Dog lovers demand they be taken seriously for opportunistically supporting a fellow dog lover.

1  2020-02-17 by unrulyfarmhand


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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[I'm f**king furious. I'm also getting 2016 PTSD.

Once again the media and the pundit class put the thumb on the scales against women leaders.

I'm going to keep fighting, but JFC.](

I'm also getting 2016 PTSD

Jane is a patient struggling with grief over the rape and murder of her daughter in 1997.

Bill is a patient haunted by vivid nightmares of his squadmate being eviscerated by a landmine in 1968.

Caroline is a patient who cannot form relationships after long term sexual abuse at the hands of her father.

And here we have Dee, who is mad because Hiary Clinton didn't get to become president.

Women getting ptsd from their candidate losing is a solid argument for their right to vote being revoked

check it out she's selling resistance tee's

lmao that woman is a fucking scoundrel

Still having trouble believing it’s a real person.

Who would have thought that a white foid who pretended to be Indian to get ahead wouldn't be that popular. Not to mention her absolutely pandering to the mentally ill in the most ridiculous ways.

The thread is a testament to the mayofoids hubris.

She wasn’t pretending. She has Native American ancestry

South American dna was used in lieu of firewater american dna and they couldn’t even prove she was .0001

This character you’re doing is retarded

Still, Native American ancestry. South American or North American, it was still Native American.

It was “possibly 1/1024”, meaning “we can plausibly deny bein called liars because the test was inconclusive.”

If that were true, why wasn’t she listed on every category that way? That’s because she DOES Native American ancestry no matter how much she’s vilified for it.

lmao not even 1% using South American DNA, meaning it's equally likely Warren's "Native heritage" came to her by way of the Spanish Armada sinking than it did via her ancestors culturally enriching Natives.

Pretending your grandmother was a Cherokee princess was all the rage for boomer mayos.

Reminder that Warren is more white than most burgers.

She wasn’t pretending. Her grandmother had high cheekbones. It’s an honest mistake.

Allah’s creation of the foid and it’s consequences have been a disaster for humanity.

Lots of cope and ToTaLlY oRgAnIc donation talk, but no amount of cope can make up for losing over half of your support and still thinking you can turn it around. She better start cozying up to whoever she wants to be a VP pick for.

She should join Bloomberg and join the attack on millionaires like Sanders not billionaires.