Bloomberg's Reddit presence is literally still a private club.

1  2020-02-20 by AIU-comment


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Chapos downvote every post though. This of course will be the deciding factor in whether or not Bloomberg wins.

i made r/BloomBros - let's make reddit great again

no chapos, no fat broads, or horsefaced lesbians

jannies needed who are true to the cause

Nice. Add me as mod and I’ll mod you to /r/brownshirtsforbernie

I'm witnessing a mod cabal being built

id mememod that

How do you know they’re Chapocels?

No one expect for chapos and SRDines are that petty

They've been making a lot of posts like this recently. And, coincidentally, the sub has gained like 1,000 subscribers in the last week or two. A good portion are chapos subscribing just to downvote everything. Look at the upvote percentages on literally every post. This is how you win the revolution folx.

Who else has nothing better to do than brigading opposing subs all day and feel good about what they do?

Most of the other redditors.

Yeah that was a stupid comment on my part


Bloomberg was a joke last night. Seriously weak. Apologetic, unconfident.

People seriously forget how badly big daddy Trump bullied and strong armed anyone who dared step on the debate stage with him. Bloomberg stood there like a bitch while Pocahontas savagely defamed him. Bloomberg would get TRASHED by Trump and it wouldn't even be close.

Daddy would tear him limb from limb and then shit on his grave. He can't even stand up to a school librarian like Warren and he thinks he can take on one of the greatest shitposters to ever live? lmao delusional

I think trump would get Warren so worked up that she'd stroke out.

stop i can only get so hard...


He's still gonna be the nominee

Yeah, it was fucking pathetic. The dude had like 6 months worth of debates to pull data from and he still did nothing but stand there like a meek, droopy frog.

When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. Bloomberg's Reddit presence is lite... -,

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It’s probably because some sandernista grabbed it to close it