Britain races the USA to the bottom. World #1 at provoking the inevitable Mayocide. Adviser to the Prime Minister, Sabisky,has claimed black Americans have a lower than average IQ than white people and are more likely to have an “intellectual disability”.

1  2020-02-17 by SandorClegane_AMA


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. Britain races the USA to the bottom... -,*

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I actually get so blackpilled when I realize most of you fags are depressed losers who most likely gravitated here because no one likes them and not because they actually have intellectual backing for their


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Are we still pretending blacks are as smart as normal people?

Yes, something something institutional racism something something socio economic factors

No shit. This is literally "wheres the lie??'

Who do you consider normal people?

Indian Brahmins.

Street shitters master race

Boston Brahmins BTFO.

You know, (((people))), not "people"

I am always straight up in saying that women’s sport is more comparable to the Paralympics than it is to men’s

Holy Christ jr.


I am always straight up in saying that women’s sport is more comparable to the Paralympics than it is to men’s

Is he wrong?

Male Paralympics 200 meter world record: 21.05 seconds. Female Olympic 200 meter world record: 21.34 seconds.

No fucking way LOL brb gonna go check this.

My mind = supernova

women worse than retards confirmed

women worse than retards confirmed

Have you met women? You wouldn't need confirmation.

Paralympics are people with missing limbs. Special Olympics is retards.

Holy fuck hahahahahahaha it never even began for foids

Yeah but that's the bullshit where they replace their legs with superior fiberglass spring legs right

Yeah Paralympic running is a joke. Pistorius was competitive in the regular male Olympics with his prosthetic legs.


Dangerously based.

Wait I just literally thought of this:

Why don’t we put troids in the men’s Paralympics category to solve this athletics issue?

Where is the lie?

He said Paralympics, not Special Olympics

We've got this guy in Britain we got Chad Bloomberg running for president here, are we leaving the current year time line

So here is the thing - he's unequivocally correct. The difference is well documented and it appears to be about 1.1 SD in mean test scores for college bound students.

There is nothing controversial about this. The media and his bosses boss's political opponents (this guy is just a low level lacky) are making hay out of it like what he said was "Black people are dumb because they are black", which is quite a logical leap since there are plenty of factors that can explain away the difference before you even start getting into genetics.

This is also part of the reason why basketball americans are fucked. At a fundamental level if you can't talk about a problem then you can't fix it.

Are you one of the better whites?

It's usually the untermensch who attach strongly to the claim that their race is superior. Lacking any brains or accomplishments, it's all their egos can attach to.

It's usually the untermensch who attach strongly to the claim that their race is superior. Lacking any brains or accomplishments, it's all their egos can attach themselves to.

lmao look at this fucking goy


Indeed everyone not retarded know thoses two truths. Blacks are inferiors and you shouldn't ever say it with your real name attached to it.

ook ook

do you mean like the we wuz kangz stuff lol

I have no idea what you are talking about, I'm not even white, or live in America. However I'm pretty sure that I'm better than you, not that it would take much huh?

It's not about better or worse, it's a pretty simple measurable comparison. Just as you would almost certainly find black people can run much faster than white people on average, it doesn't mean they are better it's just a trait which is different between the two races on average.

There is nothing controversial about this. The media and his bosses boss's political opponents (this guy is just a low level lacky) are making hay out of it like what he said was "Black people are dumb because they are black", which is quite a logical leap since there are plenty of factors that can explain away the difference before you even start getting into genetics.

It's difficult to explain the heritability of intelligence without genetics, friendo.

He wasn't even making that point, retardo.

Beyond based for a bong.


every government should have a dedicated MDE advisor

These journalists really think they're owning Boris and Trump when they choose a picture where their hair is messy from the wind for every single article


It used to be the liberal thing to say that black people have lower IQs because of socioeconomic factors.

Sometimes liberals would say IQ tests IQ flawed.

Or that IQ tests don't measure your worth as a human being.

But now liberals are just actively denying that such an IQ gap exists?

Od course they would deny that! It is political, factually correct dont matter. If it helps your cause, you say IT, if not, deny.

That's why pm advisor saying things like that is incredibly dumb. You litteraly open yourself to attack, by doing so

We just need brain points to be graded on a curve so blacks can be equal dude calm down.

Yeah, that is an odd change I didn't notice. We jumped from the IQ difference is due to socio-economic factors to now it doesn't exist.

outright denial is the hot new progressive thing

much like how communism works and trannies are women


But seriously, some of those things are absolutely true. It's just not PC to admit that


ITT: Bunch of autismo rightoids who doesnt get that politics isnt about "factually true" but about getting an angle



Andrew Sabisky, who has suggested “enforced contraception” be used to prevent the creation of a “permanent underclass”.