Yet another MASS MURDER in the gun free paradise that is Australia

1  2020-02-19 by xixoxal


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  1. Yet another MASS MURDER in the gun ... -,

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4 dead

Mass murder

Literally by definition

The FBI defines mass murder as murdering four or more people during an event with no "cooling-off period" between the murders.

Fuck I'm dumb

You should know the definition because that term is so often used lately this past few years

But it’s not stupid to think mass should be more than 4

Is it? It's like a whole nuclearish family.


“I just killed a MASS amount of people”

Oh my gosh how many


Just seems to not fit

I'm moving to a small town in a similarly white state in like 3ish weeks. 4 kills would jump their statewide rate by like 3x.

North Dakota?

Bernie territory


mass murder

defined by quantity of people murdered and not by their mass


Any homicide in America would be a mass murder if we went by body mass.

If the Christchurch shooting targeted Catholics it would have been a mass murder

Lutheran cope

They should take the total weight of the victims and divide it by the average weight of healthy people. If it's more than 8, mass murder.

Liberals hate firefighters so much they'd rather expose these heroes to carcinogens than let people solve their problems with cancer-free lead

Does anyone actually hate firefighters aside from douche cops?

A lot of individual firefighters are total cunts but as a whole I like them and their services

Some of them even do it for little to no monetary compensation just like us!

Yeah that shit is stupid

My brother is making bank as a firefighter

Doing it for free is retarded with how dangerous it is

Still more useful than a janny tbh. At least you’re making a difference.

What? Nobody hates firefighters. Where do you guys come up with this shit?

Barring some freak accident and some of the seat belts getting stuck locked, I don’t see how a former professional rugby player lets himself and his three kids die in a car fire

This must have been foul play (murder, suicide, both) or a crazy accident

If they were doused in gasoline they wouldn't have much reaction time. They also probably aren't used to being engulfed in flames.

Ya I somehow missed the sentence where the woman said the husband poured gas on them

The ABC understands Ms Baxter jumped from the vehicle and yelled "he's poured petrol on me".

What the fuck is wrong with moids?

Dang I must be drunk

I totally missed that sentence

He was just trying to fire up the barbie

moids are the pitbulls of gender

Soooo the wife divorces the husband and then the husband decides to kill them all?

You see if we had sharia law then the husband could have just killed his ex wife and the kids would have lived. Smh

Is Rugby the sport of peace?


Yet again proving Australians are a naturally violent race and must be suppressed at all costs