Pizzashill goes full on rightoid, defending freezepeach. Every shitlib on r/publicfreakout comes out to defend their constitutional right to punch people that say mean things

1  2020-02-22 by Kat_B0T


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I was banned from publicfreakout because i rustled too many feathers by making a dindu joke.

And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


  1. Pizzashill goes full on rightoid, d... -,

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Anyone who uses the freezepeach meme deserves the rope

Imagine caring about one of the fundamental rights your civilization is based on.

Then say free speech and not freezepeach like an r/politics retard

I'm agreeing with you that the meme is awful. I don't think people who say it should be killed, though.

I do


Thanks remote

Honest question. Why would you ever want a Redditor to send you book or music suggestions lmao

Books is carry over from what I had on my old account when Reddit was different and I being a burger am just too lazy to change it. But I love all kinds of music hell this shit phone has a 128 gb storage and I believe 117 of it is solely music. I have a whole external dedicated to the organization and collection of my music library. Once youtube fucked with the recommendations algorithm it became much harder to find newer artists and scouring itunes is a pain.

Spotify my guy

Most of the music I listen to now i either found from the discover playlist or just going to an artist I like's radio playlist, or from it popping up on a daily mix. iTunes has always been ass

But what about impeachmints?

Them and their spouse deserve the rope for that one.

How about "riding deaf quads" or "day of tropes"?

Not sure I know this one. Explain.

Some stupid zoomer shit.

Just say them out loud a couple of times. Like, "man reading r/politics sure makes me yearn for riding death quads, not to mention they have tropes."

Right wing death squads? What the fuck kind of zoomer bullshit are you trying to say you retard?

No, you have it there. Right wing death squads and day of the rope.

Don't see how those are zoomer things, but you do you.

Dude I still have zero idea what you are saying. Stop speaking retard and explain it logically.

Riding deaf quads is supposed to be some unfunny faggot way of saying right wing death squads, they've tropes on the other hand I have no fucking clue.

The have T-ropes? Some kind of tranny joke? The rope?

explain it logically.

Having a daughter is the ultimate form of cuckoldry

their spouse

What you think these niggas are married?

Okay this funkopop, waifu, steam collection gets the rope

Noooooo, not my Funkerinos!! The new Rose from Last Jedi (deleted scenes) comes out next month!

Peachy mints*

Imagine thinking your civilization is only 250 years old.

Basically is.

Based on, not founded on.

Right. A base is often somewhere around the middle or even the end of the thing.

The base of a civilization can change. European civilization didn't start over with Christianization.

Well considering it's older than Christianity and liberalism, it clearly wasn't based on either.

Yeah but they ate they own poo-poo and lived in caves then.

White women out there keeping us close to our roots.


Good thing I was never a chili guy.


imagine thinking anything before america mattered

>10 instances of "Continue this thread"


You think my boy a quitter!?!?

i cant do it

When your average person would just get tired of arguing, pizza shit persevered.

Ya gotta respect about him. He literally doesn't stop. Even Watermark will quit eventually but not Pizzashill.

He's like the shitbull of Reddit slap fighters.

And he does it for free!

Nevertheless, he persisted.

Its like watching a kung fu movie where a bunch of young punks start hassling an old man, and he reluctantly schools them all, they punch wildly, then look surprised when their target is no longer there, or their punch has been steered into the face of a compatriot.



Mannn I am fucking torn. On one hand a goose stepping mayo got want he always wanted, which was to be a victim. On the other hand you have a basketball going all 13/52. The only thing that could have made this truly centrist pilled is if the Zim showed up at the end and caught another body.


It’s 13/95 now

13/90 asshole

Nope. Just ask mini mike.

Mini Mike is more based than Blormph. Deal with it.


that 80-day ban knocked some sense into him

Why do rightoids here constantly whine about lippy bitches being set straight? 'Say shit, get hit' has been part of human interaction since the beginning of time. Their soy-infused cries of 'Assault!' isn't going to change that.

Cause leftoids usually don't rely on their muscles but instead use shit like crowbars.

None of the recent examples posted here involved a twink with a crowbar. Just straight up ass beatings. Yet all the local rightoids where crying about how the lippy mayoids that got stomped could press charges. It's a sad state of affairs.

I was thinking of that famous antifa video where the twink pulled a baton on some rightoid.

This was like 2 years ago my dude

The video on public freakout is even older

Bike lock super soldiers.

because when we do it back to them they cry to the cops about hate crimes and get people locked up

at least have some consistency

When we do it to them? We both know rightoids don't have the courage to attack anyone other than antifa tweens.

lmao what happened to muh scary totally real white supremacist terror

Go ahead and prosecute someone who attacked a literal Nazi. See how that works out for you

Quite possibly the single most retarded take I’ve seen lately. I’m gonna keep a happy thought and assume this person is a Yuropean.

assume this person is a Yuropean

What did he mean be this 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

If we don’t pretend the Poles are people they will call us Nazis.

Poland is one of the few human settlements on the benighted continent of Europe. So far, by gracefully accepting the beutific sheltering aura of the U.S. military, they have managed to survive and even thrive despite constant assault by native yuropeans.

Nah, we are used to it, if you want to piss off poles say "polish death camps".

I mean, bike lock guy got away nearly scot free, so he's not wrong.

That was in Berkeley, so the jury was likely 100% boomerlib wine moms.


There’s a reason they call it the ninth circus dude.

I hate to get all lawerly about this, but I think it would work-out really well for the prosecution.

It’s funny too because if the Euro soys did a better job fighting Nazis 100 years ago they wouldn’t have to act so macho saying we should punch them all now. Where was this attitude when Hitler was invading Czechoslovakia? Lol

All Hitler had to do was say he hates Gypsies and they all let him steamroll eastern Europe.

Had this argument with a dumbass SRDine. These people are dumb.

It’s not just “words”. Nazis call for the systematic destruction of multiple races of people. This country literally fought a war against them and just because they aren’t specifically attacking you doesn’t mean they are right, or should be heard in any way

How many updoots would this cliché argument get in a court of law? Enough for an acquittal?


But your honor, look at the updoots and reddit lawyers say I’m right.

It rests on whether the defendant can prove the Nazi was indeed a member of the Axis powers.

Someone would need to guild.

Pizzachad on another rampage. 😎 He's like a samurai surrounded by a mountain of corpses of the tards who tried to attack him.

I wonder if he supports Mike Bloomberg.

he supports banging kids, so i assume he's a biden bro

Pizza wears the #1 headband.

Alright. When you use your free speech to preach hate, expect an ass whooping that you rightfully deserve. 👍 I carry a gun, so no worries there.

God I fucking love Pizzashill. Is there some way we can unban him?

For his own wellbeing, I think it's good that he doesn't spend all his time on this subreddit.

That sounds suspiciously like you value pizzashills well being more than our enjoyment.

He’s training in the wilderness that is plebbit so that he can return even stronger and finally BTFO all the rightoids, returning r/drama to true centrism, as Allah willed.

Are rightoids Republicans?

If so, is a leftoid a democrat?

Yeah but they can also be any other right-leaning or left-leaning ideology, extreme examples being fascism and socialism/communism.

Our boy pizzashill is pretty left-leaning so it’s a lot of fun watching him writing essays defending nazis.

newfag out


It's like when Rocky went to train in Russia so he could beat Drago and end the Cold War. Pizza will end racism and Klobuchad will win the presidency

I care and cherish all of my brothers here, which is why I advocate we delete the entire sub.

Nazis deserve to be punched.

People who punch the nazis without legal justification deserved to be punished by the law. Easy.

i like how theyve got like 2 instances of someone actually punching a guy and its this video of an unrelated nigger and the richard spencer sucker punch lmao

First they came for the Nazis and I didn't speak out because I was not a Nazi.

Imagine if there was a child there to hear that jackass's speech. Now imagine that child internalising that hate. That is harm done.

How stupid would that kid actually have to be?

now imagine pizzashill banging that child...

actually........ dont

If you are not willing to literally fight for your beliefs then shut up about them in public

Pizza is one of few truly radcens on this site.

Anyone who says not to fight when someone says a bad word are pussies. Probably the type of guy to look down and walk away when being called a little bitch.

Holy shit some of those guys are furious lmao


Literally just spend 30 mins reading this

Desire for genocide isn’t a civil right, Cletus.

It literally is lmfao. How does society even create these niggas?

I blame atheism, they really need to bring Islam back to the classroom imo

What are you guys talking about? Political violence is cool and based. How else can we end the technological revolution and its consequences?

Sweaty, have you ever heard of the paradox of telerance? 💅🏻

Damn dude can raid alone and comeback with few scratches.

By definition they are perpetrators of violence, dummy. You should be prepared to get your shit kicked in wearing a Nazi armband in public. You either have never met a real neo Nazi or are one of them, either way go fuck yourself.

Yeah violence is way better than ideas says the guy on the forum full of words

Wow. Pizza can literally cause people to meltdown.

make your mind up are white people scared of everything or scary spooky totally real terrorists