Guy makes money off stolen art, SRDines mad they didn’t think of it first

1  2020-02-19 by clubby789


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It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. Guy makes money off stolen art, SRD... -,

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Can someone tell me what's wrong with ripping off artists? Especially when they are small and powerless?

They might not be able to afford drugs and alcohol and will kill themselves, some people talk about it like that's a bad thing.

I essentially called someone a Karen and was banned for it. This was because I was temp banned once before- and the temp ban was based on a person arguing with me and after it got one comment removed going back into my previous comments to report them.

Super blew up at the mods tbh but I'm so tired of judicious use of 'uncivil' as anything a mod isn't a fan of while leaving scores of homophobic, misogynistic, etc comments up cause they said them with the right words. And like lemme be clear, I'm a very liberal person, but I don't mean homophobic in a broad context. I mean like you know what if you say gay people are sinners who deserve to suffer that's as 'uncivil' as a slur.

Why be on the internet, especially a message board, if one is this easily upset? It's so weird to me. What is the point of being perpetually upset?