The Mavericks "Come Unto Me" (2012 Americana Music Festival)

1  2020-02-22 by aduketsavar


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. The Mavericks "Come Unto Me" (2012 ... -,*

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Funny story, this was one of my favorite songs when it came out. I think I heard this on Conan O'Brien's show first. In Youtube it had, what, 30 thousand or so views till 2015/2016 and then I forgot about it. All of a sudden I remembered it and lo and behold, it has 600K+ views. Now I checked their other songs and it seems like The Mavericks built a pretty good audience. Can anyone tell me when did this happen? Or were they always popular?

cool story, enjoy the ban

Does the ban award really do anything tho? After five minutes I received the award I was still be able to comment and to this hour I still can.

no clue, i just saw the award symbol and assumed u got the b&hammer

Does this also mean Pizza isn't actually banned?

The award itself just shows the jannies that they need to ban you for a certain amount of time. Once one of them sees it you should get banned.


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