Amateur narcotics manufacturer wants legal approval to run medical experiments out of his home

1  2020-02-17 by snallygaster


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  1. Amateur narcotics manufacturer want... -,

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There is so much fiction in LA based threads but digging through that shit is always worth the truffles that are when a truly insane person tries to argue with a substantially less insane person.

Due to the nature of Reddit jannies, I found the most convenient method is using reveddit and just going through deleted threads, because usually decent shit gets y'alled.

It's pretty sad you need a government loicense to drug up mentally ill bums and children. Government is always getting in front of scientific development, that's why we need arachno-capitalism.

sorry buddy, but science contradicts sharia. if you continue with your haram, I’m going to be forced to contact the local anti-witchcraft unit

Bioshock when

Based and 8 legs-pilled

Concept: an Animal Farm sequel called Eight Legs Ugly

Unironically this. Universities are fortresses of credentialism, and the IRB is literally a tar pit drowning anyone who touches it..

linking to sss

Fuck off ratnerd

Amazing find as always, Snally 💕

human subjects

schedule II-V

Dude drugs-cels are so fucking delusional with their “but I know chemistry” shit. This guy would get dicked by the long dong of the FDA into oblivion even if he had formal education.

Dude drugs-cels are so fucking delusional with their “but I know chemistry” shit.

They're the best; I totally forgot that people like this exist, but they're crawling all over drug forums.

This guy would get dicked by the long dong of the FDA into oblivion even if he had formal education.

Getting IRB approval for research that has any conceivable chance of doing harm to the participants, let alone medical research, let alone medical research involving scheduled drugs, is difficult even for actual tenured academics. This guy is beyond delusional lmao

They are a proud breed, and never understand why what they are saying is stupid.

It’s dumb on a level that is hard to articulate. What is he even giving? He talks about “identical” to scheduled substances but reading between the lines I’m guessing just RCs. What the hell is his therapeutic target? He’s either hoping to prove that alternative formulations of existing drugs exist (wow!) or getting people fried and documenting what they do. I’m not sure which is dumber tbh. They all think like this, that you can just do “exploratory science shit” with no targets or benchmarks.

That’s not even getting into his in vivo shit or IRBs more generally. I’ve only done an animal protocol for an approved lab and that was not a quick and breezy process. Plenty more to consider, doing it just at his place, not understanding the tools he uses to synthesize recreational drugs won’t cut it, thinking undergrads get approval and not PIs they work under, fucking funding for all of this plus pharm grade compounds/reagents.

It sucks to discourage him, I guess, but these guys tend not to enjoy being “stifled by academia” after a semester anyway.


God bless these dorks that read something about Shulgin on erowid and think "yeah that sounds cool I'll do that."

What the hell is his therapeutic target?

I bet he's one of those permafried geniuses who thinks that recreational psychoactive drug use is a mental health/spiritual panacea and that he'd be trying to measure some sort of bullshit metric like 'ether's effects on mental well-being'.

Oh god. He’s gonna take down Big Pharma...From the inside.

Turns out he actually wants to test delivery methods; props to him for originality I guess.

Ah. Hot things coming out of that area, but still gonna need official channels and a big team to work on anything new or interesting.

God bless these dorks that read something about Shulgin on erowid and think "yeah that sounds cool I'll do that."

I originally came to reddit to admire the general pathetic state of Incels and MGTOWs but they are one long brown note. Trying to be Sophisticated Druggy reddit is way more entertaining

You would love reading drug forums then (especially the pretentious enthenogen ones). There are tons of 'self-taught chemists' and 'ethnobotanists' waxing poetic all the way down to petrol-huffers talking about their crazy run-ins with the law.

Your post history, including your enthusiasm for recreational ether, has me imagining that somehow you got frozen in the Victorian times and have ended up here.

enthusiasm for recreational ether

How the fuck does one even get started on ether anymore? That sounds like something the Portland Narcotics Unit has to deal with.

First by extracting it from automotive products to use in making drugs, then skipping the making drugs part 'cause it's hard and just huffing the ether.

You're a junkie wasting your future and talents.

Seriously there’s no need to be such a bitch. I can see why you post so damn much about female dating advice you’re toxic as fuck

WHEW. 😩🤠

I may have struck a nerve with that last one.


He unironically thinks he's qualified to run medical research because he took some college courses and read some textbooks 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Dude got caught ether posting.

what the fuck is this

someone actually spent 700 "reddit coins" on the yas queen award

guy sounds like a future breaking bad schizo

Here's my hot take on how this is more fucked than it appears at first glance - if this was just a drugcel trying to make some drugs and get high he'd probably just do that without asking anybody, wouldn't he? I guess he could just be trying to get access to the chemicals he can't even get illegally like ether or whatever, but he said all the drugs he wants to work with are FDA-approved. I would be worried this dude's a psychopath who wants to do weird messed up experiments on other people.

He has activity in mayo designer drug subs and a sub about cheap chinese bongs and also opiates, so he's not a clueless nerd who can't get people to sell him drugs. I feel like it's genuinely not an excuse for him to make his own drugs and he wants to do creepy shit to other people.

I suggest we campaign to get him approved so we can conduct research on how braindead and addicted you have to be to become his lab rat.




My man wants government approval to recreate breaking bad 🤔🤔

Did y'all catch the part where OP is a definitely not dumb stoner who gave up his gf for drugs?