Drop your gym memberships guys, the Nintendo Switch is here

1  2020-02-18 by findingmemeo


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  1. Drop your gym memberships guys, the... - archive.org, archive.today

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This post was made by Nintendotm gang πŸ’ͺ😎

Wow. I never saw people italicize emojis before.



He's right about it not making you muscular. But what's wrong with these fat slobs doing some cardio whichever way they can?

If you're so fat and sedentary that swinging your arms around makes you lose 80 lbs, then the only exercise you need to be doing involves tying knots and knocking over a stool

this fuckin dude is literally using a nintendo switch to get swole

and what are you doing, mocking him on arr slash drama?

the only lolcow here is in this thread bucko

better not downvote me then bb 😘

πŸ’‹ i would never πŸ’‹


The opposite though

p90x is literally just flailing around on the floor and gets you ripped. you dont need equipment to exercise. as gay as nintendo switch is, theres no reason you cant effectively exercise with it.

Most it will do is make you lose weight.


You need weights to build muscle.

Unless you weigh zero pounds you can also use body weight resistance. Won't make you Arnold but also isn't nothing.

Also I don’t think I would feel achievement playing a game at home and calling it a workout. The entire point of working out is because it’s work...it’s in the word and yeah you do sweat playing ring fit but you don’t realise at the time because you are too focused in the game. It’s basically a cheat to cardio but I’m old school I believe in going to a gym, lifting and feeling pain and getting results from that hard work.

Exercise gatekeeping is so weird. How you gonna look at a bunch of fatsos actually doing cardio and diagnose a problem lmao

yah like sure it's fuckin silly that people need dideo bames to exercise

but you know what's even sillier?

playing dideo bames and not exercising

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Deleted it what a pussy

You sure 😏

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some gym bros, specifically the ones who are hardcore into lifting etc gatekeep this shit hard and they have a tendency to look down on people mostly or entirely doing cardio.

I have never understood this as weight lifting is fine but you will not get healthier by weight lifting alone. In fact you won't do much for yourself at all just by doing weight training. Cardio is massively better for you than just weights. It's not even a contest here from a health perspective.

Despite that some hardcore lifters just feel threatened by that I suppose or think cardio is some kind of cheat like this guy. It's weird but i've personally seen his type of attitude about it before so I wasn't surprised to see it here either.

I do weight training AND cardio. I have a god given right to look down on you. Twink.

perhaps but if you're a manlet you're not looking down on anyone.

short kings such as myself won't tolerate rudeness.

To OP's credit he dropped 80 pounds

It does tone you, and there are some moves where you have to squeeze the thing from certain angles that can definitely build a little muscle (overhead press on higher difficulties), but unless you combine it with pushups or something you won't really get bigger.

Yes, I play it at least twice a week lol you may now mock me

Nintendo convincing these guys to actually exercise is unironically a good thing. They know what their market needs. :v

"anything you can do to move is an accomplishment"

If moving is an accomplishment you are to far gone.

Man they really do not like people who workout lol

Nah that dudes just retarded, dudes happy a game is helping his fitness and retard is just crying about how he wont get big like anyone said shit about that

Ur fucking retarded and a midget


Nah that dudes a little fuckin bitch crying to fat kids losing weight about how they're not doing it right or cheating by doing it with a game.

I think that's what I said first time but while that dudes right ur not gonna get big off some dumb Nintendo game who gives a fuck let them lose weight

I like how they unironically call themselves "switchers" like there was any doubt the Nintendo community is fruitier than christmas pudding

Fuck it, if bing bing wahoo is helping you get in shape, more power to you.

But the second you hit your target weight, you ouch that shot out the nearest window.

First paragraph was good

Second was full on retard

It is possible to own a Switch and a Gym membership.

what a galaxy brained take have a cookie

Thats not a cookie its a turd

Imagine paying for a gym membership when there's literally heavy things laying all around the ground

I'll never understand weenies who can't handle exercise, it's really not that difficult