HipHopHeads decide that yes, the UK and the US are the most racist countries in the world.

1  2020-02-18 by tranquillement


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I'll take "I haven't set a foot in a non-Western country" for 500

Asians will have these negroes bawling in moments.

Nigga I'm already ballin' watchu talkin' bout?

That's cuz niggas ball homie

Asians will have these negroes bawling in moments.

I see we're pretending HHH is anything but a swarm of white teenagers LARPing harder than they've ever LARPed before again.

Non Western countries that I have been to liked their racism.

US isn’t the most racist country currently but their past of strict segregation and slavery combined with race was pretty uniquely bad.

seriousposting this hard

I thought r/drama was a setting for intellectual scholars? I guess I’ll go visit r/worldpolitics instead. Alas my fellow drama resistant for I must go!


Alas you must go to the popular subredit! Lmao very good dank irony fellow redditor! :)

Even if you werent seriousposting you're still wrong.

Go commit die

Come back baby they are only sometimes this retarded I swear

The muslims empires and the treatment of the zanjs come to mind here.

Agreed, self segregation today is all too common, and most of us are slaves to the 9-5, but that won't last forever. Automation can solve these latter for instance.

Why visit Islamic countries or China/India when Islam and the Chinese/Indians will come to you? 🤔

It’s funny most black youths in the UK, have never left the UK man.

Fuck, Spain is more racist than the UK.

Catalonians Rise Up

Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. HipHopHeads decide that yes, the UK... -,

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Lmao even Europe is more racist than the US let alone to third world

The caliphate of Europe is not racist. Stop with your Islamaphobia.

The UK is not kind towards its minorities and just because you haven't experienced it does not mean it isnt real. There are millions of stories of how minorities have been discriminated in this country and this country literally elected Boris who is an open racist.

millions lol what

Would love to hear if they heard stories about how first generation immigrants thought about the 'lgbt' community British people are amongst the most lgbt friendly, that's why people think we are faggots.

Lmao the fact that it has so many different minorities means it isn't racist. Most countries either have miniscule amounts of minorities or they have one group that gets genocided

Sorry sweaty they meant billions.

Millions of stories, at least half of them he wrote himself.



He sounds like a very nice, well adjusted young man. People say "nazis can't be productive members of modern society", but I think this young gentleman proves them wrong!

I'm getting tired of black people.

me too, ingrates.

we all are

white man bad


unironically tho
