Some dwarf kid wants to kill himself so redditors are going out of their way to track down any information about him and prove it's a scam.

1  2020-02-21 by d-amazo


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  1. Some dwarf kid wants to kill himsel... -,

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In the 1920's if you gave money to dwarves for being dwarves, it was called a "freak show".

In the 2020's if you give money to dwarves for being dwarves, it's called a "charitable cause".

That's because if you give them enough money they can buy a step stool and join the realm of human beings

They are gonna "OMG we did it Reddit" this kid so bad

I saw multiple posts from parents with kids that go to his school that state that he is the one who teases other kids and then cries when other kids are giving it back to him. I'm not sure how true it is but there are pictures of him flipping off the camera, posing with guns and money, etc. I'd take that story with a grain of salt.



that's a funny skit but i don't think it justifies the internet trying to doxx a 9 year old

There isnt a child actor alive who is that good at acting, don't kid yourself


Children arent good at anything.

Also seethe.

If you couldn't tell his video was clearly a grift, then you should sign off the internet forever


Jesus, that kid is heinously ugly.

He's not nine years old. The problem here is you are retarded.

Did you really come into a four day old thread to be this stupid?


That's a grown ass man

Let's agree to disagree

Redditors are some of the stupidest people on the planet, surpassed only by Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube users. Here's another thread responding to a tard who thinks the kid is 18 (OP was removed but you can still see his replies).

I got downvoted to hell in another thread of retards arguing he's actually an adult scammer.

His family arent even the ones running the gofundme. Its some d tier comedian.

Serious question is that dwarf part abo

it appears that way. apparently dwarf abbos are like hideous unicorns. lol the comments are full of people raging

obviously because that just proves it's all a scam and he's actually a 24 year old grifter or something.

Hes just a retarded midget. His mother/handler is the grifter.

Why are u white knighting this abo who clearly hood winked you?

Its either side with the abbo dwarf or redditors and Twitter users. I picked the side with less genetic defects.

lmao flexing with like 170 bucks

Everything's been deleted. - apparently this is the Twitter. If it is, the the lads are wewing.

if you actually think that twitter is real, you might want to get checked out for advanced mental retardation.

Did I say it is? That's why I said apparently. I'll reschedule my retard appt for yourself.

should i have said "anyone" instead of "you" so that your smooth brain can properly interpret generalized sentences


If it is

you cant have it both ways, you were retarded enough to think there's even a chance it was real

Why does this dude get support but Patron Saint Bagelcel got ostracized from society???

because it's acceptable for 9 year olds to cry about being bullied, not adult men.

can't be ostracized again if you were already out for being a manlet.

Thereโ€™s a difference between an Indigenous Dwarf oppressed by an intersection of racism and ableism, and a toxic white male incel on the shorter side of ordinary abled variation in height. Do better sweaty.

Because Bagelcel is subhuman as fuk and white.

yeah the mums kid is a disgusting trollop and fucked an abbo and shes clearly trying to scam money