r/drama universe appreciation post

1  2020-02-21 by Heisenberg_007

If I were a NEET autistic fuck, I know you guys would be my home. And I want y'all(yikes!) to know that.

Also tell me what are you guys doing these days, drama wise particularly. Thank you


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Are you a lolbertarian?


I remember you from my commodification of future post.

You brought up Asimov. I read him recently. Which is your favorite short story? I really liked the last answer and ugly little boy.

Ooh I liked Ursula in that, but that's the only story I had read. Honestly it wasn't all that great.

I need to check out ole doc

Ole Doc is good. It's prime heyday of pulp science fiction.

Even though L Ron went nuts (or was nuts already) after it, his early sci-fi writing material was really good.

I'm telling all kinds of misogynistic/sexist shit to my female friends. Since they know me as sensitive/progressive guy they can't be sure whether I'm sincere or no, which is causing some epic confusion moments. That's all there's for drama, my life is pretty boring tbh.

Oh and I'll probably be joining in military in a few months because in here it's compulsory for men. On the one hand I'm kind of relieved because I was stressing out due to unemployment (our economy is shit, we have 30% youth unemployment and it's very hard to find a job in this market), I won't have to think about my life for 6 months. OTOH, I don't like being in such a strict-disciplined conditions. People say the military is changed for better in the last ten years but idk.

Ooh I do that one friend of mine, it is so fun when they themselves are cool with it.

Also let me guess, Ukrainian?

Yea, I am too getting out of college now. And it's scary kinda

Nope, Turkish.

Are you a STEMcell? What's your degree in?

Yea mechanical engineering lool

Cool, good luck!

Here's a song for ya

Hell yeah brother. Keep fighting the good fight.

I sometimes read news about this kinda stuff. Are you planning to move to Western Europe? Because I’ve heard Turkey has been getting a lot of brain drain with all the talented ya’s moving to other countries

Yeah, especially people from top colleges leaving as fast as they can. My problem is my college was mediocre at best and ELT isn't what I want to do tbh. I'm thinking getting a second BS from a good university in a field I'm interested in, then try PhD/Master's in Europe or USA. Idk fam, I really have no clue what I'm gonna do. I'll think about it after my military adventure.

Well, best of luck to you. I’m a Burger, so it’s hard for me when I just move between states. Good luck moving between whole countries

Thanks. I never quite liked traveling either. It just seems so much hassle. Building a whole new life in a culture I never knew before? That's on a whole new level but you gotta do what you gotta do.

dont worry too much about the strict discipline part, youll be comfortable with it pretty quickly once you learn what its about. the rules are there to keep people respectful and dutiful, not to bully you around and make your life miserable. if you do your job then you'll have a good positive experience

I think about it that way too. If I get used to it maybe I can stay in military, the government pays military personnel handsomely. I could try it out for a year.

theres plenty of administrative desk jobs and a career in the military will give you financial and job security, and often there are many more benefits from being a government employee.

Come on, you can be more resourceful than that. I'm sure there's lots of people here who would help you make a gay porn video to send to the draft board.

I'm telling all kinds of misogynistic/sexist shit to my female friends.

I just let them talk, they say misogynist stuff that would immediatelly get you labelled an alt-rite incel on half of internet daily, literally the only thing you need to do to hear it is not stop them when they start.

griefing in oldschool runescape pretty much daily. they keep patching my griefing methods so a lot of the fun stuff is gone, but i still regularly grief people training thieving when they have an npc trapped by untrapping the npc or despawning it. i also like to go to rev caves with my crystal bow and rag the other ironmen there that pay clans for protection which is cheating imho. theres plenty other things i do to grief but thats just some examples of what i do all day instead of leveling up or doing anything productive on my account.

my rsn is ponybologna pm me if u wanna play sometime, ill give a bond to any dramachads that wanna make an account and try it out, the mobile app is really nice.

What's griefing

It’s what a thirty year old lolbertarian playing Minecraft does

fucking with other people to piss them off. something thats very disruptive but totally allowed by the game, like crashing someone training their hunter skill by putting down your own traps everywhere so they cant put down theirs, or killing defenseless people that have 0 items on them and are just training at the agility course in the pvp zone

Oh I wanna take up on that offer, I would definitely dm you in case I try the mobile app out.

Anyway what grief do you have?

im just bored and like creating chaos, but when people are cool about it and dont take it personal i switch sides and help them out and usually drop them some items as a gift

I did something similar when I was hammered and bored. I'd go to the best mining spots and just start mining without saying anything. If they got pissed off and flamed me I would keep doing it and even hop worlds to piss them off more. But if they asked politely I would just leave. Was actually a fun way to get mining xp


flipdawhip, I mostly get on to check ge buy/sells though

same except i cant since im an ironman btw

Shutup pussy lol

Also tell me what are you guys doing these days, drama wise particularly

I'm a salarycuck so sadly it's harder to partake in drama aside from the occasional afternoon shitpost when the workload gets slow. Lately it's been going on this boomer city forum and baiting rightoids and leftoids on the politics section, pretty fun ngl

I'm gloating about commie daddy being in the lead to piss off my irl libcuck daddy

If bernie wins he has to publicly announce that i was right and he was wrong

If I were a NEET autistic fuck

