Facebook-cel is actually funny. Plebbit struggles.

1  2020-02-18 by _Reason_Bernie_Lost


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/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


  1. Facebook-cel is actually funny. Ple... - archive.org, archive.today

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actually funny

Ok yes they're way too triggered over it, but I wouldn't go that far


gonna link some rockthrow, seeing alotta libTARDS on /r/drama this week http://stonetoss.com/comic/but-whos-counting/

I wouldn’t be caught dead linking a sub with no context on drama

Ironically only one of those is funny

Wow bro really cool.... but i dont remember askin 😒

dude 41% lmao

Stonetoss is a nazi.


Shut up redditor

You should be already reconciled with the fact that attack helicopter meme always was, is and will forever remain funny. Just enjoy it like a person with sense of humor.


Listen I know that "phobic" is a misnomer for "bigoted" but there's something inherently funny about the idea of someone literally being paralyzed by the thought of a covert penis.

Covert penis man 🎵

Punching down

Yep, there it is. Never fails.

This post and most of the comments here just makes me shake my head in disappointment. I can forgive ignorance, but I can't forgive puropsfuly trying to cause a negative reaction in people and then fake ignorance.

sigh, just smh famalam cant even believe it

Punching down is funny cmv

Wokescolds decry punching down, but it tends to make for funnier humor than punching up, or whatever their term for making fun of someone with the same intersectionality score as you is.

That's always been the case, too. Making fun of those weaker or dumber or uglier or weirder than you is something that even children recognize as being the most enjoyable.

This goldmine of a comment inspired me to make a brand new subreddit, FragileTroidRedditor! I give it about a week before it gets yeeted, but until then I plan to have fun. Bussyposting encourages!

The problem with boomer memery is that all the funny boomers are already dead.

When will people realize that nothing is sacred and everything is a joke. Politics, religion, your country, your gender, etc its all stupid so just sit back and laugh.

I don't get it....where's the phobia ?

I think it's pointed at White Transh.

Ha ha now THIS thread is le trainwreck! Wholesome -100 big brain time amirite?

a slightly edgy joke? INSANE!! certified maniac