Disowned Queers cannot cope with parental support

1  2020-02-21 by PMWaffle


the racism is simply this – why do random people off the internet see fit to tell a fully trained meditation instructor of the highest calibre that he isn’t enlightened because he’s angry?

Answer: white privilege.


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If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

>if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


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We Can't Have a Feminist Future Without Abolishing the Family

Good Morning

"feminism works to erode the family unit"

If you take into consideration trans kids stripping, women marrying dogs, and 8 year olds with porn addiction, fentanylcels have been right a concerning amount of times the past few decades

Is fent the first known form of the spice melange?

The fent must flow

From The Manual of Drama, by the Princess Boomerlan

The chinese are working on it.

No, that was meth. As a meth connoisseur, these idiots and their opiates are gonna be so red in the face when they realize that they've been on the wrong side of drug history this whole time. Meanwhile I'll be pumped full of what my dealer/cousin calls "cobra glass", allowing me to lift 1500 pounds over my head per arm.

It's good afternoon get it right

Looks like we aren't having a feminist future

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Among the abnormal conditions present in modern industrial society are excessive density of population, isolation of man from nature, excessive rapidity of social change and the breakdown of natural small-scale communities such as the extended family, the village or the tribe.

They hated Uncle Ted because he told them the truth


But theoretically we could have had the industrial revolution and just decide not to give women rights at the same time. Maybe the industrial revolution is getting a lot of shit it doesn't deserve

1495 brother

Arguably leaving the oceans was a step in the wrong direction.

Sir, this is a wendies

It's obvious now why women weren't given the right to vote for so long. We truly had wise ancestors

There's a reason we made it as far as we did.

Tradition is the solution to a forgotten problem

I stopped reading at "thinker".

Islam is Right about Women.

Islam is right about Allah

Judaism is right about white people

This, but unironically. Whites need to start outjewing themselves.

Tradcels fuming

I certainly hope so, enough is enough.

Just poke that majority enough and we should get over that endless cope&seethe cycle and into the next glorious stage.

Fedposting? On MY /r/drama? It's more likely than you'd think.

Was it that good? You think I could earn employment with these skills?

Lewis imagines a future where the labor of making new human beings is shared among all of us, “mother” no longer being a natural category, but instead something we can choose.

Gradually, I began to hate them

And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

What she doesn't realize is that labor will be done in what is comparable to a modern factory farm, after the declaration of the first gay utopia. Humanity will finally be free of the foid menace.

For real though, they're describing brave new world

Huxley was a better fiction writer than Orwell, and he was better at imagining the corruption of human society.

Provided they (🦖🦖🦖0) do not return to claim their rightful inheritance first, it is inevitable.

My eyes glazed over about 30 seconds in, but I did see this alarming section;

When her mother passed away in late November, she did so thousands of miles away, while Lewis and her brother sang the Taylor Swift song “Safe and Sound” to her over Skype.

That is a level of cruelty that even Otto D. would have called at.

Well, that mother, she got older. She got older and older and older. One day she called up her son and said, "You'd better come see me because I'm very old and sick." So her son came to see her. When he came in the door she tried to sing the song. She sang:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always...

But she couldn't finish because she was too old and sick. The son went to his mother. He picked her up and rocked her back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And he sang this song:



she did so thousands of miles away, while Lewis and her brother sang the Taylor Swift song “Safe and Sound” to her over Skype.

Women were a mistake

thinker Sophie Lewis

a journey she technically wasn’t allowed to make due to the pending status of her green card

Ah, a "thinker" who's apparently unaware of advance parole (form I-131), which is the first thing you read about if you search about traveling abroad while a green card is pending.

It is routine (but not required) to submit I-131 with any green card application. So, whoever's handling her paperwork isn't very bright.

Lefties have pulled this shit many times in history, think mao and his "community meals", the reasoning is religion and the family unit is supposed to make you happy and distract you from the real issues. But this is in fact the problem, if people like something, if you try and take it away, they wont like you.

Jesus's was probably the first recorded attempt at this shit.

They downvoted him because he posted the truth.


lol read another book

Are you retarded, that’s not about destroying the family unit

That's exactly what it was about: that having a family and shit is like throwing a seed of faith into the weeds that strangle it, and that you should abandon your family and give all your stuff to the poor and go wander around with faith that God will provide for you like He provides for birds. There's even a cool structure to that chapter where Jesus foresees all the bullshit like yours and explains in several stages that no, you can't half-ass it, no, it won't work, "and I will tell them: go away from me, I never knew you".

Then the Apostles formed their own a bit more pragmatic commune, where the family unit sort of remained but was stripped of its economic function.

look at this retard capitalizing god like the good book isnt completely made up

That's His pronouns, bigot.

Advocating asceticism is not disavowing family but just working in line with some good old fashioned neoplatonic mysticism. The family is just used to emphasis the point, you’re not giving up your family you’re giving up everything so that you can be elevated.

Yeah, you're giving up everything that could "distract you from the real issues".

Jesus cucked and bulled himself.

Gnostic Jesus fried a child with his heat vision

Her apartment is so squalid. No wonder she needs community support.

This is some children of the trough tier shit

Why don’t I get paid to say dumb stuff?

Look at her West Philadelphia apartment - she's not getting paid either.

Wait, what's that I hear in the distance?




She somehow has an apartment in a rich US city and can afford to fly back and forth across the atlantic ocean. She clearly has a lot more than she deserves.

West Philadelphia

rich US city

Pick one.

A feminist committed to cyborg ecology and queer communism, she is a member of the Out of the Woods collective and an Editor at Blind Field: A Journal of Cultural Inquiry. Full Surrogacy Now is her first book.

Feminist philosopher Sophia Lewis has a RADICAL proposal for WHAT COMES NEXT. What comes next is some deranged narcissist who joined an “anarchist house” for the pussy tells Sophia he is a Marxist feminist and puts his cock down her throat before ghosting her and telling his friends she’s fat and disgusting. And you know what? He’s right.

Goddamn I fucking hate white women.


I love how her whole shtick is torn apart in the second paragraph.

...what some might see as an obvious irony to her crisscrossing the ocean to care for her ailing mother: Verso Books had just published her first book, Full Surrogacy Now, a polemic that calls for abolishing the family.

How come women are incapable conceptualising hypocrisy?

"- I take away the reason and accountability"

Nothing this lady is presenting is new this is exactly what Plato suggests in the Republic; only the reasons for doing so are different. If they’d just read a book they’d see how ignorant they are and just like Platos idea its fucking insanity.

When your daddy issues are so bad not only do you become a feminist “theorist”, but you advocate replacing your dad with the state lol.

Also I’m pretty sure this article just described the entire plot of The Giver.

“Fat woman in dirty apartment hates her family, more news at eleven”

“mother” no longer being a natural category, but instead something we can choose.

you can literally choose not to have sex, choose to use a condom, choose to use birth control, or choose to get an abortion. What the fuck other choices do you need?

I choose to have you pay for it

When Lewis told the professor she’d been under the impression that the program would be about challenging the corporate interests BP represented, Lewis said the professor told her: “You can’t just change the world.”

Based professor talking to some retard twat

The 19th amendment is going to ruin America and the world.

I read this while I was trying to take a shit. After reading it, I do not need fiber for an entire month.

But she also applied her critical feminist eye to film and television, writing about Nymphomaniac, Phantom Thread, The Handmaid’s Tale Hulu adaption, and a British reality dating show called First Dates.


Good morning

So I guess the policy implementation of this would be:

  • Every woman, upon reaching fertile age would be required to go through 1-3 pregnancies and births by anonymous sperm donor.

  • The children would taken at birth and not allowed any contact with their natal mother.

  • They would be moved to a different area and raised collectively without bias.

  • All information concerning parentage would of course be scrubbed.

Pretty sure if a Venn diagram between "family abolitionists" and the types who post on RBN would be a perfect circle.