Deaf coomer sues pornhub over not having captions

1  2020-02-21 by newsmachineplus


Side note: it's a function of that testosterone crippled brain that you are so focused on dicks, and your own dick in particular. Guess what? Take estrogen for a while and you will lose focus on that body part to the point where it doesn't even matter anymore. There is so much more to being a woman that genitals, like the depth and complexity of emotions and bonding with others in ways that are literally incomprehensible to you.


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This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. Deaf coomer sues pornhub over not h... -,*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

I hate it when the handicapped ruin it for everyone else

It's what they do best.

reminds me of that kurt vonnegut novel i read in like 9th grade, Harrison Bergeron, its some dystopian future where people have to wear devices to counteract their natural abilities, like a buzzer in your ears if you hear good etc., to ensure everyone is equal


I thought it was a short story, not a novel?

you think i know the difference?

Based and idiotpilled

My dad never shuts up about that stupid thing fuck I thought I was safe here

get fucked

Its not like they can do anything else

Garuntee you this is just a jew amd a cripple trolling for a settlement

I'm pretty sure pornhub is php based so they could put in auto generated captions like what Google has. Idk how good it would be tho since Google's is based on their auto recognition and pornhub would have to use some third party one.

Also the moaning will fuck with it


Does it have to be accurate? They can dab on the untermensch by creating "captions" that are just a function that calls from a list including "loud moan," "gasp," "scream," etc.

Why the hell would it matter if it were php based?

all that matters is if something is based or not

Illegal immigration is good and legal immigration is bad

We need to bad all legal immigration, and legalize illegal immigration, so that illegal immigration is the only legal and legitimate method of entry into the United States.

Also let's wonder why China is doing so much better in Africa while simultaneously placing on a travel ban on the largest African economy, and half of the rest of the African countries too. Hmmmm, geez, really confusing here why Africa would choose the guys who aren't insane hysterical bigots and racists who see them as subhuman insects.

You're a bot now?

The Deaf are not handicapped, please educate yourself.

For many people, the words “deaf” and “hard of hearing” are not negative.  Instead, the term “hearing-impaired” is viewed as negative.  The term focuses on what people can’t do.  It establishes the standard as “hearing” and anything different as “impaired,” or substandard, hindered, or damaged.  It implies that something is not as it should be and ought to be fixed if possible.  To be fair, this is probably not what people intended to convey by the term “hearing impaired.”

Lol who doesnt view deafs as retards? And who says 'hard of hearing'?

Your gramama does.

My gramama dead

Oh I'm sorry 😞

Does his mean I can sue JAV studios for not providing translations for their 3-hour long outlandish porno epics?

I can't understand Japanese so in Japan, that's a disability.

Japanese are smart enough to not put any “protected classes/equal rights” clauses in their contracts

With they release in the US do they do subtitles? I'm not sure I've never actually paid for porn.

Why doesn't he just tape a fleshlight to a subwoofer, then crank the bass and blast the porn on 100% volume?

He cant hear when its 100%


4:47 PM PT -- Pornhub's VP, Corey Price, tells TMZ ... "We understand that Yaroslav Suris is suing Pornhub for claiming we’ve denied the deaf and hearing impaired access to our videos. While we do not generally comment on active lawsuits, we’d like to take this opportunity to point out that we do have a closed captions category."

damn it's true

I'm a wagecel has anyone mined these for awesome caption art? There has to be some good shit in there.

Should just put a permanent (*sex noises*) onto the videos.

Who tf transcribes porn

People who hangs in /r/all

I hope they do subtitles but only for noises, like slapping ass.

What do you need porn subtitles for? To understand the plot?