"Communist" country enters 21st century, tankies cheer, applaud and give back pats

1  2020-02-21 by charming_tatum


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I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. "Communist" country enters 21st cen... - archive.org, archive.today

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its things like this that make me miss Fidel 😢💔

I'm going to write in Fidel Castro for president

I thought you were all for trans rights?

Go to the picture of the tranny walking down the isle of the church. Everyone is laughing and taking pictures.

Cuba has public freakshows like they did at the circus a hundred years ago?

Ngl that's kinda based

Cuba manages to not murder tranny in political prison: first world internet communists beside themselves

Cant tell if they're unhappy with the trap, unhappy because of the self loathing accompanied by Catholicism or just generally beat down by communism

They are literally laughing. Which is generally illegal in Cuba. That’s how you know it’s funny.

There's a few laughing/smiling but the majority of them, especially the older ones, are stone faced

Because they thought they were coming to a legitimate Mas and now that their Mas has been turned into a clown convention they are pissed.

Worst human being I've seen on reddit in a while

I mean I wouldn't go that far. It's kinda funny but trannies aren't the worst people in the planet

Look at their history, we got a live one.

Yeah I just pulled a stinky in moretankiechapo and got myself banned, but not before I got them to show support for the IPLGBT community

They take life way to seriously

I got banned for calling someone suggesting we place the Hong Kong protesters into the Xinjiang prison camps after bombing Hong Kong a faggot.

Chinaman boots must taste good

Who me? Thanks fam 🥰🥰🥰🥰

Of course this involves a mayo women

When you can't stop putting a massive slave underclass beneath your boot, but you can recognize heckin cute and valid troids. <3

Totally not a bootlicker bro. Yay capitalism! healthcare bad!

This but unironically

Poors don’t deserve healthcare

The rich don't deserve Healthcare

Maybe they don’t but at least they are successful enough to buy it


Healthcare increase the life expectancy of boomers and thus their importance on election. Given how close 2016 was, it's not a strecht to say that the reason trump is the president is obamacare. And this is why we need to remove it.

imagine being the sort of loser who says bootlicker unironically lmao

You dropped this, king 👑

It's good to be king.

Cuba has a higher quality of life than American ruled Puerto Rico

People are fleeing in droves from capitalism in Puerto Rico

I wish they would flee to Cuba or Venezuela rather than fleeing to the US, then again people usually don't flee to places more destitute than where they came from

to the US

They should apply for statehood if they don't want to continue to be regarded as america's tarded offspring

They still have shadow senators and reps now... Which is the Ohio method

Colonialism is bad, cut Puerto Rico loose. Independencia ahora!

have fun footing the bill every month when hurricanes ravage your shitty island


The one in the middle, Jesus. At least try, that's all I ask.

Is that a satire sub or are they really even bigger fags than regular chapos? I need to calibrate my fag meter.

They're actual ML tankies where the majority of chapos are lukewarm radlibs, anarchists(lol), demsuccs etc

This was from 2017

Fuck our local communists would crack their skulls with a rebar

Where are you from? Portland?


Oh, so eastern European Portland

You're welcome for the gold kind stranger

This is why Protestants are going to hell

These guys need Sharia. Notice how the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) is a lot like Harry Potter. A destined saviour. The Potter books are atually a version of the Quaran.

"Commies" cheering both liberal degeneracy and religion. Peak Reddit.

I know passing isn't all that important, but it's super impressive that I didn't know who is trans and who isn't before I read the article


They are behind parody.

The one looks like a fucking football coach

Religion and Trannies in Cuba? Back in the day the government would have killed both. Its amazing how those chapofags can ignore all the horrible shit Communist governments do so long as they virtue signal.

Cuba truly is the Chapo's vision of paradise.