Pete fan falls victim to the definitely real roaming gangs of violent Bernie Bros.

1  2020-02-17 by seshfan2


Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.


  1. Pete fan falls victim to the defini... -,*

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At least he's smarter that Jussie in that he decided not to file a police report about this totally real event

That account is so ridiculous I can't tell if it's a real but insane Booty stan or a parody account designed to make Booty and his supporters look pathetic.

tweet feels like something chad keskold would tweet

I love to do violence for bernard. if he wills it then I shall make it so

is there anything more based than political paramilitaries?

Religious paramilitaries by far. Not only do you get to be violent, your violence is both righteous and earns you holy rewards.

Preppers be prepping. Based Americans.

I'm most surprised a few of those women were actually decently good looking

Less fatties helps

Nothing makes me angrier than the fat plague

Just wait for a contested convention and daddy mike taking the grand prize. Berniebros gonna be going for high scores.

I just got beaten down in the street and my nose broken. Mugged by (I swear to God) friends of a Bernie Bro I was visiting. In the Emergency room, bandages, broken nose, super messed up face. Bernie bro stole my phone and his friends deleted the video after beating me up hard.

be a petecel

knocking doors for pete

conversation going good until...

"yeah, that sounds okay I'm a bernie supporter"

cannibal corpse starts playing in the background