"h-hey guys, m-maybe we shouldn't kill landlords?", lefties respond to this insane suggestion with rational logic.

1  2020-02-21 by TeeEssDoubleU


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whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


  1. "h-hey guys, m-maybe we shouldn't k... - archive.org, archive.today

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Fucking leftists man 😂

Like, just don't be a useless prole and just become a landlord yourself 😂

Yeah, fuck trying to fight inflation through owning assets amirite 😂 everyone should just leave all their cash in the bank like me 😂

You have cash?


Well it’s nice to meet a member of the 1%

everybody knows the average drama users net worth is 2mil+

Actually if your poor usually by far the best use of any liquid cash you have is an "emergency fund" to insulate you so that you don't have to go into debt if something unplanned for happens. So money sitting in the bank. The size of this emergency fund is usually several thousand dollars but the average poor person has a fraction of that saved. So any money they have sitting in the bank is the best use of their savings objectively.

Poor people are in general much thrifier and make more efficient use of their money than wealthy people.

>Poor people in general are much thriftier and make more efficient use of their money than wealthy people


Holy fuck have you ever met a poor person. My university is full of poorfags pursuing useless fucking degrees for 10k a year

10k a year

Richard usually persue the same degrees for 70K plus 20k tuition a year, and they usually aren't 9x as wealthy as the 10K fags.

This is the most retarded take, richfags usually x10 their inheritance by the day they die, poorfags die broke and homeless

I have met many and concur that "thrifty" they are not. I know a few wealthy people that are, though.

Most people are poor because they are horrible with money. I know this girl who is always completely broke and it's because whenever she gets money she spends it. A few weeks ago she had $120 to her name and decided it was a good idea to go get a $120 tattoo. That's how these retards operate. Any amount of money they have is money they will spend. If I found $10,000 on the ground today I wouldnt spend literally a penny more this week than I will spend anyway. Because how I live isn't based exactly on how much money I happen to have at this moment. Virtually every person I work with if they found $10,000 on the ground today would spend exactly $10,000 more this week. Because that's how they live.

Please give tattoo advice


Eventually, just taking time putting the art together myself.

I'm not talking about picking one out of a catalog just wanted a Price Check

Wow, that's so unique and alternate bro! You are living out that alternative lifestyle, man!

Horrible with money AND because they blame literally everything on circumstances and society and generally anything other than themselves.

I don't usually mingle with poors, but I've heard that some of that is caused by their local social environment: if they don't immediately spend any significant sum of money they obtain it is mooched off by their broke relatives and acquaintances, refusing to help while having money means that they get ostracized and lose whatever support they can expect from the community which is really bad, but if they are constantly broke themselves then at least they get to keep the presumably nice stuff they waste the money on. And so everyone is kept constantly broke by this dynamic.

The best way to keep money a secret is by not buying frivolous shit, Mr brainworks.

The best way to keep money a secret is by not buying frivolous shit, Mr brainworms.

Yeah but then people start to wonder why aren't you constantly asking to borrow a twenty until Friday.

Recgonizing moochers, parasites etc, and stifling them appropriately is a life skill. Your sympathy and compassion are levers the unscrupulous will use to extract things from you. If you want to keep having either of them, you need to be able to deal with that correctly.

That doesn't work if your entire community is like that.

If someone does the lottery you already know there's no hope for them.

I hate getting stuck in line behind the guys that want to pay their stupidity tax but I am happy that a stupidity tax exists.

They're poor because they were predestined by God to be poor

This post was brought to you by the reformed gang

I’m talking about having a savings. Leaving your money as cash or in a bank account exposes it to inflation which eats away at ~2% a year. Keeping long term savings like stocks, bonds, Pokémon cards, and real estate fight this trend because they appreciate in value over time.

Poor people are in general much thriftier abs make more efficient use of their money than wealthy people

Thank god you put this last little bit in, I was genuinely worried you’d made a post that wasn’t entirely horseshit. Bullet dodged amigo

If they knew how they wouldn't be commies

Good point. I hope they never find out.

That reminds me, time to raise the rent again 🤑🤑🤑🤑

Lefties are hilariously they talk about how great being a landlord is but all they'd have to do to join the owning class is stop consooming so much and buy some boring stocks, but they want to have their funko pops and eat them too.

Lmao 😂 they think the funkos are an investment 🤣🤣🤣

B-but in 20 years my funko pop collection will be worth 100k

The shitty plastic pieces of garbage won't even be worth the oil used to make them.

Literally just finished caulking a tenants roof in the snow I hate these commie faggots like you wouldn't believe

This is the least wordy lefty meme I've seen and it's still to wordy to be funny

Dude landlords LMAO

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than another man owning your home. Honestly, think about it rationally.

You got it exactly backwards. Imagine decorating, marketing and maintaining a house for years solely so it can go get ravaged by another tenant. All the work you put into creating your beautiful house has one result - making sure her interior is more enjoyable to whatever poor person will eventually shit it up. Think about it logically.

h-haha, at least at the end of the day I own the home, not the renter

Boy, that sure sounds like "at least at the end of the day she comes home to me" 🤔🤔

Damn I guess I never thought about it logically like that


Imagine renting to dirty poor people.

why would a non-poorcel ever rent anything?

Renting is better for a lot of situations when you're rich. Buying can be a pain in the ass when you don't intent to be there very often or want to deal with the headache of upkeep, managing staff, and offloading it if you decide you don't want a home in whatever country anymore.

Not to mention buying high end real estate at the top of the market is almost always a recipe for disaster. The flexibility that comes from renting makes all of what you said possible and allows you to properly time when you want to buy.

Anyone who doesn’t buy real estate when the market is bottoming out is a poorcel and deserves to stay that way.

Renting vs buying is a sine pattern as such

Broke: Rent because you can't afford to buy

Middle class: Buy because it's more economically responsible than renting

Upper class: Rent because you're too important and/or lazy to maintain your own property

The 1%: Buy because you can pay Pedro to maintain it for you

Bezos is so rich he has a whole department of people paid to legally rent every building within 10 miles of him(including government buildings) so that he can simply always go wherever he wants and do whatever he wants anywhere. It would require too much red tape to buy and then sell the property.

Imagine tying yourself to a geographical location like a cuck instead of making it as easy as possible for yourself to move once you get bored of a place and its people.

b-but muh family, muh friends, muh financial security, muh job

- the virgin homeowner

Life is easy, go be successful somewhere else instead of being forced to be nice to people who live next to you just because you think you have no escape.

You got it exactly backwards. Imagine decorating, marketing and maintaining a house for years solely so it can go get ravaged by another tenant. All the work you put into creating your beautiful house has one result - making sure her interior is more enjoyable to whatever poor person will eventually shit it up. Think about it logically.

😂😂 absolutely logicpilled. I just recorded a voicemail of me shitting on my landlord's property and there's nothing they can do about it

Image not completely owner a home before age 30

copes in californian

These same fucks bitch about people owning houses. It's unreal.

being a landlord requires no skill

Oh my god lol!!! You need skills to pay the bills on the property, dumbass

You need skills to pay the rent. All you need to pay the bills on the property is to use the rent you were just paid.

More skill than the jobless commie needs for redditposting though

yeah because the landlord doesn't have his own home to pay for or anything, the only thing he has to pay for is his tenant's home.

absolute state of mentally retarded commies.

Handing coffees to customers isn't a skill

Obviously these people have never experienced the challenges of rejecting a black applicant in a way that doesn't open you up to a discrimination lawsuit.

The exploitation is what's being criticised, not the exchange of value

If there's exchange of value, where's the exploitation? This is another area where leftist try to dress up appropriating someone else's resources for they're own benefit (read: stealing) as if were some moral good. They act like giving away someone else's stuff is charity.

Another thread in which you try to act like an economy in which most income is earned simply by owning things and extracting rent on capital is perfectly OK and totally going to function in the long run

The system is already basically at the point of implosion, just like it was before WWI the last time capitals share of net income got this large


Cope harder commie bitch

Yeah, no. Returns to labor are 50% larger than returns to capital.

Returns to labor as a percent of GDP has varied ±5% over the past 70 years.

Based and micropilled

Its 'rightoids' you absolute retard 😡😡😡

something that has been functioning for hundreds of years isn’t going to function in the long run

Cope more comrade

To be a landlord requires no skill

-A furry

Truly one of the greatest philosophers of our time

Skill isn't required when you got $ although I do do all my own work as much as possible to maximize my parasitic drain on communists.

The funnier part is the:

He does not provide a good

Like ok buddy, he provided your patents with a space to store their greatest burden in.

We all know how bad killing landlords went when they did it in China. Everyone in the resulting communes was thrown into poverty because the only people who survived the revolution ended up botching their industrialization plan and people kept ruining food to meet up with commune standards.

The user is conflating the anti landlord campaign and the great leap forward. The result of the anti landlord campaign was individually owned plots. Great leap forward collectivization was a decade later.

In fact I think they might be conflating the anti landlord campaign with collectivization in the Soviet Union, AFAIK people intentionally botching production because they hated collectivization was never a significant thing in the great leap forward.

These threads always make more sense when you remember most of these guys live in LA, where most of the land is rented out by faceless Chinese overlords. Motherfuckers need to live in another city.

Dont they love china? They should be happy. These people are never satisfied 🙄🙄🙄

They think after the revolution they'll all be given penthouse condos in downtown LA when in reality they'll be given a room in a rat infested tenement in bumfuck Ohio where they'll clean sewers.

Genuinely cannot understand why someone would choose to rent an apartment for $3000 a month from a billionaire in another hemisphere vs just commuting another ten minutes a day

Seriously someone explain it to me

My landlord is a very nice, well-meaning recent Indian immigrant. They would have to decide between killing a minority or staying true to their Landlord killing values. I think if I tabled this to any of them their brains would start smoking.

Commies love killing minorities though.

when in doubt commies will always pick the most violent alternative

Implying that they are capable of violence in the first place

Commies and not understanding basic terms like "rent seeking." Name a more classic duo

Their fault for being poor and having no credit to buy a house tbqhwyf

These retards are aware that most landlords (at leasts in big cities) are immigrants or children of immigrants, right?

Commietards are great. You either snap out of it in your late teens/early 20's or you become starving, homeless, and of course mentally ill. That's my favorite part.

Almost like a hard drug addiction.

Sure a landlord is technically responsible for maintenance, but most of the time we know that isn't the case.

Wat. I've rented quite a few places from big apartment complexes to private homes and never once lived in a place where the landlord was not responsible for maintenance.

Why don't these folks create a community in real life where they collect their resources and labor and live according to their values.

If the Amish can do it, why can't the hard left on reddit do it?

If they are smart, they sell the idea to some cable network to do 24/7 "real world" reality TV coverage and everyone watches as it falls into infighting.

They don’t want to make anything. All their language is taking. If you got a house for every time these people used language about building rather than taking, youd still have less houses than Bernie Sanders

The Amish are hard working and live in the middle of nowhere. Internet commies jerk off to anime all day and want to live for free in New York City.

Imagine what would happen to people that were disabled or unproductive in a commune like that. Do you think the others would work extra hard to give according to their ability?

Actually the Old Order Amish have struggled for decades with debilitating birth defects due to their genetic and social isolation. Dwarfism, Angelman syndrome, Tay–Sachs disease and the like.

Numerous hospitals near Amish communities do outreach programs for them because typically the only access to medical insurance is through informal church programs which are easily wiped out.

In turn, a lot of the disorders, especially Tay–Sachs disease are much better understood and researched by having these population groups available for screening and testing.

Oh wait...I think you mean the redditors...most likely 99% of them would be useless and almost immediately the community would implode into infighting.

To be a landlord requires no skill

imagine being so retarded you actually believe this.

The needs of the masses do not trump the rights of the individual.

My nigga you are not left enough or authoritarian enough for reddit left subs kek

If you find the idea of killing someone for land far fetched, you might wanna look into how land claims are made, and enforced in the first place.


What a bunch of pathetic LARPers, these are the types our glorious prophet Mohammed (PUBH) wanted to throw off of our rooftops. Inshallah and dude bussy lmao

What a wild ride that was. I got banned by an unironic commie for making reasonable points on why anti-wealth policies are disastrous if they were ever implemented. They can’t even win arguments without resorting to bans.

Say it with me, THEY DO IT FOR FREE.