Steven Spielberg's daughter announces she's a porn star

1  2020-02-19 by Judge_Holden__


I guess if my family wasn’t well off and my girl was hustling NEETs for a bunch of money I could be cool with it but Spielberg is like one of the richest men in the industry

The 23-year-old is also hoping to land a job as a stripper once she obtains her sex worker license.

In the same interview she revealed she was sexually abused in the past and has struggled with anorexia, borderline personality disorder and alcoholism.

What a twist...

You cut out the 47 year old fiance part.

She also said she won’t have sex on camera out of respect to her fiancé. She’s not a porn star and this story sucks, she’s a fat adopted ugly big head Instagram thot.

B-but she's said she's getting her sex worker loicence. How can she get a loicence for sexwork if she is neither doing sex nor work.

Every time I hear a story about prostitutes, porn stars or strippers they turn out to be drug addicts, or abused children, or be completely broke or homeless, or have a mental illness.

Every single girl I’ve been with or been friends with who had some fucked sexual abused in their past is a total perv/slut. Every single one. The majority of gays being abused during their childhood makes total sense.

These tendencies are overwhelming lop sided to abuse, molestation, or same sex parents (overwhelming molestation, & abuse in this group) during childhood. I think NIH published the study.

Excuse me sweaty but sex work is totally healthy and natural and not dominated by human trafficking and abuse victims and Jews.

in a similar vein, i knew a bunch of people into BDSM in college (engineering college, a bunch of autists who had no boundaries and openly talked about it) and every one of them, every single one was sexually abused. often in ways that mirror their histrionic behavior

Why else would you get fucked for money rather than getting a real job?


First thing I thought was that she was raped as a kid, bdp and alcoholism are not surprising either

You think wokies are ever gonna have this conversation?

They have been setup to aid the commodification of everything and the dehumanization of everyone.

Computers are here to free us of our masters. The enlightenment was a compromise and the quest for inner self lost

Well, when you put it like that I’d say this is the definitive role for her.

Why do all foids who make bad choices claim they have bpd?

Criticism deflector shield.

Relative of mine makes horrifically shit choices and claims to have bpd. Pretty sure she actually does though.


Because all foids have bpd. It's to gaslight you sweaty

It's fucking obnoxious. I used to be able to tell the ones who would claim bpd by how often they'd tell me they looooooved Lana Del Rey, but now I don't know the crazy bitch indicator.

Just assume the light bulb is always red.

How was FAS not on that list?

So her dad is a pedo, good to know.

Where was Spielberg when this was happening? Jfc. What a terrible father.

Odds that she was diddled by Spielberg seem pretty high

Spielberg is in that Hollywood child sex cult ring as well.

Name? I never went deep into that rabbit hole.

But she won't have sex on camera out of respect for her fiancé Chuck Pankow, 47.

Whole lotta respect she clearly has for him. Also he's double her age, daddy issues lmao.

Lmao apparently guy is a professional darts player. He looks exactly what I would expect a 47 year old darts pro to look like.

Is he greasy? I’d expect a 47 year old darts pro to be really greasy and probably an alcoholic.

Lol yeah.

Holy shit this dude probably has a Ratt cover-band that he insists "can still really rock it"

Hahaha you can't make this shit up

Damn. He’s even got the shell necklace and the earring.

Lmao of course he actually looks like that. Looks like Vince Neil crossed with Ted Nudget.

He looks like somebody from Trailer Park Boys.

This is why girls get aborted in china fyi

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Is there anything more cucked than adopting an albino negress daughter?

Think about it logically.

One less coloured contributing to the gene pool

Wtf Speilburg is based.

For what’s it’s worth you could sell her for a lot in Tanzania.

Not even one of the attractive ones smh

Based and redpilled. I like anyone who don't care about social stigma and do what they like.

Your daughters gonna be a whore

Each to their own.

How much for your daughters? If I take 2 butts virginity I take old mom for 1 month I feed her she clean.

She’s ugly af tbh

I guess she’ll make some money off her name alone, though.

Peak coomer is jerking off to the mentally ill formerly-abused adopted black child of a jew Hollyweirdo.

tbh half of Holywood actors fit 75% of those characteristics

Lol like anyone would believe her:

I'm Steven Spielbergs daugter!

Sure you are hun. Now stfu and suck my dick or you're not getting the $5.

What a cruel but hilarious world.

Looks more like Forest Whitaker’s daughter

think of the schindler's list spoof potential


Okay so

Dramanauts need someone they can feel superior to, they are losers in life, so they link an artice about a whore, to cope with their own failures in life. "I'm a worthless retard, but at least I don't sell my body."

Didn’t ask plus you’re a fag so

If I need to be a fag to like bussy, then I'll gladly be a fag.

I'm a worthless retard, but at least I don't sell my body.

This but unironically.

This this your own faggot way of saying:“who hurt you?“

I'm just testing today which type of comments trigger dramanauts the most. Need it for my thesis.

You are literally a Hungarian lmao.

And you're a Mormon from Utah if I remember correctly.

Ex Mormon. Now I’m a gay porn star

The inevitable route for every Mormon

I'm a worthless retard, but at least I don't sell my body.

This but I'm a highly valued retard.

She won't have sex on camera out of respect for her fiancé

what a keeper 😊😊😊

*hits pipe*

The answer is no. There absolutely isn't.

hello, freebased department?

Good Morning!

not even biological

So just some random whore raised in a rich Jew's house? Nothing special

She looks like she could be Robert De Niro’s kid.

Of course its the ugly daughter too.

Oi! you got a loicense for that rental gash?

Is Spielberg gonna direct?

No ones making any Spielberg porno title puns? No JurASSic pork? Schindler’s Fist? Some kind of Amistad pun? ( cuz she black)

Indiana Bones and The Temple of Coom

Indiana Moans and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skullfuck

Indiana Blown and The Raiders of the Lost Daughter Oh My God Please Sweety Don't Do This Come Home I'm Sorry I Wasn't Around

Huh, weird that he’s okay with his daughter doing por

Mikaela Spielberg, the director's adopted daughter who he shares with his wife Kate Capshaw, says she self-produces solo porn videos.

Makes sense

Yo, did he adopt his Bull's daughter and is totally cool with her doing porn?

The long revenge game. Amazing.

Wasn't this guy involved in Pizzagate in someway? I've heard creepy stuff about him.

Hes j*wish

Wtf do you think

Good morning

(((berg)) adopts a young girl

she later becomes a porn star


Mikaela Spielberg ... says she self-produces solo porn videos.

That ain't porn, sweetheart.

Is daddy going to direct one of her movies?

Damn it, you beat me to it.

Lmao, she looks like a giant baby

jews gotta stop smoking there own supply

Suffer at the hands of the culture you helped create.

"She says she broke the news of her new porn career to her parents over FaceTime just days ago, but they were more 'intrigued' than upset."


Jewish tolerance.

This reminds me when Howard Stern used to make fun of Spielberg’s black kids. Not even he could predict this.

Her and Laurence Fishbournes daughter need 2 make a scene 2gethr

Don't care plus you're a racemixer