The larpers of black people twitter are making fun of people on welfare and it gets ugly in controversial

1  2020-02-20 by unrulyfarmhand


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It’s likely that a good portion of Trump’s base is on government assistance of some sort

Amazing how they could say something so stupid with such confidence.

It's more than a good portion. The majority of our federal handout money goes to poor white republicans in red states.

This is even funnier.

If you get into per capita, well number one ur racist, but number 2 lets not talk about welfare anymore.

[insert memory-holed tweet of black person claiming per-capita was invented by white people to make blacks look bad]

democrats only pander to their welfare voters

thats racist

trump supporters are all on welfare

haha what a bunch of stupid retards

They're right about rural welfare. Do you know farmers get their airplane tickets subsidized?

Do you think farm subsidies are aimed at and benefit the farmers or the consumers of said subsidized, cultivated food?

Yeah we really need to CONSOOM bushels of corn and soybeans

Actually they're often paid not to grow a certain crop.

The farmer mob is seething at this comment

This is a true reddit take

because it's so unimaginably uneducated and off base lmao

As we all know, corn and soybeans aren't used in any way except their raw forms.

hahah man poor hicks are the worst, democratic california wonderland doesn’t take any gov assistance. fuck you repub incels

I think you're missing the point. It's not that people are on welfare are bad, it's that magatards often want welfare cut because they believe other people don't deserve it.

And they are correct.

It's even funnier when people claim people on welfare can't vote for parties who want to cut in welfare. As if the only issue a poor person can vote for is more gibs.

A lot of people who qualify for welfare but are against the concept simply accept it because if they didn't it would just go to someone else anyway.

I was too dimwitted when I was younger though, and never took advantage of any welfare the year I spent as a useless neet, I told myself I did it out of principle, but it was likely more shame that kept me äway from applying for welfare

I'm living quite comfortably and have cash to burn, but I'd grab some gibs if I found out I qualified for some. Tried applying for food stamps and medicaid but apparently I make just a little too much with my income that the government knows about.

I’ll take things that never happened for $400 please

-27 points

statistically these things happen quite a lot

Oh, so BPT likes statistics now? 😏


-Mini Mike

Feels good to be a chad bloombro

Despite making up 13% of the population 😏😏

shaming someone for relying on EBT is the most ignorant and conceited take there is. only retards would mock SNAPS, its arguably the most effective social welfare program ever. name another program with x1.54 return on investment, whose sole focus is reducing hardship for the poor working class.

"ERS research has estimated a multiplier of SNAP benefits on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 1.54; that is, an increase of $1 billion in SNAP benefits in a slowing economy increases GDP by $1.54 billion"

We should throw poor people from a bridge.

Reddit is gonna lose 95% of its users if that were to happen

Thanks for your support of my idea.


Lmao nigga imagine needing food stamps like nigga lmao stop buying $7 packs of cigs every fucking day nigga hoooo ho ho ho hahaha he he

Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are


  1. The larpers of black people twitter... -,

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"Hey, fellow... uh... n-words! I just got home from the country club. I had a great day playing croquet with my black family!"

Which is even funnier, because it’s mayos making fun of fictitious poor mayos while pretendin to be groids

At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month. o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.

hmmm... 🤔

whenever this is posted some tard always counters with the overall number of whites use more welfare. Like that tard didnt understand statistics and just wants to let everyone know.

Uhm excuse me sweaty did you know that 69% of the population AKCTUALLY uses MORE welfare than 13%?

Every Trumptard I currently have on my facebook grew up on welfare, foodstamps and every other government aid program.

They constantly spam about "welfare leeches" now.

Per capita

Has literally no relevance to anything said.

Use your big brain you developed from debating middleschoolers about the finer points of government and society to read between the lines, Pizza.

There's nothing to read, if you, yourself, depend on welfare and are calling others welfare leeches - you're a person of low intelligence and not worth considering any further.

I created a strawman and set him on fire. I have won the argument.

every pizzashill """debate""" ever

How is this a strawman.

There's nothing to read, if you, yourself, depend on welfare and are calling others welfare leeches

this imaginary group of people you created

"imaginary" lmao. Oh, you sheltered child.

you're like ten years younger than me you little twerp.

Clearly you're just stupid then, because just a few weeks ago I witnessed a guy post on FB that "steak was for tax payers" while attacking foodstamp users in general.

Interestingly enough, he used to eat at our house every week and was on welfare himself.

That isn't even the most absurd example. It's constant.

yes i'm the stupid one for not having dumb hick facebook friends.

not that i believe this made up story even slightly, but you're kinda overplaying your "I'm just pretending to be retarded" hand here, pizza. dial it back. i expected better of your return.

You think conservatives that use welfare don't also attack welfare and you're claiming I'm the retarded one here?

well i personally witnessed someone on facebook say that you fuck children.

so based on this story that must be 100% true because no one on the internet would ever lie, someone must've said that you fuck children, and this sample size of one person definitely means that all people on facebook think you fuck children.

stop wanting to fuck children, pizza.

Again, these are people I know IRL. You can deny reality until you're blue in the face, you'll remain wrong.

i also know the person who said you fuck kids IRL. you can deny reality until you're blue in the face, but please stop fucking kids.

You're not very entertaining, repeating forced memes nobody really takes seriously outside of a fringe group of fairly low IQ people that lose arguments to me isn't really making you look good.

and yet i don't fuck kids, so i still look better by proxy.

Again, boring, forced meme.

you know you're chuckling over there.

me, i'd consider settling down with you and starting a family.

i mean, if you didn't fuck kids and all. :(

This is super cringe.

baby you love it or you wouldn't come back for more.

i saw a thing on FB that proves im right

You can be a retard and still call others retarded and be correct about it. You're a prime example of this concept.

Holy shit based


this is how i know youre larping

Most of them have gone on to be financially stable. That's what I mean by "now."

you should be more precise with your speech and not come off sounding retarded

It was pretty obvious actually.

him saying he knows people IRL is a larp in itself.

Okay proFASsorshillphd 😎

My mom got food stamps when I was growing up because she was too fucking lazy and drug-addicted to go work a job. I don't get welfare now I'm grown up because I'm not a retard who can't hold down a job or make a basic budget. So yes, I grew up on welfare, and yes, I also hate welfare leeches, such as my mom. Virtually nobody with two braincells to rub together and a modicum of work ethic needs welfare. Stop popping out kids like a fucking cannon if you can't even support yourself comfortably, retard. Only the disabled, AKA those disabled that they genuinely can't do any sort of work, should have their lives financed by the government. And even that's arguable.

I wonder what the guy with MAGA hat tweeted after he got back from dollar store...

Lmao imagine needing food stamps. Just learn to hunt nigga.

I literally don’t get what the guy in the tweet thinks is funny. Is there some sort of anti-welfare thing with Trump fans, or has he become so mayoed he just looks down on anyone who doesn’t buy expensive cars to compensate for inheriting his white father’s dick?

The left sees any right winger on welfare as a target for mockery as they're voting to keep welfare the same as today or to lower it, failing to realize that most right wingers on welfare are likely just accepting it because if they didn't the money would just go to someone less deserving anyhow

Remember tha a lot of these people hate work, and solely vote for the party that make their lazy existence more tolerable

It's basically the inverse of people on the right making fun of lefties for using iPhones to plan protests.

They deserved it for wearing politicalshit outdoors like fags

Being on welfare is cool, why is the slave mad? 😕