Black kids (literally, 13, 15, and 16 years old) rob the bank, /r/toronto writes essays blaming society & capitalism

1  2020-02-20 by newcomer_ts


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Man leafs never miss a chance to prove how pathetic they are. The mayos constantly trying to paint the agitator as the actual victim is such a feeble attempt to save their bubbled world view. The day of the rake shall come and on that dawn we shall bask in the ever-loving embrace of Allah as the leaf burns for eternity.

This is a group threatening Canadian economy by blocking the railways system, shit doesn't get delivered, companies laying people off and the whole political establishment is trying to please the most useless segment of society.

I dont get it, man...

They also may have derailed a train by messing with the rail switches

Yet the police are defending them. Truly a thing of beauty 😎

Which derailment are you referring to? There's too many these days

Near Lanaudière, 2 days ago. What a shitshow.

Trying to understand the leaf is pointless for the leaf is not human. It may look and try to convince you that it is but that is a mere facade. You wouldn't ask a gnat why it does the things it does. The inner machinations of the leaf brain are no more worthy of second thought than what you would give a dog turd in passing. The day of the rake creeps ever closer.

I have some fat loser arguing with me and claiming she's ghetto because she lives in Vancouver right now. If that's not the epitome of whiteness, I don't know what is.

Be careful brother arguing with that ilk, not only a mayo leaf but a supersized foid as well..... I advise you to consider refraining from engaging in discussions with such deplorables lest you find yourself even entertaining the opinions of those so blatantly beneath you. Know your worth.

But it's gonna make a fun thread once I'm done.

Until the filthy alb*nian jannies get their grubby hands on it.

I got a screenshot of this from her post history, jannies can't erase that.

As I said Leafs are not human. 🤮

what the actual fuck that's not real is it?

No lmao but she pulled some stuff out of her ass about me so I just inspect element-ed that right up for her.

BuT i ThOuGhT tHaT cOmMeNt WaS rEaL. Fucking idiot. Clearly you have a healthy grasp on how relationships work if you think that an incel from Reddit who refers to women as "foids" will be able to ruin marriage haha. I welcome you to try. But it would be much better if you just removed yourself from society altogether.

Fucking hell you're one pissed fatty, combing my post history literally hours after we finished arguing. This is hilarious. Cool your tits, Tina, wouldn't want you having a heart attack.

You're just upset that I called you out on your sad pills making you horny and wanting to learn how to not be such a submissive cuck. <3

And you're just upset that I called you out on wanting to groom children, eh? If we're going to make things up then I can go make another screenshot for you, if you'd like.

I'd ask what your point is, but I'm pretty sure you don't have one and are just flailing about in a rage.

Oh right you can't copy and paste the text from there so Google can read it to you. That's okay. Everyone else sees the point.

You mean the point that I've gotten you into a tizzy and you're still seething hours after our initial interaction?

You're being spanked and you don't like it. Or maybe you do. Fuckin cuck.

Tina, you're starting to become incoherent. Take a deep breath, it's okay.

Will you teach me the ones your caretaker has shown you?

I'm sorry if you need to be taught how to breathe, I didn't realize I was punching that far down.

Loving your take downs here, Queen

Lmao this shit is pathetic. This person caught you red handed lying about them not once, but twice lmaooooooooo

Because I blatantly said and told them I was lying. Brilliant detective work.

Only about altering the comment - not the other shit you got called on. Lol stop being obtuse.

Literally didn't get called on anything else. Why do you think I made up the comment, hmm?


They didn't use their name and they don't live in Vancouver. Two lies that person called you on beyond your shopped comment and you had nothing for.

This is sad. It's like meta-drama.


They haven't used their name on reddit, no. It took some hardcore sleuthing to figure that one out, I tell you what. But it was worth it, because now I have two absolute retards screeching at me.


Funny you bring that sub up, I'm literally the guy who created it.


Hahahahahaha fuckin dingleberry

Yknow, it'd be funny if I were to say "haha yeah got me, you're right about whatever the fuck we were even arguing about before." Because even that little victory for you would mean a lot, I can tell. But in a way, it's kind of sad, because you're probably going to die of heart failure before you turn 50, and you're going to leave your poor little bitchboy of a fiance all alone with some ill-behaved brats. Maybe kicking in your self-esteem a little more by simply taunting you on the internet will do you some good, maybe it'll help you to re-evaluate your poor choices and your bad attitude. But I think we both know, at the end of the day, none of this matters, because you completely lack discipline or the ability to self-reflect anyway.

I'm vegan, so the likelihood I will have a heart attack is slim to none. I also have no interest in having kids, so no worries there either. You got called on your insane bullshit and you don't like it. You're fucked in the head and you genuinely need help. You attempt to make people look like pedophiles because they tell you brown people aren't bad. You're a waste of space and resources and I genuinely hope s minority replaces you, wherever you are in the world.

Have you seen hastings street? Literally touching downtown is blocks and blocks of the biggest shithole in north america. There's miles of homeless people openly shooting up in broad daylight while police walk around offering them clean needles. Every park in the area is full of tents, immigrant gangs walk up and down the sidewalk at 4 in the morning, bloodly needles are all over the ground, etc. Walk a quarter mile into downtown from this area and it's some of the most beautiful real estate in the world. That city makes 0 sense.

I don't actually live in Vancouver. This dingus just can't read. I'm gonna get married there but that's it.

It’s like Baltimore except full of leafs.

What is wrong with trying to find the root causes of problems instead of publically torturing every criminal while hoping that everything will fix itself?

The people who talk about "root causes" are trying to absolve the criminals of their actions. These kids are pieces of shit. It sucks that their environment set them up to be pieces of shit, but they are pieces of shit nonetheless.

To follow up, the root causes are pretty well known, but there is no broad political will to enact meaningful changes. On the right, no one wants to pay more taxes, and on the left, no one wants to acknowledge that these kids have similarly shitty parents or come from a similarly shitty culture and simply tossing more money at the problem by itself won't fix it.

You have to remember kids are literally retarded. They believe the things they do to an insane degree but will absorb new information readily. I’m really not gonna blame a 13 year old for doing shit like this in most circumstances

>the root causes are pretty well known

Are they really?


well what are they? Because every time I've ever heard someone with any authority on the matter, they have some really, really brain dead takes.

Lack of fathers present in the kids' lives and committed to their well-being.

No shit, that's not a root though. The official story is something like

capitalism/racism -> poverty -> bad parents/community -> crime

so you're literally even more superficial than woke twitter and social science academia.

capitalism doesn't cause poverty lmao.

Of course not, but that's irrelevant. I'm just saying that's what the official story is.

If you blamed shitty parents for this, you'd still get yikes'd to hell.

More often than not these kids do indeed come from single mother households. Single motherhood is a plague amongst all racial groups but especially so for the black community.

Holy shit I know. I agree with literally all of you. Literally just go one level more meta.

The ongoing suicide crisis in the US is only going to get exacerbated in the coming years as the Gen-Z children become adults. We're going to be approaching Japan levels very soon. We need to start incentivizing family planning and start investing hard into mental healthcare otherwise we're gonna have many lonely and suicidal people in the future. If we don't fix this situation we also risk having more and more radicalized individuals spreading terror throughout society. You may ask, "what does this have to do with single motherhood?" and I'll say everything. We have a big web of issues that plague our society but for every individual the web starts at the middle with childhood development.

Many would rather turn a blind eye and pretend everything's okay but we're on track for a societal collapse the likes of which has never been seen, it cannot be overstated just how important the family unit is for the wellbeing of society.

I know you didn't ask but I felt like I had to write this.

This kind of thing is exactly what attracts emotional parasites. So I really do agree with you, but you have to be disciplined, skeptical and honestly clever if you really want to improve things.

Not really. A big study just came out about the social influences on people being able to move out of poverty. A father present was the strongest predictor of whether a boy was able to move from one class to another. It was so strong, that even growing up in a neighborhood with fathers in other households had a positive effect.

No reason we shouldn't talk about this without shaming people. Or try to change it. There are actually concrete things we can try. Economically reward families with a father present instead of penalizing them.

Look I agree with you, I'm just trying to say that nobody *in charge of anything* would consider fatherlessness a root issue, because they will simply ask "why are there so many poor black kids without fathers?"

The root that is eventually found is generally racism/capitalism.

This actually creates a disincentive to fix the problem, because the fact that this crime keeps occurring provides a lot of leverage to the degenerate commies.

the root cause for the destruction of the family unit, and especially black families, is found in misguided liberal policies.

Misguided is too generous. It implies genuine intentions.

How far back do you need to go? Being brought over as slaves and adopting a cracker culture certainly didn't help black people. But if you are talking about fixing it, which is the justification used to bring it up, what are you gonna do with this information?

Ok so what's the official answer to how to fix black fatherlesness?

According to a class I took in college, literally abolishing prisons. Other scholars have different ideas, ranging from reparations to replacing capitalism.

Do you see where I'm going with this? You're trying to apply logic to politics. Nobody actually cares about the crime, only that it gives them leverage for their other hobby projects.

Your point is then further proof that anyone who insists on focusing on the root cause is just bullshitting.

I know right? It’s almost like you guys have been assuming I hold a retarded position this whole time even though I’ve clarified I don’t hold said position in every single subsequent comment.

i came from poverty with shitty/no parents and an even worse community.

i managed to become an adult without robbing or stabbing anyone.

Tell that to the people that write the official story then.

the fuck are you even going on about

what is this magical """official story""" you keep mentioning

Do you guys not pay attention at all? I’m talking about what the strictly most official experts would have you believe.



Are you saying that there is no official story with these kinds of things that people on tv, in schools, etc follow? Like what exactly is your point?

well what are they?

Black people are stupid.

Your mothers a whore who should have taken you on her chin.

This is the current state of r/drama

i mean... yeah... there is a reason why africa is a shithole

Low quality bait

The root cause is that negroids are dumb and violent.

There is no "meaningful change" to be made, we just have to deal with the sad fact that groids are subhuman.


Because the root of the problems contains things that aren't easy to talk about.

Say in this case the kid is a victim of being in a shitty situation and was desperate. So the root issue to you is why is he in such a destitute spot?

Well if you're just going to go with wypipo + capitalism, you're even more full of shit than just saying he's a bad kid and throwing the book at him.

i cant remember if you're actually like this or this is a larp.

I think the larper is recallrethuglicans and this user is legit retarded, but i could be wrong

well recall is but this guy could be tooo

Root causes?

You don't go out much, do you?

The soft bigotry of low expectations.

Fuck off chapo

I am not a Chapocel.

chapo check

Thank you for the request, reason_biden_lost. 0 of ImJustaBagofHammers's last 1000 comments (0.0%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse.

must have an alt

daddy check

The user is totally based and frequently posts on The_Donald


Look dude this is a rightoid post just dude nigger and let them jerk off to their rage porn


the root cause is the race's low iq caused by generations of breeding only the strongest bucks with preference for low IQ and high physical strength

What circumstances could have possibly led this cop to shoot that unarmed black guy? He deserves therapy, not jail.

Because they're not trying to "find" the root cause of the problem they're trying to cover it up. These kids come from a shit ass culture that worships violence and crime. Go to r/Chiraqology and see how this beautiful PoC culture worships gang slaying and having the largest stack of bodies possible. But shitlibs don't want to confront that so thy blame some nebulous force like capitalism for kids robbing a bank.

Maybe society is to blame. Punishing criminals and working to fix the root of the problem aren't mutually exclusive.

If you fuck up baking a cake you don't cry and try to fix it by putting it back in the oven. You throw it in the trash, figure out what you did wrong, and start again.

The Black community of Toronto obviously has some serious problems if this is happening.


You mean the World

Shh. Stop being reasonable. These kids should be executed tomorrow!


This but not ironically

As a reddit moderator I found that ironic jab very amusing and kinda gild-worthy. Definitely gonna show it to my wife today.

We should bring back Guillotines

Rush. Hot Oriental broads. Montreal strip clubs.

Only three things Canada is good for.


The rideau canal is pretty cool

The worst mistake that liberals made was to fall for the race bait tbh. Now that's what every political conversation is centred around.

If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

&gt;if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


  1. Black kids (literally, 13, 15, and ... -,

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Draco did nothing wrong. All crimes should be punished as harshly as possible including littering

Dude niggers lmao




Dude Niglet lmao

love ur account


Us gimmick-cels should stay close.

Noveltycel life

The discount admins the real admins outsourced their moderation to remove comments like this now (they also remove the word fags which as a fag is offensive to me) so we're not allowing these anymore either.

Also that stopped being funny in like 2008.

So what's your ""job""" then if Bangalore is doing the dirty work?

Ackshually, the tech jannie jobs go to Jakarta.

You take my one joy in life away.


Those kids are living my 13 year old self’s dream

The seriousposting by rightoids in this thread 🤢

It's hard to be ironic about this.

It's kids, robbing the bank and unnecessarily stabbing teller.

In Canada, to rob a bank, all you need to do is give a piece of paper that say "this is a robbery" and they'll send you on your way.

This is the 1st time I've heard something like this in last 25 years.


If you think about it they right as fuck, without capitalism how could you even find a bank?

When kids are robbing banks... maybe taking a look at the society at large is not such a terrible idea.

Maybe taking a look at these kids and whether they're pieces of shit is not such a terrible idea.

Obviously. But that’s easy - the hard part is figuring out what to do to make sure less kids grow up to be pieces of shit.

free abortions

It’s Canada. They’re already free.

pay negros to have abortions then. it'll be cheaper than the welfare and costs to incarcerate later

Ooooh this is a good one - we’ll see whether christcucks hate abortions or brown people more.

It's multiplying 2 negatives together, of course it's a good thing.

Eliminate welfare payments to single mothers.

Fewer, not less. If you're gonna be retarded you might as well sound good

Ah, a pedantic retard.

Societally expecting minority groups (or any individual) to have no control over their own actions is not going to help them do better.

Have you ever noticed that white libs despise poor whites (which is the correct response) but don’t have the same spite for poor minorities (whose problems come from similar causes like shitty/no parents and bad peers)?

This isn't a surprise white libs hate themselves, remember they're the only group on the planet with an out group preference

This is a retarded rightoid strawman, snap out of that nonsense and stop being a caricature.

Go back to crapo crap house

Go back to your mom’s basement.

That's what a chapo trap house is... your enabling, pre-dementia, Xanax addicted mother's basement.

That sounds like a tough situation, you should really put your big boy panties on and move out.

Soundsssss like I stuck a cord 🎸

Your mom lets you have an amp down there?

Lmao you probably think that racism is what keeps minorities down because you’ve never actually met any.

That or you’re the cali type that has no meaning in life so you try to make yourself feel good by StanDiNg Up For oPpreSSed PEopLe and poor whites just can’t give you that good tingly feeling anymore.

Another retarded rightoid strawman argument and you’re not even trying to hide it lmao.

You need to go back.

I’m actually a communist that was purity checking you. Hiciste bien comrade.

You fags also need to go back.

I'd start with the kids, immediate environment, influences, system of values, family structure, role models and access to guns and drugs.

As for society, there is something to be said about social discourse and imagery in a specific sense at how rest of the society is viewing them and how they view themselves.

On both accounts, I have a feeling, most upstanding citizens would be surprised by the results.