Zim Zam is coming for that Buti (and Warren)

1  2020-02-19 by The_Live_Ghost


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. Zim Zam is coming for that Buti (an... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Warren might get this dismissed, she's so irrelevant no cares what she has to say.

Our guy

The lawsuit argued Warren and Buttigieg falsely tied Martin’s death to “gun violence"


Defamation lawsuits are so fun. The hill you have to climb to prove it is bonkers so even if you have a good case you are screwed, let alone this.

Ya for defamation don’t I have to make up a lie and spread that lie purposely as if it’s true?

Like if I say -M-o-X- is a SRD poster

It also has to be shown that the lie significantly hurt that person in some tangible way.

OH HO HO Well let's analyze it!

Off the top of the dome:

Defamation requires the plaintiff to:

  • The statement must have been communicated to third parties. (check)

  • The statement must be false and be presented as fact. (check)

  • Prove defendant's responsibility to at least negligence standards. (check)

  • Show actual damages caused by the defamation. (?)

This is for me as a private person. If you are a public figure you may as well just straight give up any hope because the standard of proof rises to being required to prove the other person knew the statement was false (or should have known) and intended to injure you or profit from it.

The damages part is usually what keeps things out of court. I can call you a faggot all day but if it doesn't actually cause you harm you can't do shit.


There is also a wrinkle called defamation per se. This is when you accuse someone of having committed a crime which waives the damages requirement and allows the court to assume damages.

So, since you basically just called me a pedophile, I'll see you in court motherfucker.

You can demand and get damages of 1 dollar. Its not uncommon for defamation cases. Look at the "pedo guy" thing, Musk's lawyer was telling the jurors "even if you think this was defamation, just award the 1$ minimum because there were no damages"

Nigga just lost 1 dollar. Fucking GG

Usually the point there is to stop them from being able to make the statement, not get money.

Sounds something a poor person would say

Wrong. Rich people have money already. It's poorcels that try to get money through lawsuits.

speech is money my dear ignoramus.

You clearly were not classically educated. I detect a distinctly semitic pedagogy.

So what you’re saying is I can shit talk with impunity 😈


I got to know...how is he still getting lawyers to file these bullshit cases that have zero hope?


RIght...he has to pay the lawyers...where is he getting his money from? He had to have burned through the stupid gun action money already...

In December 2013, Zimmerman began selling paintings he had made. His first painting, of an American flag, sold for $100,099.99 on eBay in late December.

Conservative faggots will always throw money at morons

That is like $14k a year, assuming he has been smart with his money...which he hasn't.

He also sold the gun he used in the shooting for 120k

the lawyers front the money/do it for free/fees are waived. in return they get a much larger chunk of the settlement (if there is one)

But they are also not stupid.

There is zero chance that this case could result in even a settlement.

But they are also not stupid.

he's got no other way to fund these lawsuits though; it's the only reasonable answer. or he has a goFundMe type thing for these which wouldn't surprise me either.

I’m starting to believe that this Zimmerman guy wasn’t merely trying to protect his neighborhood


That’s based as fuck tho

He should have targeted avian American youth


You know how white people are paranoid that all black people are out to get them? For him its actually the case, and more than one person has tried to attack him.

He can't get any kind of a job anywhere, and his name is a byword for racism. I don't get why we expect the experience of being put on trial for murder to have changed him for the better.

he was protecting all the nations' children.

Except the black nation

he may have indirectly saved a few black kids from getting drive-by shot

Ah the notorious super predator.

just a TIL for everyone, The Zim Zam is 5-0 on defamation lawsuits to date.

Is he really? Source?

I can only find him losing the NBC one. Maybe hicks meant 0-5. Or he's lying as per usual, and as is typical with people who are actually alts of that lsucoonass fellow.

No, he's not.

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

MDE memes in my /r/drama?

Some things transcend the culture that created them

Wait can I really get a college degree in basketball American removal? Looks like I'm going back to college.

Honestly thank you. I have been looking for this fucking thing for the longest time. U aight don't come to r/drama tomorrow.


This would be the first cool gimmick bot. For a couple of posts at least...

After the first 4 you would think they would have realized he cannot be flim flammed

To me it look likes both tweets are worded in ways that specifically avoid directly saying that racism and gun violence were the cause of TrayTray's killing.

Trayvon Martin would have been 25 today. How many 25th birthdays have been stolen from us by white supremacy, gun violence, prejudice, and fear?

My heart goes out to @SybrinaFulton and Trayvon's family and friends. He should still be with us today. We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free,

There's plausible deniability there.

The last American hero, back to save the day again

No commenting yet on Spielberg's (Unorthodox Jew) daughter who's become a porn star... Spielberg fully supports her... digusting.

The comments section of FoxNews is a gold mine

This motherfucker only does this shit when he needs money. He sold the fucking gun he used to kill that kid for like a couple hundred thousand and there's all the money he got from retarded right wingers. He should be set for life. What the fuck did he spend it all on?
