Celebrity Roast of Beloved Cloakshit Moderator is an Enormous Success. Roastmaster is an Inbred Finnish Chapo Powermod, Seems Sensitive About People Looking At His Reddit Profile.

1  2020-02-17 by SandorClegane_AMA


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I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇


  1. Celebrity Roast of Beloved Cloakshi... - archive.org, archive.today*

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You are a retarded nigger jew, also the OP of that post.

shut the fuck up suck my dick and balls and then beat yours so hard they look like they had a run in with a hong kong police officer. also nuke israel

I cut off my dick so I'd never fall under foids' vile charms

israel cut theirs off for the Lord

I'm an ex-muslim so I already sacrificed my foreskin for Allah 😎😎


Imagine spending most of your free time stanning for a book series and its related fanshit that will never see its end published. It's like campaigning for Tom Steyer: why even bother?

This but unironically. Lord of the Rings is superior in every way.

I don't think that was his point. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rqb4V9GxaBo#t=4m55s at 4:55

It wasn't but it's still true.

What the fuck is wrong with my profile? Oh god you are the most immense manchild I’ve ever seen on Reddit.

Go stalk some capeshit moderator your salty about because their Patreon makes more money then the neetbux from whatever shithole you live in. I think that’s more of your gimmick.

Ok first, take a big step back and LITERALLY FUCK YOUR OWN FACE.

Oh shit the whole cast is here

at least i dont spend all my money on childrens toys

At least I have things that give me small joys, unlike Sandor apparently.

How many Funko pops do you own

I have made a commitment to never own a single, even if fucking given. Get your stereotypes straight.

I don't care enough about you to do that

Based honesty

you are nigger

What the fuck is wrong with my profile?

It reeks of homokaasu.

Ota kunnon henkäys ja nauti.

Minulla on kaasunaamari.

Joo sama mutta koska se on intin jäljeltä peräisin niin en luottaisi liikaa. Hitto ehkä siksi oon kaasussa.

speak english you fucking mexicant

Måste jag?


remember when adult men used to have careers and families and hobbies like golfing or fixing up a classic car to give to their son on his 16th birthday?

this is what they do now. god DAMN the internet was a mistake.

fixing up a classic car to give to their son on his 16th birthday

look at this guy and his big dick privilege

to give to their son on his 16th birthday?

to give

Not making your son work for it. What are you, some sort of communist?

in my excuse I only have daughters and CPS screens my gifts anyways so they don't get anything fun

Mr Sandor continues he campaign of, eh stalking me and thinking he is the on a moral high ground, for some fucking reason:


yeah this dude is triggered lol. no wonder he's sensitive about his profile cus its just 99% posts about his little toy video-game figurines

I just want to share the retardation of the dude, and that place was linked in The Single Book Club circlejerk to do that.

Funny how that link was the only comment mr hound deleted at once.

mr hound

Oh, is that what he's got you calling him? ;3

Or My Captain Sir Hound.



Now this is advanced autism.

Lolcow is a chapo too


Notch, again, we're asking you to buy and then delete this entire website.

Why is there a fuckin circlejerk sub for everything

Not even shocked. Clegane is a delirious retard. I remember banning him for a day in r/mememods and he screeched while he ran away crying like someone who's chicken I ate

Man this is totally gay.