Should r/stupidpolers vote for Mike Bloomberg if the DNC rigs the nomination for him because of climate change? meltdown from a wide array of ideologies

1  2020-02-18 by Phil_Leotardo_


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  1. Should r/stupidpolers vote for Mike... -,

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Chompskyists/Chapos: Vote for Mike Bloomberg because otherwise Trump will cause Climate Change and humans will go extinct. Climate > All Else

poor working-class guy: I'll be homeless if I lose my job and Mike wants to ship my job to Bangladesh


I'm sorry, but you are being short sighted. If the choice is (for some reason) a million Americans are homeless and it saves the human race then..yes. I choose that. I'll choose that every time. Multiply it by a factor of 10 and I'll still choose it.

Holy shit, get a load of this pretentious faggot

Man, good thing it ain't his choice to make. Letting unemployable retards shit up political discourse will carry consequences for decades, I honestly hope the pendulum does not go this far when it inevitably swings the other way

Then again, maybe the whole "voting rights" thing needs to be revisited for certain demographics

That guy (magus678-something?) is a libertarian, btw.

Holy delusion

We need to end the money and credit system which is the root of most unproductive work. The fact is that the vast majority of humans don't need to work, and that most work is a fucking waste of time that is ecologically damaging to the planet.

We could cut emissions by massive amounts if we eliminated the 40 hour work week (like one day of work instead of five), we would have a massive emissions drop. Evidence for this exists in the pandemic quarantine zone right now.

We don't need any more good paying jobs. We need to end all useless work, which most work is once you take an ecological perspective.

How do you take someone like this seriously? These fucks are completely detached from reality.

Sure is convenient that the ecological perspective happens to be the one that allows the Chapo to do the least possible amount of work

That makes him smart

Leaf opinions don’t matter

Let's not act like an investment banker or hedge fund manager is adding value to society. You could easily get rid of half the financal sector even under capitalism with little to no negative effects. The stock market in 5 years in basically going to be a bunch of computers playing with themselves. However getting rid of these jobs isn't going to do much to curb climate change. Lowered consumption is needed for that and that isn't possible under our capitalist model without collapsing the system.

Let's not act like an investment banker or hedge fund manager is adding value to society. You could easily get rid of half the financal sector even under capitalism with little to no negative effects.

I mean you're not wrong but it's still job options, and those are always good to have.

However getting rid of these jobs isn't going to do much to curb climate change.

That's what I was getting at.

Lowered consumption is needed for that and that isn't possible under our capitalist model without collapsing the system.

Hard disagree. Not all consumption is equal, and the kind that truly harms the environment is a very specific one. Energy consumption. That's what's really killing the planet, the use of fossil fuels not whether someone buys many electronics or not. Also, cutting the work week to a single day of work for most jobs, like the other guy proposes, is a ridiculous proposition. 4 day work week would be a legitimate proposition backed by the evidence of increased productivity with the lowering of work hours.

The stock market in 5 years in basically going to be a bunch of computers playing with themselves.

Anyone who knows machine learning should just make a stock trading AI

They trying

The did, see RenTech. Their funds are no longer open to the public, you have to be an employee to buy in. Their annualized returns are like 70% before fees (which are massive, I can’t remember, 20% of assets?) and they fucking crushed it during the Great Recession. They have only had one down year and that was only down after fees.

Let's not act like an investment banker or hedge fund manager is adding value to society

Exposing farmers to massive natural fluctuations in the price of soy beans is definitely a winning move for society!

People been trading futures since the 1600s because assuming risk for someone else has value. Read a book before you end up like the chapos.

Imagine defending people making 10x your yearly wage for sitting on their ass while computers do everything. 🤣🤣🤣

Seriously If you think the stock market isn't just a series of automatic trades being made by thousands of computers now then I can't help you. Nobody manually trades anymore. The only thing manual still is picking what block to invest in and that's going to get automated soon anyways too.

Lowered consumption is needed for that and that isn't possible under our capitalist model without collapsing the system.

Its perfectly possible under capitalism to reduce the population and consumption. Unfortunately we have a bunch of lefty social entitlement programs that require an ever-expanding population as well as neverending economic growth to continue to fund.

The stock market in 5 years in basically going to be a bunch of computers playing with themselves.

Automatic trading has already been the norm for years and we are so far from this. You have no idea what you're talking about.

They're retarded. Why do you think they want handouts?

China is not communist, but that's why we should support China. Because under Daddy Xi, these people sew sneakers for $0.05 an hour.


Marvel studios and pornhub being the only “productive” work in his view

Honestly if the democrats win with Mike then it just teaches the DNC that they should rebrand as republican-lite to win elections and almost every progressive cause will end up dead in the water, so I guess Trump winning would be better in the long term for that situation. But the same also happens if Bernie loses to Daddy and the DNC pivot hard to the right in response, so it's a bumpy road ahead for socialists right now. Òvô

The DNC's socialist faction isn't gunna learn anything if Sanders looses.

I don't think the higher-ups would even let a socialist run again in that scenario. They only give Bernie the green light as an independent in the first place to bring that crowd into the fold, for when he presumably loses and endorses the winning candidate.

Tbh I'm not on the whole 'Bernie is doing this just for the money' train so I feel like that would be really risky for the DNC.

The DNC will probably just keep appointing fake woke liberals like Buttigieg until they are either swallowed whole by actual progressives and socialists and the party completely falls apart.

I don't at all doubt Bernie wants to win the presidency and pull the country to the left, but it's the DNC itself that don't want that scenario. So they let him run as the token socialist as long as he doesn't start performing too well (and start to panic when he does) :v

That's the thing though, I can't imagine that would result in the votes being split for the Dems. It really seems like the only winning move for them is to either put all of their cards behind Bernie in one giant hail Mary, or just sideline him entirely in favor for Biden or Booty.

Isn't this all moot? I'm fairly certain the people in that thread erroneously believe that having a Reddit account registers one to vote in their district.

this is pure cover for ecofascism.

Sometimes stupidpol makes fun of the stupid, and sometimes stupidpol is the stupid.

First, you are overlooking what is far and away the most important issue: global warming. They differ radically. Fourmore years of Trump and we may well be passing irreversible tipping points.

Wait, I thought the tipping point was 20 years ago? Or was it 10 years ago? I mean, its 2024!!! surely we can stop global warming if we defeat Drumpf and our climate predictions are heckin valid!