Fatty is told to put the fork down

1  2020-02-19 by album1


Preface: You linked to the fucking mobile website what a retard

Imagine if fatty actually got down to 100 lbs flat by the wedding, groom would be on his knees thanking the heavens

How fucking short is she if 100lbs is healthy?

Dat link


Dat link


Mods ban him!

This is the first time I'm seeing this

Registered Dietician, not a Nutritionist, Dietician.

This +9000. Nutritionists DO NOT EXIST. It is a made up term just like; physic, faith healer, grand poobah, wizzard, or god.

LOL...a subreddit where really damaged people show up and claim that every single other human being around them is a narcissist, one of them wants everyone to know how dangerous it is to go to a non-expert for common sense advice...

regardless of how hypocritical they are, it is an important distinction to make. literally anyone just can call themselves a nutritionist with no training, experience, or oversight. but to be a dietician, you have to be licensed and certified and follow government regulation. anyone that follows the advice of a nutritionist/redditer is just stupid

Since when is promotion of gangbang considered as "sexual threat"?


  1. This Post - Outline

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They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. Fatty is told to put the fork down - archive.org, archive.today

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

As a general rule, users of a subreddit dedicated to criticizing other people are the actual culprits.

Also what kind of Reddit app are you using my nigga

not browsing entirely through the Reddit mobile web version

It never even began for appcels


The app doesn't do that weird reddit.app.link stuff either.

As a general rule, users of a subreddit dedicated to criticizing other people are the actual culprits.



If this would have been posted a year ago, then this would be the story of my SIL and MIL.

There’s nothing more fake and not the whole story pilled than a post on that sub

Check the post history it's real and she's a teacher

No I meant the stories. I know they’re real people. Real people who blow things out of proportion

I have a strong love for Harry Potter

They literally cannot resist


You've given yourself soooo many diagnoses (um I haven't)

I was recently diagnosed with OCD and anxiety, I suffer from hit-and-run OCD and severe anxiety 
Not only did this cause a complete anxiety attack,

Based mom

I feel like the daughter is so fat she literally can't fit down the aisle alongside her.


"Fat" is a very loaded term, it's almost a slur. It's pretty much only used as an insult. I get that English isn't your first language and you're trying to be helpful, I advise you next time to focus only on promoting healthiness and well-being, and not on the perceived unhealthiness.

Bringing up the issue of weight at all is likely to trigger the abuse their Nmom clearly has been throwing their way for a long time. Support OP in their efforts to be healthy and have an enjoyable wedding experience. That's what matters.

Lmao fat jannie


it's almost a slur

Ohhhh god, it would be funny if it wasnt so sad. Everyone wants to be most oppressed, race to the bottom. Imagine having pride in your appearance and actually taking steps to mitigate why you feel so shitty all the time. Nahhhh let's just wallow in our own inadequacy and get butthurt at strangers. God fucking bless America.

The family dress? Wtf? Just go out and buy a new tarp, chubs, it’s one thing to be fat it’s another to be a fucking weirdo

“you need to be doing intermittent fasting with a 1200 calorie deficit and less than 26 carbs a day. I also need you to only eat 1 meal a day. Ideally I would like you to be around 100 lbs. I can’t walk a fat daughter down the aisle.”

Based child abuse

I usually would just say Good mornings, but fats 🤮🤮🤮


Hey now no need to be racist



lol oh god that sub. It's a bunch of women who hate their parents for telling them the truth and pure hatred for their mother in law. Anyone who doesn't give them what they want is a narcissist. It's a bunch of insufferable women who are probably the true narcissists.

wtf is that link? did you fucking post a link from a mobile google search or android emulator?