Good Morning!

1  2020-02-17 by MikeHuntIsAnAsshole2


/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


  1. Good Morning! -,

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Still funnier than Amy Schumer tbh

I work with a bitch that looks just like Schumer, its honestly uncanny. Shes an unfunny retard too, as well as being a walking stereotype: mid 30s, single, wine alcoholic, pibble mommy, legit told me her type was "black guys with felonies". White women continue to be Gods greatest mistake.

Lets be honest you fantasize about sucking the cheese out of her penis fly trap every night


Amy Schumer is unfunny but lets be honest, dude.

Big stand up acts cater to a retard audience. Larry the Cable guy, Jeff Dumham, Gabriel Iglesias...

Make silly faces and loud noises and use exaggerated mannerisms. Jingle the keys. Ha ha look at the funni puppet.

NGL I like that Tig Notaro lady. I like clean comics when they have a good routine (John Mulvaney).
But yeah "I did sex with a food, muh bobbies, muh vagene" is pretty low hanging fruit to make fun of.

I believed Tig Notaro was Adam Scott for 2 full years.

I honestly gained so much respect for her when she pulled a Bert after her double mastectomy.

I always liked Carlos Mencia he always caused a lot of drama.

A 1/2 Honduran, 1/2 Dutch or something calling Mexicans "beaners"

I'm surprised he was never lynched after a show.


How far removed are you from the comedy scene that those are your examples of "big stand up acts" lmaooo

Setting the bar high, I see.


🐶 🧠

like a pebble on a fucking geyser


I'm sure she's glad somebody laughed at her

Notice how even in her imagination only moids are funny

I can't get past hamwallet. That's new to me.

Male humor be like: me want sandwich. get back to kitchen, bitch. Oog oog.

Female humor be like: hey ladies don't you hate it when it's pisces season and venus goes into gatorade? [Reaction gif from the office]

Take the grog pill

Based and grogpilled.

Me thinks six is big number

There be no smoke hut big enough for six person

that a lot. grug believe long nose tribe up to typical tricks

human humor be like: familiar situation, unexpected twist, clever observation

ha ha ha

She doesn’t even understand that her impression is correct.

Male comic: joke F*male comic: annoying complaint



There was once a female comic who unironically believed that the only reason people don't laugh at her jokes is that she's a woman. She believed that if people thought she was a man, they'd laugh and her career would take off.

So, she disguised herself as a man and went on stage:

She bombed, and cried about it - literally cried

Lmao what an amazing self own

That was staged. It's from a mocumentary called Women aren't funny

Somehow that makes it even better lol

shut the fuck up youtuber and just show the clip

Yeah plus that’s Bonnie Mcfarlen and she’s a professional comedian who does actually get laughs, married to Rich Voss. The YouTube guy complains more than most chicks and is a faggot.

Well you're not going to rid the world of women

Maybe you should just try to make women more like men, I mean what if it's the burkas throughout history that got us to this point?

you're not going to rid the world of women

not with that attitude, faggot, go join the foids in Jahannam

The only funny female comedian is Victoria Wood

Yumi is okay

Tiktok makes me feel like a boomer.

I think the "that's great but I don't remember asking" replies actually get funnier the more I see them

I like the sonic one “Woah! that’s interesting but I sure don’t care”

They’re low hanging fruit for people that don’t know how to actually be funny. Retards say it over and over hoping that others will find it funny, because deep down they know that they can’t make anyone laugh. And let me tell you, no group of people is less funny than Reddit

That's great but I don't remember asking


ok maybe women can be funny

With videos like OP but then also this, maybe radical centrism is on the table

Hot in a weird way

She is underage you libertarian filth.

I was expecting a troid.

Seriously? She looks wrinkly. The wall came early

She's literally Ben Shapiro with long hair 🤮🤮🤮

Nah that just the big brown eyebrows with the blond hairs, remind me of an ex.

A femcel is born 🙏


If she's got you seething this hard, I can't imagine how you get through an ordinary day without an emotional breakdown.

seeth ≠ awareness

keep up the cope

simpcel pls

Cope. I would smash.

i mean, judging by the mustache at least they're on the pill

It can happen to girls even without the pill.


Aside from maybe 5 people in all of history, every single stand up comedian sucks dick. Especially, now that they’ve convinced millions of retards that it’s an important art form.

You listen to these podcasts and it’s comedians pontificating about their process and how great their stuff is. Then when you hear their, act it’s so bad you wonder if it’s some practical joke on the audience.

The men do lazy observational jokes, and the women say gross stuff about their awful gussys operate.

I immediately thought of Joe Rogan when i read this. The guy’s a great podcast-er, great interviewer, great UFC host, but i genuinely do not find him funny. I honestly had no clue he was a comedian before i really got into his podcasts. I really couldn’t tell. But goddamn, he goes on and on about stand up. Shit’s incessant.

But for real though, i get your point. 99% of comedians are not funny (to me). Regardless of race, gender, or ethnicity. I hate the Asian comedians whose entire shtick is shitting on themselves. I hate the Black comedians who do nothing but talk about racism. I hate the Arab comedians who try so hard to be relatable to other Arabs. I hate the female comedians who do nothing but talk about Sex. I hate the white comedians who seem to say unnecessarily vulgar or controversial things for laughs. Also let’s not forget the fat comedians who never shut up about being fat, or the boomer comedians who never shut up about the zoomers, or the zoomer comedians who should he put to death. Lastly, there are the “mass media” comedians who are just so watered down and safe i honestly wonder who the fuck watched that shit. I think that the absolute worst group are the “legendary comedians” who “you must watch!”, and then you watch it and they’re absolute dogshit.

All that you’re left with is a very tiny handful of genuinely hilarious people, and that group varies from person to person.

Imagine writing all that and then concluding it by saying Bill Burr is one of the greats, thereby proving you have no clue what you're talking about.

“tiny group of genuinely funny people ... and that group varies from person to person .... Bill Burr”

Imagine not being able to read

Stop trying to make Burr-posting real


Was just going to say Norm is probably the funniest guy alive, and even his Norm Macdonald Live stuff is much funnier than his standup. Mitch Hedberg is pretty good though.

comedians are some of the most self-serious unfunny people on the planet. over the course of years and hundreds of hours of podcasts, joe rogan has made me laugh one time

Especially, now that they’ve convinced millions of retards that it’s an important art form.

I'd argue that comedy is like most art forms, it's only as artistic as it's made to be. I know he's canceled for playing with his pigtail cock in front of some chicks, but that doesn't change the fact that someone like Louis CK did a fantastic job at making some really funny yet relevant social insights and critiques. Everything is great but nobody's happy, yeah-but-maybe, just say nigger you stupid cunt, etc. It's good shit, has more to say than 98% of art.

Louis’ post scandal set was funnier than anything I’d heard since he got in trouble.

The thing is there’s all these podcasters who thing they’re comedians that actually suck dick on stage(Brendan Schaub). Meanwhile, they have the nerve to lecture the public on how stand up comedy is this noble profession. The west coast scene are the biggest offenders of this glib atmosphere.

The only modern comedians I respect are guys like Colin Quinn, Dave Chapelle and Artie Lange who wouldn’t dream of subjecting the public to their dronings about the craft of comedy.

Top 10 female comedians:

Okay thanks for watching

That was by far the funniest reply. All the simping and mlady posting after it was just seething.

holy shit that voice is nails on a chalkboard. someone punch that thing in the throat so it stops talking forever.

I actually like that voice and accent. Am I just retarded?

where is the funny part

She literally just proved why women are bad at comedy.

Ella Hollywood is doing TikToks now?

I want to drunk on him, but I dont want to say anything mean to an autistic tranny.

Is the joke the caterpillars on her forehead?

She looks like Joaquin Phoenix.


Wow, what a successful transition. She really passes.

Fuck it converting to Islam and going to Syria to avoid these whores

Honest question: Is that a troid?

with that chin? of course it is

No. Voice is usually a dead giveaway.

Is this a woman (male)? Strong tranny vibes. Ben Shapiro looks more feminine than her

Shit humour aside imagine paying for a comedy show and listening to a chick who sounds like an 8 year old boy make the 4th "periods amirite" joke followed by the 7th "good evening I hate men"