Acts like one, gets called one, calls himself one, cries online like one and it's ok to be one

1  2020-02-19 by newcomer_ts


/r/drama was part of my shift rightward. There are a lot of rightoids in there doing the lords work, showing people to the light. Ironic rightoid posting can still red-pill people. And good drama is still good drama, whether it's chapotards sperging out over ableism in the revolution or the Donald Defense Force sperging out about NPCs. Drama is one of the few places where actual fascists and actual leftists clash on a daily basis, and it's pretty entertaining.

I'm currently banned for circumventing the custom subreddit style at /r/drama though.


  1. Acts like one, gets called one, cal... -,

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Based immigrant

Entitled Faggots vs Hard Working Immigrants

A tale as old as time

Immigrants and non mayos are the only people brining sanity in Toronto. Otherwise it would look like r/toronto 🤮

That subreddit makes it look like that they don't actually live in Toronto but in the surrounding areas.

/** seriousposting warning **

In the comments, I notice two things... one, everyone is so shocked over what is really mild exchange and offensive word was uttered only once, there was no any violence nor threats, just a man at the end of his wits dealing with flamboyant and rude customer. The whole situation is far from being clean cut situation of someone who is unprovoked. FFS, we acquit people from manslaughter if there's even a hint of provocation.

Second thing, while the guy was obviously fired, there are people who are calling for manager to be fired, too. The guy who actually helped to defuse and prevent further escalation, somehow, he's as much guilty. What do people expect manager to do to show he's a hero they need in this case?

This is Toronto, 2020.

How's this even possible???

wasnt that long ago where we taught the children to ignore people who said mean things to you. Now, we teach them to cry, scream, take pictures and post them on twitter with instructions on how to contact their supervisor. Im sure this is for the better.

Doesn’t anyone remember sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

Just don't send your kids to uni. Easy as that.

calls it uni

What are you europoor or a leaf

Half leaf, half American.

One drop rule leaf

Day of the Rake when?

Hopefully sooner than later. I, as a US citizen, would love to participate.

You'll be discovered when you apologize during a lynching.

I was born in New Hampshire. I have US citizenship. I just claim that a foid kidnapped me to Canada when I was little.

Lmao the stem programs are apolitical as shit because everyone's too busy studying 28/7 and the business programs are conservative as shit cause they know they'll be most likely upper middle class. It's not don't send your kids to uni, it's don't send your kids to uni if they can't even pass grade 12 math to get into a real program.

Tell that to triggered Conservatives that go "reeeeeeeeee higher education" whenever a meeting at a uni starts with " We would like to begin by acknowledging that the land on which we gather is Treaty 6 territory, the traditional territory of Cree Peoples, and the homeland of the MĂ©tis Nation." here in leaf land.

Why would I tell conservatives anything, I don't talk to dogs.

I dont think the conservatives in the Business and Finance classes are going to give a shit about anything that does make them more money.

My eng experience had the typical soy fellows and WOMEN IN STEM NOW girls in charge of the student society.

The majority were cool but the ones who got involved were the absolute le stem stereotypes and are all "queer" or radlibs now.

Best part of the business school is all the foids go into marketing so even less of a chance to deal with their bs

No they go into HR. The ones who go into marketing quickly realize marketing is even more math than accounting and go to HR.


Hell, I wouldn't know. I never stepped foot in those "business" parts of the school

Must’ve missed that class in school. 🤔

Kind of insidious because perpetuating the idea that “words are violence” will obviously lead to more real world violence which means it must be their goal.

No "we" (i.e., normal people) don't. Only childless borderline-personality wimps act like this.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but I swear to fucking Christ if you use one of my trigger words I'll give you a Columbian neck tie you racist Nazi fascist anarcho-primalist commie!

How's this even possible???

Mayos being mayos.

it's really easy

redditors never fucking go outside and especially not after school hours so they never experience the evils of the real world like blue collar alcoholics swearing

Word up

People who got beat and screamed at by their alcoholic father are far less fucked up than a contemporary political radical.



It’s Canada

FFS, we acquit people from manslaughter if there's even a hint of provocation

I don’t think you’re familiar with the law lmao

Are you from Toronto? Because it seems like OP is and has some specific example in mind

Doubt it

Cancel culture. Instead of realizing that an employee working a dead end job is acting like he doesnt give a shit is the one to blame, they want a place that sells cardboard covered in tomato sauce and cheese to suffer even though they have done nothing wrong.

When did minimum wage employees become the front line of the culture war? You have some of the least skilled, least important labor on the market now being expected to navigate the political and social undercurrents affecting their customers.

Petit Bougie fag oppresses working man by getting him fired for violating a bourgieoise taboo

Are hardcore marxists secretly based?

We keep TELLIN yous

Wow the sub is turning more altright by the day.

Twitter was always altright refuge.

Shut up, leaf

As an unironic bussy lover I'll add that a drunk gay man is extremely irritating to be around. Especially with that kinda voice.

Woohoo, cancelled another one 🥳🥳🥳

Sure, yeah, they fired him. But it didn't appease alphabet Twitter.

Summoning alphabet twitter is the modern equivalent to calling upon the Blood God for vengeance. Except Twitter cannot be stopped by throwing a virgin into a volcano.

If only it were that easy...

More cock for the cock gods, more bussy for the bussy throne!


Mayocide when?

Can’t wait to see the entire story eventually come out. Why do drunks do this? Also, someone should go through that guy’s tweets and find the time he said the n word.

Yeah really interesting we only have a six second clip at the climax of the confrontation 🤔.

Guy filming was probably very drunk. I mean, why else go into a pizza shop late at night?

Also, someone should go through that guy’s tweets and find the time he said the n word.

I love when this happens


Dude bussy


what a faggot

The blonde is hot af. I don't know what he's doing with that faggot

The blonde is the one in the video lmao

Well no wonder he's so entitled. I'd still hate fuck his bussy

Good morning i hate faggots

Hella gay

So homophobia is still a problem in even the most progressive place in the world.

Social Media Management specialist

He's a fucking faggot.


This happened in Canada, this guy might actually get the death penalty!

This. đź‘Ź Is. đź‘Ź NOT. đź‘Ź Okay. đź‘Ź

A modest radical centrist proposal:

Any immigrant with at least a high school degree can take the place of any faggot with an active Twitter and Instagram

Tell me the downsides, you can’t

There will be no foids in the workplace then!

....wait a second

tell me the downsides

Lol, abusing the people with the lowest paid shittiest job and somehow he's oppressing some gay Karen.

"I wonder how we can bring the proletariat to our side and make them realize that the 1% are using them as near slave labor....?"


Harasses minimum wage employee and gets them fired

Yaaaassss king make sure than low income immigrant NEVER works again!

Smh how dare they not accept fellatio in exchange for pizza

"File a human rights complaint"

I hope every leaf gets the fucking rake. The leaf is worth less than the chewing gum you see under city handrails.

God I miss the day when I could just call my friends faggots and they call me faggot and we were all faggots and nobody would give a shit. There's literally no replacement, the word is perfect. Fucking faggots fucking have to ruin faggot too.


Putting periods between words makes it extra serious.

Hella gay

Social Media Management specialist