Batten down the hatches, feminist YouTuber Arielle Scarcella has just sailed herself deliberately into the shiticane of wokeness

1  2020-02-22 by fernguts


I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


  1. Batten down the hatches, feminist Y... -,

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Based and lesbianpilled

Yeah literally who?

Someone with 637,000 more subscribers than your YouTube channel?

Lol, imagine unironically having a youtube channel

You're even more pathetic. You have a Reddit account.


Uhh hello? Based department?

I’m looking for a basedment apartment

I know its just the lighting but it makes her look she has a five o'clock shadow on her lips.

And that's great.

Thought she seemed cool, look at the rest of her channel.... that's gonna be a no from me dog

It's almost as if encouraging people to be perpetually triggered tends to cause people to be triggered and turn on each other...

So shocking and brave....

This is how I imagine dramasexual, except this youtuber has nicer hair and a more shapely nose.

Same. Volcel if you wouldn’t.

She's a lesbian, so you have to have a girlcock if you want to hit that.

The absolute state of this comment making sense to me in current year+5.

We need to make better choices as a society.

Oh goddamn it. I already know about all of this but I have to watch any linked documentary. Thanks for reminding me though, don’t think I ever finished this one.

Follow it up with this one

Haven’t seen that one. I have vampire rules, you are killing me but thanks for the docs.

no? just some guy.

I think there have been a few docs on this then. Watching either way.

Expect to see more and more of this in the future, mark my words. People will see a perfectly reasonable person like this dragged through the mud by insane cultists and its gonna wake them the fuck up

it’s over for lgtb-cels


Fuck this bitch!! 🖕


Good morning she's ok.

I’ve known her channel way back when she was just a normal lesbian before her TERF days and I was still a huge SJW. I don’t support wearing makeup and I also don’t wear makeup myself 99% of the time but damn, she needs some color on her face.

I try not to judge by people’s looks but I really can’t get over her dull complexation just like I cannot get over Blaire White’s fish mouth. When they talk, I can’t focus on what they are saying. And they have a video together. It triggers me so much.

dragged periodt

She's been slandered all over. I understand why she's getting the fuck out.

shes kinda cute

u think shes sure about that lesbo thing?


Arielle snapped and good for her

Our old friend The_Reason_Trump_Won is validated yet again.

Genital preference is transphobic?


Rofl, that's not a lesbian. A lesbian is a woman who likes women. If someone doesn't like a woman because she has a penis, she's not a lesbian. She's a fauxbian and a transphobe.