"Data Exploration: The posts on r/opiates subreddit became more active after the 2016 US elections."

1  2020-02-20 by MotherfuckingWax


I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


  1. "Data Exploration: The posts on r/o... - archive.org, archive.today

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The only thing more pathetic than this post is how you think people actually actually care.


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Of course orange man would do this to society! 😭 WHEN WILL HE STOP BEING EVIL????

NOOOOOO Orange Man can't be President I'm gonna have to turn to heroin to cope with this!

Those are his voters lmao.

"The day of the rope dope has come, pedes!"

They're not sending their best 😭

No, they are.

It's horrifying

broke: loser libtards started doing opiates to cope with the election results

woke: Trump’s presidency has allowed big pharma’s opiate production to boom

bespoke: Trump is single-handedly consuming superhuman amounts of painkillers

Gigaspoke: Trump is one of the top mods of the Opiates subreddit as well as r/Trees.

Haven’t opioid deaths in fent country started to decrease?

Yeah, cause they all died already.

Self solving problem

bespoke: Trump is single-handedly consuming superhuman amounts of painkillers

If it weren't for all the libtards ridiculing this man (who gave up everyone just so he could MAGA BTW), he wouldn't be in so much constant pain.

I thought opiates was a maga drug

Prescription opiates are MAGA, /r/opiates is heroin.

Droumpgh's election has clearly emboldened Fentanyl-Americans. Where once they were relegated to obscure corners of the internet snd creepy basements, the mayo is now buttchugging opiods and freebasing fentanyl in the streets. Woe is Burgerland.

That's a weird throw-away finding. How does the spike in activity compare to what the activity looked like across reddit? Did its activity spike in the day(s) following the election or consistently throughout that month? Were the topics consistent with what is usually posted or were people complaining/arguing about the election/how the results will affect junkies? How does this even relate to the research objectives?

It's not actually a finding. They just mention it in passing. Their main conclusion appears to be related to the opioid epidemic drawing attention to the subject, and altering the type and content of the posts, and what drugs they were about. The election line appears to be a headline grabber. That's also around the point in time where the pills mills, Purdue and junkies started to lose control of the opioid narrative in the public, and it started getting light shined on it by the general media.

They did not compare to baseline reddit activity. They looked solely at three years worth of data on r/opiates. They also categorized posts intovarious categories based on a language processor - none of them were politics related.

It's not actually a finding. They just mention it in passing. Their main conclusion appears to be related to the opioid epidemic drawing attention to the subject, and altering the type and content of the posts, and what drugs they were about.

They did not compare to baseline reddit activity. They looked solely at three years worth of data on r/opiates. They also categorized posts intovarious categories based on a language processor - none of them were politics related.

I know, that's why I was comfused. I think you're right and that they're just pimping out their article for science reporters.

they're just pimping out their article for science reporters

Say it isn't so.