Despite being only 3% of the landmass...

1  2020-02-21 by findingmemeo


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  1. Despite being only 3% of the landma... -,

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India for global superpower!

Imagine being proud of not eating very much meat.

Beef. It's what's for fucking dinner. Deal with it.

Red meat is my God given right as an American. If we don't have burgers, what else do we even have?

That and mass shootings

I want that child medium-rare, sir

Yeah good on India for not having the occasional mass shooting.

All you have to worry about over there is whether or not you contracted tuberculosis from your rapist.

They totally have mass shootings, they're just terrorism related.

mass shootings are something to be proud of as an american.

India has plenty of mass shootings. Every couple years Pakistan trains a terror squad and sends them to Mumbai and they end up killing between 50 and 200 people

Burgers have been culturally appropriated by so many other countries that its basically just mass shootings at this point.

God created mass shootings to eliminate the infidels.

A slowly eroding constitution 😎

trans flag

K sir, you have 30 secs to demonstrate why anyone should listen to your opinion ever


Just as valid as you

At least I recognize I have a mental illness

I don’t really eat much beef anymore.

What happened to you?

I used to eat steak almost every week and got tired of it. I’m not a big fast food guy either so I rarely eat hamburgers as well.

KFC dude. 5 bucks for like 1200 calories and there's always a smattering of 19 year old girls in leggings working alongside 57 year old former meth addicted women. Pick your poison.

Eww no I don’t eat that either. I lied. I tried their hot Nashville chicken sandwich. The only hot part was my asshole hours later when I was shitting out that oily garbage they dare call Hot Nashville.

I consider you my reddit friend so I'm going to pretend that you didn't just say that about KFC and we'll move on to talking about the weather like nothing happened.

Shit man, gonna be nice today, close to 80.

Crazy how warm it gets in February now

Hell yeah, Imperial County represent.

I don’t know where that is

It's for the best, man. A little dogshit county bordering Mexico in California.

Quit doxing yourself

I live in a van 9 months out of the year, come find me and try.

No. Are you a cool “van life” guy or are you a “This is my mobile domicile and I’m not driving therefore I’m not subjected to your laws henceforth adhered unto I don’t need to prove my existence to you with a fascist drivers license, officer...”?

I'm more of the "remote worker with middle class income and homeless expenses who loves beating off in the woods" kind of guy.

Sounds like a pretty cool job tbh

80 what

Fahrenheit, American unit of temperature invented by Dr. Thomas "Jefferson" Fahrenheit after the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

80 degrees

Big beef is paying you a stipend to brother?

I unironically miss the 1990s media war over what meat to eat. The Beef Council totally fucking BTFOd the lame pork "it's the other white meat" campaign. And I don't give a shit what Oprah says, cooking with chicken always ends up being a lot more time-consuming.

if you arent a pussy you wont get salmonella eating slightly undercooked chicken

Bigger problem is the disgusting texture of undercooked chicken compared to beef. Medium rare steak still cuts and chews normally, pink chicken is like eating a dog toy.

So we know how empathic we are towards animal not like you only animal empathy limited to your pets.

Our animal empathy actually goea further than theirs! We empathize with foids sometimes.

From a biological perspective it's actually an identical scenario.

When you cum inside of someone, the human brain releases oxytocin to facilitate bonding. So whether someone cums inside of a woman or a goat, there is a biochemical imperative for bonding.

Just because your mom’s a cow lmao

Red meat must be the key to not shitting in the streets. WE HAVE A BREAKTHROUGH


Remember to share the video of the cute pupper to Facebook

thinking India is even remotely an environmental success story


Is it not environmental success when your holy river is so polluted that you will contract five deadly diseases in a 50m proximity?

Only saw five bloated corpses wash past my bathing spot today, very clean day!!

So we know how empathic we are towards animal not like you only animal empathy limited to your pets.

that's nice.

we don't shit in our streets, though. QED.

Isnt india like one of the biggest pollution producers?

Shots at San Francisco are always fair game, after all it is the "Paris of America".