Somehow incels seem less pathetic here than IT

1  2020-02-22 by hugegrav


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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. Somehow incels seem less pathetic h... -,

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Incels are almost always less pathetic than IT

Incels die on their feet and IT get cuckolded on their knees.



Both former are volcels who don't know it and the latter are actual incels.

Incels are pathetic but a lot of them are surprisingly smart

They've spent years studying the blade

That's a pretty low bar

an IQ of 90 is not smart

Only measures memory, and pattern recognition, and only in the context of speed.

at least they own it the inceltears guys are just in denial

Look at how many of the subreddits r/IncelTears users tend to post on involve degrading others.

That subreddit name.....

holy shit that OP is sperging out big time in the comments

>comment basically saying "i feel bad for incels their life must suck tbh and inceltears is just as cringe just look at this pic from one of their meetups"

Cry more incel. Plus the Inceltines meetup thing was a uscc meme to mock incels. "noooo how dare u not hate women and not want to genocide women, ur not good looking and are projecting!!!" Nice incel sentiment bro

keep projecting please

"loool keep PROJECTING BRO!!! Being rational and not being an inkwell extremist = PROJECTIONS!!!!"

Stay assmad incel, plus those "inceltears" meetup is literally a picture of that reddit meetup ive seen on 4chan as an insult to redditors so many times. I FUCKING DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS INCEL.

absolutely seething


Wtf. That got weirder and more hilarious with each comment. Hoping it’s just one dude role playing with alts, otherwise that dude is 4sho gonna shoot up a mall or something.

It's a troll account you mong. Just look at how his entire post history is emoji spam, the gamer word, and him calling everyone an incsl or that they look like one.


I want more real psychotic redditors. I should have saved the names of the ones I’ve found.

Schizo and conspiracy subs are full of em

Dude check out r/echerdex

Terrence McKenna in first 5 posts

Nice I know these types.

Dont talk bad about Terrence McKenna. He may be a spunion but has so prolific insights into psychedelia

every account is a troll account including mine

Hes literally a incel and too retarded to see it lol. Or a troll, its so on the nose

Lmao i drop out of school kek i just sit in my room all day but im deffo better off than you incel

noooo how dare u not hate women and not want to genocide women

Based schizo

You know this retard thinks they're so empathetic too.

He's a troll, how is this sub retarded enough to fall for this.

The account has a fuck ton of posts saying dumb shit and the account is like 2 days old.

Because I've seen simps say worse shit than that.

Bro if he's trolling and voluntarily spending 10 hours in Reddit bullying retards, he still deserves to be bullied for spending more than 5 hours in reddit

Yeah but Idk, I find spending 10 hours bullying people on reddit more respectable than spending 10 hours using reddit normally.

Or at least more boring than someone actually mentally unhinged.

trolling is drama

why do "incel haters" are just as ugly and neckbeardead?

Looks like a troll.

Incels and inceltears are the reddit verison of wings of redemption/dsp and their "fan" base. Pathetic losers with even greater loser obsessing over everything they do to point of not having a life outside of them


I can’t decide if I’m more disgusted with the poster for misrepresenting the Boston and Seattle meetups as inceltears, or myself for recognizing those pictures.

Incels are the Master Race, we should take over reddit