a regular thing then its divorce time.

Is this a bit? I'd cut anyone out of my life who smashed my TV in a fit of rage. GF, relative, friend, etc.


yes its bait dumbass

Don't be mean 😢😢😢


It's his fault for not expecting her to act like a child with no understanding of consequences, incels

Christ, this is why you should just stick with bussy. úvù

Said unironically by someone who definitely thinks they're a super male-feminist who supports dahwamyns. It's hilarious how now expecting women to be fully functional adults that take responsibility for themselves and their actions makes you and Alt-Right Notsee but treating women like literal children who need to be guided by a strong man and given time to sort out their histrionics makes you a good liberal.

Also that guy literally posts hentai on Reddit, why would anyone ever take relationship advice from a literal weeb jerker is beyond me.

Women are children who should be treated like adults.

Trannys are women with the character of men and should be treated like queens.

Trannies are just histrionic men.

trannies are men who look at the hysterical bullshit that is the female sex with envy instead of contempt.

Settle down, libertarian

Anime is lame, but I want to fuck hentai.

So anyway i started simping

we know


I'd let m'lady do literally anything to me or my property if I could just get a non-hentai woman to touch my pee-pee just one time....

Simps gonna simp, what do you expect?

that might be a joke. not 100% certain

You never know with weebs.

now i kinda wanna get a hentai woman to touch my pee-pee

like how would that even work

Lmao bro, that's just a TV bro, she only broke one thing, come on give her a chance. PLEASE why do you have do this to her, you are such a bad partner ! I would have forgiven her, it's not fair !

Needs more commas

I'm bad at formating

be better

Like, this, many, bro,

Stay with crazy partners, get what you deserve or leave your crazy partner and do some deep reflection on wtf is wrong with you to end up with a crazy person

That guy is a capeshitter that posts on animemes and simps/pedos out on xsmallgirls for girls with less than an aa cup. His girlfriend should have beat him up and not the TV. Chances are high that she found his CP stash.

lots of ppl like flat chests, nothing wrong with that, but no one likes a flat ass tbqh.

get the fuck out yamete

daijlbu desu ne?

So this friend I have who has a small dick says he likes girls with no ass because it doesn't get in the way.

has he tried bussy?


Lmao how does ass even get in the way of pussy? Ass only gets in the way of anal, and with anal it's generally not a good idea to rocket all 7 inches up in there anyway.


Look at mr big cock over here 😒

I disagree, nothing hotter than a flat bussy

Hope she sees this bro 😇


wOmEn BaD

This but completely sincerely. Women are the shadow of Devil on Earth.

Yeah if she breaks your fucking flatscreen.

Yes and

I mean they owe us a rib and doomed humanity to a life outside of heaven. This is why Islam is right about foids

Good morning


We should open a museum filled with Reddit's simps comments and posts, so people can marvel at their mental gymnastics, logic and lack of self-awareness

I’m genuinely confused who’s funnier among the simp majority and those MGTOW retards who thought they could escape their lifetime of simping by running away from women.

Seems like moids are the real problem.













At least one of the two parties is trying. Even if building a pillow fort and tacking a "no girls allowed" sign on it is the method

Nice username

r/inceltears already exists bro

Imagine being a sniveling weeb cuck white knigting for a mentally ill bitch in the hopes of getting a crumb of pussy

Amazingly he's correct for all the wrong reasons. The texts OP was ignoring could have been "who's natalie and why does it burn when I pee" but reddit never knows the whole story.

But no, reddit continues to be a combination of angry incels who hate women for not being impressed by there knowledge of race crime statistics, and pathetic incels begging for a crumb of pussy to show their funko pop collection to.

Moids were a mistake.

There was probably a lot more wrong with their relationship if his reaction to being stressed is to avoid her rather than reaching out for support, and if she goes smashy smashy at the drop of a hat.

Oh most likely they're both trash people, but I'm not going to get all self righteous over a most likely.

Also she's clearly a wh*te women, so the bigger issue at hand is that she's fucking the dog.

Redditors who post about their relationship online all have absolute shit relationships, no exceptions

I don’t know maybe I’m just bad at communication but when I’m super stressed I try to avoid my gf until I calm down so that I don’t take it out on her for something that isn’t her fault. But then again, I’ve told her this and she doesn’t break my shit

You still believe adults only behave as adults.

That's untrue.



Fixed, cheers


Feel good about yourself faggot?

My bussy tingles with pleasure when fixing moids so yes

This sounds like it was written by a 15 year old who’s only perspective of relationships is from corny Disney movies.

I want to ping this simp so bad

serial reddit longposter

Posts to hentai subreddits

Too many fucking comments about le ebin puppers and cattos

If this person tried to defend me in a thread, I would log out and then kill myself

like they’ve never been mad and super stressed and broke something

I am pretty sure I can honestly say that I've never broken anything of value in anger. Isn't this the case for most people? It is normal to have that little control over your emotions?


This is dude is a fucking cuck

Someone please take away his fucking internet access

Well, anyway, I might understand what sort of a brain wash keeps folks in woeful relationships.

That phoney did incredible job at - demonstrating - what lays behind the veil of deception.

bigger pictuer

communication issues

work together

What the fuck is this? Your last business presentation? Conceive, believe, achieve? Shut the fuck up!

This is why I hate foids/moids. Which one is it?

I have broken things in the past, my own things, things of other people, And as someone who suffers with mental health problems, it can be totally out of your own control, I have had to learn to cope and to hold my composure and to learn control, WITH my partner, by supporting one another, by communicating when there are problems, by learning that sometimes my head isn’t the thing I should listen to and to fight it. It is not out of lack of respect or to hurt people emotionally like you keep making it out to be, it is purely down to not being able to take back control, but I have learnt, I have gotten better, and we are happy together, because we didn’t take advice from fuckheads like you telling us to give up, to just not try and call it a day. So I probably have a better understanding of the things she might be feeling and how I managed to work through it with my SO and have better understanding of each other and how we are happier now and can move on from the past. Maybe it easier to just give up on a person, but not everybody is a lost cause like you make it seem.

I have never, in my adult or even adolescent life, broken something out of anger.


I awarded that comment. Stunning and brave 👏🏻