Say goodbye to all that delicious stinky food brexidiots!

1  2020-02-21 by unrulyfarmhand


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  1. Say goodbye to all that delicious s... -,

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this is legit making me angry. I visited London one time with my family, and the only good food was foreign food. Native British ‘cuisine’ tastes like shit. Even the English breakfast I got was ass, because they decided to add shitloads of aids-tasting beans on everything

But Paki curry is shit tbh. Did maybe 4 restaurants there were all the same tasting. Spicy cheap meat with rice. Enjoy your diversity brother.

France is their southern neighbour but they prefer to import rape culture and shitty food from Pakistan instead of nice wine and baguettes. To improve "diversity"? 🤔


yeah bro i’m sure shitty french bread and terrible tasting wine is actually the greatest cuisine ever

wash yourself frog

Would your wife like some taharrush with your falafel kind sir?

Native British ‘cuisine’ tastes like shit

hence them becoming sailors

Beef Wellington's, Fish and Chips and Jellied Eels are the only good things to ever come out of a Britbong kitchen.

One of the more popular ways we Brits disguise the absolute mediocrity of our food is with garlic - lots and lots of garlic, to the point of it being overwhelming.

And yeah, I agree, beans are rank.

Besides Spain, Italy, and Portugal, Western European food is all fucking garbage. The Dutch should annexed for what they try to pass as food.

I hate the French as much as everyone else but you can’t not include them in that list.

It's all presentation, the food itself is nothing special.

You don't like the plowman's lunch, fish and chips, or steak and kidney pie?

Pies are fucken good, not as good as NZ pies though.

Still the go to for the positivity of diversity. Have they though about getting the recipe though

Mayos can't resist trying to make shit keto friendly and whatnot, thus ruining everything

Mayos can't resist trying to make shit keto friendly and whatnot, thus ruining everything

This is really bad for bongs. Their food is shit and they’re so badly cucked by minorities since they won’t just oh I dunno let whyty make the foreign food for the pearl clutching reason of “cultural appropriation” lmao pathetic

Good curry without the gang rape would be a solid business plan

eh, it doesn't taste the same without the gang rape imho

like chinese food without MSG

New Home Office rules applied from next year will mean skilled overseas workers must speak English and earn at least £25,600 a year.

If people owning curry shops aren't bringing in £25,600 a year how are they still open?

Fraud and tax credits from their 9 rape babies.

I thought bongs exclusively ate vinegar soaked bread

They also eat pickled fish.

Why do people even listen to what bongs have to say.

Western/Northern Europe is so disgusting their pickled fish aren't even the worst in that part of the planet. Fucking Iceland just buries shark meat in sand until it ferments.

Destroy all culinary traditions that obviously only existed because mankind had yet to gift himself the refrigerator.

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Daily reminder that Western-Europeans conquered half the world because they were tired of eating just turnips and beets.

Doubt (X)

Brits can't even fucking cook so this is a national nightmare for those who have taste buds

If you think British cuisine is better you're a retard

white people cannot cook curry. it is forbidden

lmao curry is literally the easiest shit to make in the world, do people think food from a society of a billion people living in primitive conditions and abject poverty and starvation is somehow difficult to replicate?

shit is like Taco Bell where you just mix and match from an ingredient list of about a dozen spices, 5 or 6 veg and a few different meats which lets you make everything from britbongi tikka masala to Goan xacuti to vindaloo to rogan josh and everything in between